China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 687 Cao Xuan: I’m almost forty, and there are still people who care about me.

Daxing, a famous horse farm

Cao Xuan galloped on his horse, suddenly drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow at the target about twenty-five meters away from the side of the galloping road.

The arrow was extremely fast and landed firmly on the target. Although it did not hit the target, it was not far off.

"Good archery skills."

Several onlookers praised him one after another. Cao Xuan reined in his horse and turned around. He glanced at the target and couldn't help but shake his head.

"What kind of good archery technique is this? Only if you can hit the target with perfect accuracy within thirty meters can you be considered a master."

This could be hidden from others, but not from Wu Jing, who was born in a martial arts family.

"You are too modest. Mounted archery is inherently difficult. This level would have allowed you to become an elite cavalry in ancient times."

"You think the elite cavalry is nothing, but I rely on my bow."

Cao Xuan knew it well. He had seen masters, and his archery teacher was extremely good. Sixty meters away, he looked at the target, which was not much bigger than a matchbox. He rode on Pegasus and shot, and three arrows hit the target.

My level may be good in the amateur world, but compared with those experts, to say that I am a beginner would be too polite.

Ignoring Wu Jing and the others, Cao Xuan rode on horseback and shot a few more rounds. Although not many hit the bull's-eye, the arrows still hit the target.

Archery is a sport that Cao Xuan has just fallen in love with in the past two years. The reason is that when he played "Eagle Eye", he did a lot of targeted archery training for filming.

After the filming of the movie was finished, he never put it down. He practiced in his spare time. After going back and forth, he gradually felt the charm of these sports.

Originally it was just for filming, but later I really fell in love with it. I would make gestures whenever I had nothing to do, and even built a special arrow room at home.

Cao Xuan, who had always loved riding horses, now fell in love with archery. How could he not have the idea of ​​riding on horseback?

So I hired a teacher specifically. Practice foot shooting at home, come to the racecourse to ride horses when you have time, and practice riding shooting by the way.

After Cao Xuan raised horses, he was very interested in this place. Naturally, his riding skills improved quickly. He had a solid foundation, which also laid the foundation for his riding and shooting. He was in good physical shape, but he was still a little stumbling when he first learned it. Time As time goes by, there is gain in small things.

"It looks like I can practice the thirty-meter target next time."

After practicing for more than half an hour, Cao Xuan took a break and thought about whether to increase the difficulty next time.

It is his hobby + the need for filming, and he is willing to work hard, but he does not expect to be too perfect. He just needs to hit the target, and he does not expect the arrow to hit the bull's eye.

He doesn't participate in competitions. He mainly wants to have a sense of accomplishment and have a handsome posture...

Turning over and dismounting, Cao Xuan stroked his "Wuzhai" for a while, not forgetting to praise him a few times. Wuzhui nuzzled him affectionately, and then snorted comfortably.

This Arabian horse is in his early 10s, which is already middle-aged for a horse.

He has been with Cao Xuan for six years since he joined the racecourse in 2008. The two have a close relationship. Although there are some of his offspring at the racecourse, Cao Xuan only rides Wu Zui every time he comes to the racecourse.

When the two interacted, Wu Jing also led the horse over. He looked at Wu Zui with a bit of envy, but he didn't think about speaking.

Although the mount is not comparable to my wife, not everyone can ride it.

Except for the exclusive staff of the racecourse, Cao Xuan himself, and Cao Xuan occasionally taking his two children for a spin, even the East and West Palaces have not been ridden much.

Let alone others. Wu Jing and Yu Jian have a very good relationship. They also participate in each other's racecourse, and sometimes come to Cao Xuan's racecourse to play. However, in the past few years, they have not seen anyone else ride Wu Zhui.

Not to mention Wu Zhui, sometimes when Cao Xuan is in a good mood, and they ride around Wu Zhui's direct bloodline, it's like God's eyes are opened.

Wu Jing remembered that during the Chinese New Year this year, Yu Jian bought Cao Xuan something good to coax his father-in-law, which also made Cao Xuan relieved and let Yu Jian play with Wu Zhui's son all afternoon.

Good guy, this makes Uncle Yu very happy.

The smile on his face didn't stop for three days. During that time, Jiantian went to a group of friends to have dinner and brag about it.

