China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 699 [Fuck, Cao Xuan! 】

"Successful debut, Cao Xuan's London concert was sold out"

"Dream Wembley Stadium, a feast of music and stage"

"Grand concert fireworks and light show, the team behind the scenes comes from the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games"

"Unparalleled stage effect, the audience was mesmerized"

"Audience: I thought I was listening to music, but in the end, I was attracted by the stage effect."

"Cao Xuan's third consecutive London concert, 170,000 spectators were sold out"

"Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cao Xuan's singing has detonated the British Isles all the way"

"Ten concerts in the UK, with a total audience of 420,000, a hurricane named "Cao Xuan" blew in the UK"

"The Prince and Princess of England appeared at Cao Xuan's concert and took stock of Cao Xuan's celebrity fans"

"Tickets are hard to come by. Tickets for Cao Xuan's concert are being speculated by British scalpers. The ticket price can reach up to nearly 1,000 pounds, which is nearly 10,000 yuan."

"Chinese post-90s boy pursues his dream thousands of miles, quits his job and goes abroad to watch Cao Xuan's concert"


Cao Xuan's concert has become a top event in China and the UK recently.

The UK can also understand that in just half a month, Cao Xuan held concerts in many cities in the UK. The scales ranged from large to small, but at least they were over 30,000 people.

It was large in scale, concentrated in time, and even attracted many celebrities. Naturally, it had a great influence in the UK and was even discussed by many people in Europe.

The situation in China is rather special, with slightly less attention being paid to the concert itself.

After all, Cao Xuan's concert is of this size, except for a few special events, which will be specially arranged.

For most other concerts, only the opening program and some special programs that suit the local area or special guest programs will be specially designed. As for the rest, most of the procedures at each stage are roughly the same, with at most some changes in the repertoire.

This is a normal operation in concerts. As mentioned before, many singers only perform a few masterpieces in their concerts.

Except for some die-hard fans who couldn't get enough of it, most of the fans were attending the concert for the first time and didn't feel tired of it.

Moreover, these fans come to the concert to listen to masterpieces, and they want to sing all their own unpopular songs, which in turn disappoints everyone.

What's more, concerts are often more about atmosphere and feelings, and listening to music comes second.

Compared with normal singers, Cao Xuan actually has a lot of advantages. He has too many classic songs.

Especially for Chinese songs, it won’t be a problem if they don’t repeat the same songs in a few concerts at a time. There are a little less English songs, but it won’t be a big problem if they last for two or three shows.

Even so, in order to ensure the anticipation of the concert audience as much as possible, the official complete high-definition video of the concert will not be online until the end of the European stage of the concert.

As for the subsequent concerts in America and Asia, they are somewhat different from those in Europe, so there is no need to worry too much.

There is no complete video of the concert, only some scattered clips, so domestic fans have no way to find out, and focus more on the gossip outside the venue.

For example, how popular Cao Xuan's concert was in the UK, who were the celebrities, what interesting things happened, and so on.

Due to the popularity of the incident and Cao Xuan, it naturally received a lot of domestic attention, and even some people who took advantage of the popularity received considerable benefits.

The sunshine boy who chases his dreams thousands of miles and starts a live broadcast is one of them...


Sunshine Boy's real name is Yang Guang, a native of Jinmen, and his experience is similar to what he tells others.

The only difference is that his resignation this time was not impulsive. He himself has done in-depth research on live broadcasting and self-media operations, and even had plans to change careers very early on.

Even if there is no such concert, he will look for opportunities to resign in the future and dive into self-media.

Although I am pursuing my dream this time, I actually want to take advantage of the opportunity to change careers and start a self-media career. It can be regarded as the coexistence of emotional idealism and realism.

The account Sunshine Boy became popular after Cao Xuan's first concert at Wembley Stadium was broadcast live.

The essence of the live broadcast + Vlog video he edited the next day even appeared on the hot searches of the day, attracting a large number of Cao Xuan fans and passers-by to watch.

When he started live streaming later, his online popularity soared, and he was even officially recommended by Douyu Live.

However, due to poor on-site signal in the next two games, it was impossible to conduct live broadcasts in the venue. Instead, we had to shoot videos and then edit them into Vlogs and put them on Weibo, Youku, Bilibili and other platforms.

Penguin Weibo is the main battlefield and the platform that Yang Guang attaches most importance to.

At present, the development of video websites such as Youku and Tudou is more focused on film and television, while self-media has been semi-abandoned.

