China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 708 A Generation and

Cao Xuan's concert caused a lot of discussion on the American Internet and media.

On the one hand, the sensation and influence of the concert are on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is also the element of magic that attracts a lot of attention.

Cao Xuan's several concerts in San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles all used magic to open, exit or coordinate performances. Almost every concert included a magic trick.

Among them are 3D holographic projections with relatively high technological content, as well as relatively simple deception methods, such as a rain of petals exploding and the person disappearing directly, levitating in the air during a singing performance, or even changing clothes instantly...

As such, there is currently no magic that can be used repeatedly.

The performance is actually not brilliant, at least for many magic lovers, it is easy to see through, but if combined with a concert, it is a good gimmick and surprise.

The vast majority of fans don't care about the level of magic. Seeing that Cao Xuan added magic elements to the concert, they felt that the tickets were worth the money.

It even caused dissatisfaction among many European fans, protesting why there were no magic arrangements for European concerts.

There are also professional magicians who follow Cao Xuan's behind to decrypt the information at the request of the Internet or TV stations, making the heat obvious.

Cao Xuan did not pay too much attention to the disturbances from the outside world and held his own concert in the United States as planned.

San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston, Boston... Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Canada... Mexico City, Guadalajara, the capital of Mexico... Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil... Isco, Chile... Panama, Buenos Aires, Argentina………

Compared with Europe, the area in America is larger, the road is longer and bumpier, and it is not as convenient as European integration. Many procedures and processes have to be solved one by one.

However, Cao Xuan had already made preparations, and even enjoyed the hardships. Even though he was busy and tired, he also took the time to experience the local customs and popularity.

For example, when he held concerts in Chile and Argentina, he went to watch the 2015 America's Cup final.

Coincidentally, Messi, who had just failed in the World Cup final in Brazil last year, led the team to the final and competed with the host Chile for the championship.

The two sides tied 0:0 in 90 minutes and overtime, and Argentina won the penalty shootout. Only Messi scored a penalty among the first three players. Higuain and Banega missed, and Chile won the championship.

He seemed very helpless on the court. Losing the National Team Cup finals for two consecutive years was indeed a big blow to people.

However, if nothing else happens, Argentina will once again fall in the final of the Centenary America's Cup to be held in the United States next year.

It was Messi's biggest trough at that time, but he didn't expect that he would win the America's Cup a few years later and hope to touch the Hercules Cup in his last World Cup.

Cao Xuan is not particularly fond of Messi. He is a Manchester United fan. Aiwujiwu has a good impression of Cristiano Ronaldo. He is also not very fond of Barcelona because he lost two Champions League finals.

Coupled with his personal relationship with Ronaldo, he is more on the side of Ronaldo, but it is undeniable that Messi's outbreak in the World Cup in Qatar has brought an end to the dispute between the two for more than ten years.

So Cao Xuan felt very emotional when he saw this scene today.

All talented people will always go through hardships. A moment of trough may be the foreshadowing of their future rise to the top.

Cao Xuan drank a large glass of chicken blood for himself, and the fatigue and fatigue from the concert temporarily dissipated. He told himself that this would be a blessing in the future, and then continued to work full of motivation.

As for whether Argentina's final will overturn again, we can't think too much about it.

Although tragic heroes make people look up to and admire them, they actually damage morale and are easily criticized...


There are a total of 35 concerts in the Americas, the number is the same as in Europe, but the number of people is even better - 1.05 million people.

This is only the official data. In fact, concerts in Chile, Argentina, Mexico and other places have a large number of "black people" due to problems such as public security or lax control by the organizers. The number of fans at the venue will definitely exceed the number of ticket sales. Statistics.

No one knows how many people came in the end. Anyway, Cao Xuan only counted based on ticket information.

There are 1.05 million visitors, and the United States alone absorbs 750,000. The average number of visitors per game is nearly 35,000, and the number of visitors in other parts of the United States is even less.

In fact, if Cao Xuan allowed all ticket sales, 1.5 million would be no problem, but the concert venue would be too big, and various problems would arise.

This time, Cao Xuan learned from the experience of the previous two times. He would rather hold a few more games than hold too many big games, keeping a low profile and safe.

Having said that, a concert with nearly 35,000 people is actually considered a large-scale concert.