As a result, I drank too much. I caught up with a business performance at night and was asked to do a cross talk. I was so drunk that I was dizzy. I only relied on my consciousness to praise him. This was very painful for the little black fat man. The whole cross talk was about clouds and mountains surrounded by fog. He almost Didn't die on stage...

Wu Jing's fiery eyes made Wu Zui feel a little uncomfortable, and he turned his head to avoid it. The latter scratched his nose in embarrassment, but did not move.

When Cao Jun saw this, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly knew something in his heart: "You want to see me for something?"

He said that Wu Jing's arrival today was strange. Not long after he arrived at the racecourse, this guy called and said he was coming over. Apparently he had communicated with someone specifically to block him.

"It's not interesting either."

Wu Jing's eyes were wandering and he was a little embarrassed. Cao Xuan was greatly surprised: "Why did you get married and become such a bitch?"

In May this year, Wu Jing married his girlfriend Xie Nan. Cao Xuan was working on an album at the time and even came to congratulate them.

If he wasn't afraid of stealing the limelight and his children were in elementary school, with his relationship with Wu Jing, he might be able to be the best man again.

"Hurry up, you have something to say and nothing to say."

Cao Xuan couldn't stand Wu Jing's stubbornness and kept urging him, but Wu Jing simply gave up.

"I want to make movies."

"Just shoot."

Cao Xuan replied casually, then quickly reacted and looked at the other party with strange eyes.

"You mean... you want to be a director?"

After saying the words, Wu Jing no longer hesitated and said, "I have been thinking about this for a long time. It is also a dream of mine. I have almost prepared the book. I have always wanted to give you a pass.

If you like it, it's best to invest. If you don't like it, I'll shamelessly ask you to borrow a sum of money. If you make money, I'll give you high interest. If you lose it, I'll sell the iron to fix the hole..."

"Wait a minute, I need those two dollars from you."

Looking at Wu Jing swearing by the bet, Cao Xuan couldn't laugh or cry, so he quickly stopped the conversation and asked him to relax before talking slowly.

In fact, things were pretty much what he expected. Wu Jing had always wanted to be a director. In the past two years, seeing many people succeed across industries, the fire in his heart became increasingly difficult to contain.

Wu Jing now is actually much more successful than in the original time and space.

Wu Jing of the original time and space is actually a bit embarrassed at this stage. He is well-known and has a celebrity status, but he has always been lukewarm and can only act as a supporting actor for those Hong Kong actors in some movies.

But things are different now. In 2011, "The Raid" starring Wu Jing grossed over 200 million, successfully becoming a new generation of action stars.

Last year "The Raid 2" was released, although the reputation was somewhat divided. Some people thought it was not as good as the first film, while others thought the fighting scenes were more intense and more bloody than the first film.

But the box office is actually much better than the first one, with a box office of 420 million, ranking among the top 20 in last year's annual box office list.

Currently, there are only four people ahead of him in terms of action star appeal——

Cao Xuan, Cheng Long, Li Lianjie, Zhen Zizi

The white-faced babyface of that year, with the help of the "Raid" series, touched the threshold of "Kung Fu Superstar" for the first time.

Fanxing even reached cooperation with Xiangjiang Yindu and Bona to launch the "Slaying the Wolf 2" project.

Wu Jing is the first starring role, and he also invited Thai boxing champion Tony Jaa, Zhang Jin, and Zhao Wenzhuo to create another action feast with fists and fists.

"Slaying the Wolf 2" has just finished filming in the first half of the year and is expected to be released in the summer next year, adding to Wu Jing's journey to become an "action star".

It was precisely because of the existence of "Slaying the Wolf 2" that Wu Jing wanted to try directing a movie by himself.

He already had an idea for a movie. Wu Jing has always had a military plot. In the first film of "The Raid", the protagonist group was considered a special forces unit. The special operations method shown in the movie made his eyes light up. He thought about making a movie with the characteristics of Chinese soldiers. A military + action movie with elements.

That's right, Wu Jing hasn't figured out the main theme yet.

Because in the current impression, although the main theme is not a derogatory term, it is not flattering in artistic creation.

Therefore, Wu Jing did not think about the main theme, and focused more on military design and action scenes. "Wolf Warrior 2" is where he really discovered the brilliance of the main theme.

Listening to Wu Jing's eloquent talk about his various ideas about the movie, Cao Xuan nodded.