Live broadcasting has not yet begun to flourish, Bilibili has just begun to gain momentum, and short videos are still in the process of being brewed. Weibo is the most beloved platform for self-media video bloggers and the fastest monetizing platform for commercial traffic.

Yang Guang attended seven of Cao Xuan's ten concerts in the UK.

One of them was due to a mistake, so I couldn't make it and had to miss it. The other two were unable to get tickets.

For Yang Guang's concerts in the UK, he basically got the tickets from scalpers, and he only got two tickets at the original price.

The locations of scalped tickets vary, and the ticket prices vary, but they are definitely more expensive than the original tickets. The cheapest ticket is no less than 120 pounds, which is about 1,150 yuan in RMB.

Yang Guang had a lot of savings and was determined to start a business and cash in, so he was willing to spend money to buy scalper tickets and then go on set to shoot.

But even so, sometimes scalpers couldn't buy tickets. For that concert in Birmingham, he made money by going around the stadium several times holding a "Buy Tickets" card, with snot bubbles popping out of his nose, but he couldn't find any scalpers.

In the end, they had a concert outside the stadium with thousands of live broadcast room viewers.

In Cardiff, Wales, he actually found a scalper, but the price for a "top ticket" at the back was 300 pounds, which was nearly 3,000 yuan.

Even if the tickets for Cao Xuan's concert are in high demand, the price is a bit of a rip-off. Yang Guang earned all his hard-earned money, and he is not a big grievance.

So I hesitated for a while, thinking that I might encounter scalpers later, but I missed the opportunity and froze outside the stadium for several hours.

After that, Yang Guang learned to be smart. As long as he met a scalper, regardless of whether it was high or low, he would get one first. Later, he would slowly go to the scalpers, buy one with a better position or high cost performance, and then sell the other one to restore health. .

After going back and forth several times, dealing with scalpers has even become a must-have program in Yang Guang's live broadcast room, and many viewers love to watch it.

If it weren't for the fear of getting into trouble and being deported in a foreign country, Yang Guang would even consider changing his career to become a scalper.

Among the many first-line videos of Cao Xuan's concerts, Yang Guang also added travel, food, local customs, interviews, and he even took the time to watch a Premier League game.

These exotic elements made his videos extremely high quality and attracted a lot of attention and curiosity. Yang Guang's number of fans soared rapidly in a short period of time.

By the end of Cao Xuan's UK concert, his Weibo fans had reached 1.2 million+, and he had been successfully posted on Weibo twice.

Although it has not reached the point of becoming popular, as a new account, it can be said that it is out of the circle.

After Cao Xuan's trip to the UK, he took a few days' rest. After Yang Guang followed him to Germany, he also began to prepare for war, and then experienced the taste of red.


"Hello, we are the official Penguin Weibo. We have seen your live broadcast and video. Can we do an exclusive interview?"


"Hello, this is Douyu Live. We understand that your recent live broadcast room is very popular. In this regard, we will keep our focus on you and arrange a series of cooperation plans. I wonder if you have time to learn about it now. one time."


"Hello, we are from the "XXX" column team. Are you a Sunshine Boy? We would like to do an interview."


"Hello, we are from XX company. I saw your video and we have a business cooperation. I wonder if you are interested."


Yang Guang’s cell phone was full of calls from interviews, cooperation, business and other parties, leaving him overwhelmed.

He thought he would become popular, but he didn't expect it to become popular so quickly, and he didn't expect so many things to happen after it, which completely stunned him.

But Yang Guang quickly realized that this was his opportunity, and he must firmly seize this wave of traffic dividends.

As long as he becomes famous and forms his own personal brand style, even if Cao Xuan's concert ends in the future and his traffic popularity is greatly reduced, he will not be immediately knocked back to his original form.

Yang Guang took action immediately. His career had just started. Even though he knew that the traffic in the future might not be as much as it is now, he did not rush to cash in. Instead, he worked steadily and consolidated the influence of his personal and account as much as possible.

He has a very sense of crisis. He is not the only Chinese person who came to Europe to watch Cao Xuan's concert.

Don’t say anything else. There are many overseas students in the UK alone. Every time Yang Guang arrests people for interviews before entering the venue, he can meet one or two waves of Chinese students.

It’s just that few people think about live broadcasting or shooting videos. Even if they do, they are more personal records with average quality, and most people only watch one or two games and will not chase Cao Xuan all the time. There is no stability. .