The normal number of concerts for many singers is only tens of thousands of people. Concerts with more than 50,000 people are relatively rare. Even popular singers cannot hold too many concerts of this size.

Cao Xuan performs 20 or 30 shows in one breath, and the average number of people per game is as high as other people’s grand finale concerts, and yet he still calls himself “low-key”. He is really not a good person...

The great success of the American concert has been widely praised by the media, mainly in the United States.

Even "Billboard Magazine", which has always focused on charts, made an exception and made a special report on Cao Xuan during this period, and listed the number of Cao Xuan's songs on the charts during this period.

Due to the huge popularity of the farewell concert, most of Cao Xuan's English songs were once again on the Billboard charts.

You must know that the conditions for Billboard to be listed again are quite demanding, and many require that the song must exceed the highest ranking on the previous list.

That's it for other singers. Cao Xuan's songs have always been on the charts, and there are many masterpieces with good results, so it is very difficult for his songs to be on the charts again.

Even so, 11 songs still appeared on the Billboard again in more than two months, and the highest ranking even reached the top three.

The other singers were so speechless that they had reached the last moment of retirement. How could this guy still be so strong? !

In the American radio music program, the host bid farewell to Cao Xuan affectionately after Cao Xuan's last concert in Panama.

"...It is hard to imagine that a Chinese, a yellow race, used his music and talent to break through the distinctions of geography, country and even race, and became one of the greatest singers in the first two decades of the 21st century!

In the United States, for more than ten years, countless American youths and teenagers have listened to Cao's songs, regardless of whether they are black, white, Asian, or Hispanic.

This music magician from the East does not have the politics, race, money, etc. in his songs that have tainted the views and elements of the American music scene. The songs and lyrics reveal true feelings and inspiration.

He used music to tell his feelings about life, allowing countless people to understand the beauty of love and friendship, as well as hard work and not giving up in the face of difficulties.

Chris Cao, a singing superstar who has influenced a generation in the United States and even the world..."

"Good guy, it almost made me cry."

Cao Xuan, who had just returned to China, was dumbfounded when he saw the video of the program posted on Weibo's hot search.

It is said that these Americans are hard-hearted, but when it comes to sensationalism, they are not common in China.

It even led many domestic netizens to follow suit and edit various related remembrance videos, which made the eyes of the East and West get red. Some knew that Boss Cao had retired from the music industry, but some did not know that the two children had no father.

Compared with other people's feelings and emotions, Cao Xuan, the person involved, has a calmer mentality and is willing to comment on the editing techniques.

It's not that he is indifferent, some of the videos are a bit sad to watch, but most people have filters for him, which makes them even more moved.

Cao Xuan knew what he was doing, and he was more calm and objective when looking at his own videos, and his mood swings were not as violent as those of outsiders.

Of course, it also has something to do with how much he has experienced.

During the first two concerts, it is no exaggeration to say that many fans cried bitterly on the spot, crying and shouting for him not to retire. Some fans would tell him about their bond with him when they saw him.

Once or twice, Cao Xuan could not help but be moved by it, and even had tears in his eyes, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

But as time went by, Cao Xuan understood and understood, and sometimes he was still moved, but he would also become numb to a certain extent, and his immunity to this matter was greatly improved.

In addition, Cao Xuan himself was also suppressing it intentionally, wanting to have a smooth and decent farewell.

Perhaps as the separation slowly approaches, he may lose his guard in the last few scenes, but before that, he doesn't want to be too emotional, and he has no intention of letting himself fall into sadness.

Even though he will be heading to the Middle East for a concert soon, Cao Xuan did not forget to get down to business after a short break.

""In the Name of the People"?"

Cao Xuan turned over the script handed over by Hu Jing, and his eyes showed the intention of asking, and the Empress of the East Palace explained to him.

"This project is a bit complicated. You can roughly understand that the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are taking the lead. The script has been finalized and we want an outside company to film it, but all parties have been arguing.

On the one hand, the subject matter is relatively sensitive, and people don’t quite understand the scale and are afraid of problems. On the other hand, as the main theme, the audience may not be willing to buy it, and it will be ugly if the results are not good.

Therefore, even if the two major yamen take the lead, most of them will wait and see, and few will actually dare to take action.