"I asked you why you suddenly went to act in a special forces TV series last year. We started planning for this at that time."

Movie stars rarely appear in TV dramas, and if they did happen, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it would still attract widespread attention.

It's just that there are too many artists doing this in Fanxing. There was Fan Xiaopang who started his own business in the past, and Hu Ge, Damimi, Huang Bo, Duan Long, Jiao Enjun and others behind him have also appeared in TV series, so Wu Jing has nothing to do. Sense of presence.

"I also wanted to have the opportunity to go to the military camp to see it, and then learn how to shoot other people's military dramas. I benefited a lot."

Wu Jing had some thoughts and said firmly: "At the same time, it also strengthened my idea that the subject of Chinese special forces has something to do."

"If you have a head start, do it."

Cao Xuan didn't say much and directly asked Wu Jing how much money he lacked. Wu Jing was a little embarrassed.

"It is estimated that the total investment plus publicity and distribution should be 150 million. With all my own savings, plus the mortgage on the house, and some foreign debt, I can make up almost 80 million. The rest will have to rely on the company."

"It's not a lot of money, but if you pay for the house, you won't be afraid of your whole family sleeping on the street."

Wu Jing smiled reservedly: "My wife said that if I lose money, she will support me."

Cao Xuan was stuffed with a lot of dog food and kicked him angrily.

"It's the company's rules. The book needs to be reviewed. You can go back to Lao Chen. As long as he passes it, don't borrow any foreign debts. It's best not to pay off the house."

Cao Xuan knew that the "Wolf Warrior" project would most likely make money. The more Wu Jing invested, the more he would make.

So he didn't try hard to stop him, he just told him that if he wanted to gamble, he could do it. It didn't matter if he had a steady hand.

As long as the "Wolf Warrior" project is completed, Wu Jing will not be short of money in the future.

Wu Jing did not expect this to go so smoothly and was overjoyed.

To be honest, he knew Cao Xuan's character and that was all, but he was still very serious about movies. It was not easy to be a director, and Fanxing didn't invest in every project.

Friends are friends, business is business, these are two completely different things.

Therefore, Wu Jing's biggest purpose this time is not to attract investment, but to borrow money.

Boss Cao is wealthy. As long as he can repay the money, a friend who loaned him a hundred or two hundred million is just a fool. Cao Xuan may not be helpless even if it's ten figures.

He never thought that Cao Xuan would not borrow money, and this little money was nothing to Boss Cao, but he was worried that if Cao Xuan knew that he was so desperate, he would stop him in order to prevent him from harming the whole family.

Unexpectedly, Cao Xuan directly agreed to invest in the movie, which greatly relieved his urgent need.

In addition to being pleasantly surprised, Wu Jing was also filled with gratitude.

He believed that the reason why Cao Xuan invested was not necessarily because he was optimistic about him, but because he was afraid that he would lose everything and wanted to help him.

"thank you."

Cao Xuan, who was thinking about building a manor on the outskirts of Beijing if "Wolf Warrior 2" could still win so much at the box office, heard Wu Jing's words and showed a righteous smile on his face.

"You're welcome. Which one of us will follow the other?"

After chatting about movies, Cao Xuan suddenly remembered something, settled Wu Zhui, ran to the swimming pool of the racecourse, and then asked someone to bring a bucket of ice.

"What is this for?"

Wu Jing looked confused, and Cao Xuan explained: "The ice bucket challenge is currently popular in the United States, which is probably a charity promotion for people with ALS.

Everyone can either get a bucket of ice water or donate $100, and each challenger @3 friends and family members will pass this challenge on.

Robert Downey Jr., the guy who played Iron Man, @me, and you happen to be here, come and get wet with me. "

Wu Jing: "..."

Why should I shower with you?

However, he also realized that he had heard of this challenge. It seemed that Liu Tianwang and Xiaomi’s Mr. Lei had participated in this event and it was even on the hot search list.

Cao Xuan explained specifically that this activity is not considered out of the circle in China, but it is very popular abroad, and even several world-class rich people and even the President of the United States are involved in it.

And that great commander. Because she was concerned about her image, she did not participate in the challenge. Instead, she donated $100, which was criticized by the Internet and public opinion.