Such an amateur "motley crew" is definitely no match for a professional self-media like Yang Guang who has made all kinds of careful preparations in advance.

However, amateur ticket players don't care, but colleagues cannot underestimate him.

Even when Cao Xuan held his fourth concert in Manchester, a reporter from China Entertainment Network began to imitate Yang Guang.

The latter came here specifically to follow and report on Cao Xuan's concerts in Europe. There were five or six similar reporters and teams, all of which were big media. Most of the other media reprinted news from them and external networks.

This approach to entertainment media is completely different from Yang Guang’s Vlog style, and its popularity is far lower than that of Yang Guang.

So after the reporter realized that Yang Guang's style was more likable, he immediately began to imitate it, recorded similar videos, and posted them to the official account of the media he worked for.

Even if this kind of professional reporter cannot grasp the secrets of self-media for a while, he is not comparable to ordinary people. What is even more frightening is that besides this reporter, there are many people who have smelled the traffic and popularity.

At present, many interested people are rushing to Europe and are even ready to do so.

Fortunately for the newcomers, what worries Yang Guang the most is the group of big Internet celebrities and live broadcast bosses. Their experience and popularity will quickly get a share of the pie, especially the group of female Internet celebrities.

Yang Guang knows his own family affairs. Although he has accumulated some loyal viewers and fans, more people still like to watch girls.

certainly. Yang Guang also has his own early advantage, that is, he is the first person to make Vlog style videos. Others are plagiarizing and following suit to some extent, and Yang Guang has the most confidence.

In addition, Yang Guang's starting point is different. He came to pursue his dream, and he was the first to shoot a video. He has the favor of many fans and passers-by, while those who follow him are automatically labeled as being popular.

In fact, Yang Guang is also riding on the popularity, but whoever gives him the upper hand does have a good argument, and his nature is essentially different from those behind him.

Yang Guang firmly believes that even if the competition is cruel, as long as he can play these two cards well, he will still be able to fight.

This was actually the case, and it went more smoothly than he imagined. Before those competitors could exert their strength, he got a chance to get out of the circle on a small scale, further distancing himself from those competitors.

What made him even more unexpected was that he also got an opportunity that made him ecstatic.

Berlin, Germany

Yang Guang started the live broadcast again after a few days, and the process was very different from before.

Find scalpers, interview, eat when hungry, enter the venue to test the signal, close the live broadcast if the signal is not good, the concert is over, start the live broadcast to talk about the experience of the concert just now, make a summary of today's live broadcast, and advertise the Vlog by the way.

The slight difference today is that Yang Guang got the ticket in advance and did not experience the German scalpers. He entered the live broadcast earlier and closed it earlier.

The live broadcast audience didn't pay much attention, thinking it was because the venue in Germany strictly controlled the filming equipment.

In addition, the standard time difference between Berlin and China’s capital is 7 hours. It’s early morning here in China at night, so except for a few night owls, there are not that many viewers in the live broadcast room.

At the end of the live broadcast, the few people left almost completely. Only a few diehards or extremely boring people were still chatting in the black screen live broadcast room, teasing the anchor, waiting for the second live broadcast after the concert.

Around early morning in Berlin, which is around 7 to 8 o'clock in China, Yang Guang started the live broadcast again.

Many live broadcast room viewers came over after hearing the news. Although the number was not large because it was morning, it was not bad.

Yang Guang is also used to the time difference and has been consciously controlling the live broadcast time.

And as the focus shifts to Vlog videos, live broadcasts are more about supplements, interactions and materials. It is good to have more people, but it is not a disaster for him to have few people.

After saying hello, Yang Guang clutched his stomach and complained that he was hungry. While he missed the steamed buns and fried dough sticks in China, he planned to find a restaurant to try authentic German food.

Looking left and right, Yang Guang found a somewhat remote restaurant. Yang Guang walked in and ordered some German-style elbow sausage and sauerkraut.

Ignoring the other two empty tables, I sat down in front of a male customer and asked him proactively in English.

"Excuse me, can we share a table?"

The male customer raised his head, showed a friendly smile to the camera, and answered Yang Guang's question in Chinese.

"No problem, please sit down."

Yang Guangzan also sat down excitedly. The camera of his mobile phone was always facing the male customer, and then he glanced at the screen. The barrage that broke out had occupied the entire mobile phone. The most was four words.

[Fuck, Cao Xuan! 】

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