However, after all, this is a drama appointed by the higher-ups, and it is in line with the current environment, so someone came to pass on the message, hoping that we, Fanxing, would take up this responsibility..."

Cao Xuan finally understood why Hu Jing, the president of Fanxing, was talking about a TV series with him. There were so many things behind the relationship.

In other words, Daodao is actually not so much, it is just stained by the stars.

This kind of drama is a mission drama, which private companies don't like to deal with. There are too many minefields, it may not be profitable, and it's thankless.

CCTV and major satellite TV stations are not afraid of this trouble, nor do they care about losing money or poor performance. They are basically the main actors in similar mission dramas every year.

However, these departments are relatively conservative in filming, and many of them focus on grassroots contributions and work steadily.

This kind of drama is not difficult to watch, but it obviously does not have any explosive plot points. It cannot attract many young viewers and cannot satisfy the appetite of some departments.

Therefore, this time "In the Name of the People", the book has special features, so the higher-ups deliberately let outside companies come in, or they aimed at Fanxing.

Among the current major policies in the general environment, anti-corruption, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, etc., anti-corruption is the most effective and is also the subject that the authorities are most willing to publicize.

Fanxing, as the leader in film and television production in the industry, has always been able to fight tough battles and has produced countless masterpieces, including some with main themes.

Coupled with the influence of Fanxing and the cooperation of resources from all parties, there is no doubt that he is the most suitable candidate to film "In the Name of the People".

"The superiors and the Ministry of Justice said that if you have time, it is best to act in person. They are looking forward to your performance as Hou Liangping."

Cao Xuan laughed at this, not only did Ganqing target Fanxing, but he also stared at himself.

However, for this reason, it’s really not easy to recommend. Judging from Hu Jing’s intentions, Fanxing’s production is probably close to the same thing, otherwise he wouldn’t be shown the script.

"Have you guys discussed who the director plans to use?"

"Sunshine at noon, Kong Sheng."

Cao Xuan nodded. When it comes to serious dramas, Director Kong is definitely a leader in the industry. With him at the helm, the quality of this drama will be assured.

"What about the other characters?"

"Now there is just a general tendency, mainly whether you can play the role of Hou Liangping or not?"

Hu Jing attaches great importance to this. Whether Cao Xuan will act in this TV series has a huge bearing on it.

If he doesn't act, it will be treated as normal, and the company will make arrangements as much as possible. If Cao Xuan acts in person, it will be the company's top priority project, with more resources and a more luxurious cast.

Apart from other things, when inviting other actors, whether Cao Xuan plays the role or not will directly play a decisive role.

For a work starring Cao Xuan, let alone an unprecedented TV series, 99% of the actors will be curious or give a favor. Otherwise, the project's appeal will be greatly reduced.

"Hou Liangping..."

It was impossible for Cao Xuan not to think about the conversation between the two big bosses. Moreover, he was indeed a little interested in the drama and pondered for a moment.

"This character is too serious and not interesting to play. How about a villain?"

The Empress of the East Palace had a tacit understanding with him, and after reading the script, she immediately guessed what Cao Xuan meant.

"You have a crush on Qi Tongwei?"

"How about it?"

Hu Jing was a little confused: "This character is quite three-dimensional, but if you play it, are you suspected of being a spoiler? And I'm afraid it will be easy for the villain to be whitewashed."

"I won't go into spoilers, they are not good, and you can't tell the good or evil in a short period of time. Besides, the novel has been published, and anyone who plays the role can be picked out in the ending.

As for whitewashing, the character itself is very charming and easy to empathize with, so your worries are obviously unnecessary. "

"You play Qi Tongwei, who plays Hou Liangping or Hu Ge?"

"It's so handsome. Just one of the handsome officials in the play will be enough. In the play, Qi Tongwei is still a college student, otherwise he wouldn't be chased. If he has another one, it will be a bit suspended. Don't look for actors who are too handsome."

"Hou Liangping has a great wife, how could he not be a handsome guy?"

Hu Jing retorted, but still remembered Cao Xuan's request. She was thinking about an actor whose age, appearance and acting skills were more suitable, and added a sentence by the way.

"I played Gao Xiaoqin."

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment, nodded and smiled: "President, you are still a couple with me. It's good to play your true self."

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