As an international superstar, Cao Xuan naturally cannot escape. @He is far more than just Robert Downey Jr. He has tens of thousands of people on Twitter alone.

His team in the United States specially communicated with him on this matter, fearing that Cao Xuan would not pay attention to this matter, which would affect his image and reputation.

Even the organization that initiated this event sent a special email to Cao Xuan’s team.

I hope he will participate in this event and use his influence in China and Asia to promote this event at home and in Asia, so as to attract everyone's attention and attention to the ALS community.

Cao Xuan readily agreed. He knew about the disease of amyotrophic ALS.

Simply put, it is a terminal disease of muscle atrophy, which causes people's muscles and nerves to gradually atrophy and become paralyzed. Currently, drugs can only slow it down to a certain extent, and it is difficult to stop it, and there is no cure.

The most famous patient with this disease is Hawking, and the more famous person in China later was the vice president of

This disease is very scary, and Cao Xuan also wants to use his influence to provide some help as much as possible. It is best to attract the attention of some pharmaceutical companies and participate in the research of drugs to treat this disease.

After finding a clean bucket, adding ice and water, Cao Xuan took off the wristbands on his hands, faced the camera and recorded some thoughts on the event, twice in total, one in English, one in Chinese, and @three by the way. personal.

Behind him were Wu Jing, Xiao Zhou and Cheng Long.

Wu Jing is the catcher, while Xiao Zhou and Cheng Long are relatively well-known and influential in the industry. Especially the latter has a wide reputation internationally, so it is a good thing to participate.

I just don’t know if the eldest brother can hold on. After all, he is still in his sixties, but people who want to practice martial arts should have no big problem...

"bring it on."

After saying his thoughts, Cao Xuan stepped forward and slapped his thigh. Wu Jing raised the ice bucket with a smile and poured it down.


The cold water poured down on his head, making Cao Xuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and felt alert all over.

Wu Jing behind him was even more exciting than him.

With a bucket of ice water poured over Boss Cao's head, who in the entire entertainment industry has such treatment and courage, a full sense of accomplishment, and the emotion that fills his heart is just one word——


But not long after he was happy, it was Cao Xuan's turn to pour him some water. Perhaps Cao Xuan saw the look in his eyes just now, so Boss Cao added an extra portion.

Wu Jing has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he is considered a tough guy. He was so stunned that he almost screamed out.

"You're not good at this either, you need to practice."

Cao Xuan sarcastically made Wu Jing grind his teeth in anger. He hated being merciful just now, and now he wanted to get a bucket of boiling water and pour it on him.

First, he sent several videos to his team. After editing and subtitles were completed, they appeared on his Weibo and Twitter that night.

Cao Xuan even went to watch it, but what he didn't expect was that the outside world didn't pay much attention to the ice bucket challenge and ALS in this video, and focused more on his figure.

[Oh, I’m in good shape]

[Oh my god, my nose is bleeding]

[This dress is so handsome, Cao Xuan is so stylish, tall and elegant]

[Haha, after getting wet, Cao Xuan has a different connotation of being messy and embarrassed]

[That kind of mature and stable uncle, with a hint of nobility and vicissitudes of life, what kind of handsome boy, just play around, this is a handsome guy]

[I finally know why my sister likes him so much]

[This scumbag is a scumbag, but he is really handsome]

[The look is not my favorite, but the temperament is amazing]

[I don’t understand what’s so good about those little chicks, they look like sissies. Cao Xuan, who is handsome and has a good temperament, is the best]

[They still have money and talent]




When doing the ice bucket challenge, Cao Xuan did not change his clothes. He was still wearing the riding clothes he had just used for horseback riding and archery.

It was a scorching summer, and the weather was hot. Although the riding attire was long-sleeved and long-trousers to prevent wear and tear, the material was breathable and thin. When water was poured on it, it clung directly to the body, even faintly revealing a bit of flesh color.

Cao Daguan is a man of good fitness and has a strong body, well-proportioned and stylish. After looking at the East and West Palaces for more than ten years, he still couldn't put it down.

Coupled with Cao Xuan's good looks, handsome riding attire, and the faint temptation of getting wet, relevant video clips and screenshots went viral on the Internet.

Even Cao Xuan himself never expected that in his late forties, he would inadvertently sell meat, and he never expected that there would be a bunch of little girls wailing over his body...


ps: The World Cup is about to start

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