China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 717 Returning home in fine clothes, causing a sensation in the city

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

Zhang Chong lay half-lying beside him with a weak look on his face. He kept coughing with a painful look on his face and used a tissue to wipe his nose from time to time. This made Cao Xuan feel particularly bad.

When I held a concert in Jinling before, the temperature dropped drastically that day. Instead of staying backstage, I had to stand on the edge of the stage to enjoy the concert. It happened to be a wind outlet, and I was blown by the cold wind for several hours.

I didn't feel anything at all at the time. I went back to the hotel and took a shower. I walked around with the air conditioning all night. The heat and cold were so intense that I almost couldn't get up the next day.

Since he was so ill, Zhang Chong should rest, but he was worried about Cao Xuan.

Zhang Chong, the life assistant, is actually half of Cao Xuan's housekeeper. Without him, he would really be in a hurry when all the affairs and processes around him were gone.

That's all for normal times, but now it's a concert, the key is right, so Zhang Chong has no choice but to go into battle even though he's sick.

A few days ago, he didn't even dare to see Cao Xuan's face, for fear of infecting him. After these two days, he was much better, and there were still some root causes of the disease, so he came in front of him again, but he coughed a few times from time to time and had constant runny nose.

"Drink more hot water."

Cao Xuan gave the all-purpose comforting words, Zhang Chong pointed to his throat, and spoke in a hoarse voice with a slightly painful expression.

"It hurts, like a knife scraping, and I can't swallow."

Seeing him like this, Cao Xuan couldn't help but panic for Zhang Chong. He asked him to stop talking, and then gestured to the position near the thumb of his palm.

"This is the Yuji point. It seems to be able to clear the lung fire. The last time Yangyang was ill, he had a cough and a sore throat. The doctor asked us to go home and rub this point for him, which can relieve the pain."

Cao Xuan didn't understand it at all and only remembered the tips taught by the doctor. Zhang Chong believed him and tried it according to the instructions.

I don’t know if it’s really effective or just a psychological effect, but I feel better and there’s a smile on my face.

Fever and cold may not seem like a big deal, but if you really get it, it can kill half your life...

Anyway, Cao Xuan saw Zhang Chong as pitiful.

Not to mention the discomfort, I couldn't eat well either. During lunch, I only had some gruel and fruit, which was tasteless.

It's not enough not to eat. I haven't eaten well for several days, and I feel hungry and weak. But I have no appetite for eating when I am sick, so I have to avoid eating light foods. Even if I drink porridge, because my throat is uncomfortable, I still grin when I eat. It's really miserable.

Cao Xuan and the others were healthy and healthy, so they didn't have this problem. There was a performance in the evening, and the whole team had four dishes and one soup.

Braised mutton, flavored eggplant, fish-flavored shredded pork and authentic Zaoshi spicy chicken. The soup is tomato and egg dumpling soup. The staple food is steamed buns, pancakes, sesame seed cakes, rice, and some fruits after the meal.

They are all distributed uniformly by the organizer. Cao Xuan also has the same dishes. The difference is that his dishes are specially stir-fried by the chef.

It's not that Cao Xuan is special. You can tell from this menu that Cao Xuan's concert will be held in his hometown - Zaoshi.

As I said before, for this farewell concert, whether it is abroad or domestic, the city selected must basically be comprehensively considered in terms of population, development, reputation, etc.

Even if there are some special reasons, such as Busan before, Busan is not an easy place. It is the second largest city in South Korea and has its own confidence and strength.

At present, more than half of the concerts held in China are in first- and second-tier cities. Even if a few are not second-tier cities for the time being, they are not much different. The cities where subsequent concerts will be held are basically of this size.

But among the many first- and second-tier cities, there is an exception.

That is Zao City, which is currently not at the bottom, is the 15th most economically powerful city in Shandong Province, and is the hometown of Boss Cao.

Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade at night!

Boss Cao has kept in mind the strong support and ardent attention of his hometown elders in the past two decades. He can give up Daoshi or ignore Quanshi for the Shandong Farewell Concert, but he will never miss Zaoshi.

So, in late November 2015, Cao Xuan, who had just celebrated his 40th birthday, once again returned to the land where he was born and raised.

It is worth mentioning that the local organizer company Fanxing contacted is Uncle Cao Xuan’s company, and the logistics are naturally guaranteed by it.

My uncle, one of Cao Xuan's relatives, is doing well. He has opened a real estate company and owns a hotel.

The meals for Cao Xuan's team were specially provided by his hotel. The meals for Cao Xuan himself were personally delivered by his aunt to his cousin who watched the chef prepare them. The tomato and egg pimple soup was made by her aunt herself.

These are Cao Xuan's favorite dishes. As for the tomato and egg pimple soup, it is his favorite dish made by his aunt.

Although he hadn't drank it for a long time, Cao Xuan tasted it and guessed it was his aunt's craftsmanship, and said to his cousin with a smile.

"When your brothers were not born, my brother-in-law was still young, lavish with money, and liked to bring delicious food home, so I liked eating at your house.

My aunt is actually not a good cook, but this soup is well cooked, sour, smooth, refreshing and filling. It is best to drink in winter, it is warm. "

Returning to his hometown and eating the delicacies he remembered from his childhood, Cao Xuan was very happy. If it weren't for the worries about the performance, he could finish the soup by himself.

It's a pity that there was pepper in the soup and there was oil in it, so Zhang Chong didn't want to eat it, otherwise it would be good to make him sweat after eating it.

After finishing the meal, Cao Xuan held a glass of warm water and walked slowly to eat while asking his cousin about the situation outside.

"Does my hometown still buy into my concert?"

"Not only do you buy it, but it's going crazy!?"

The cousin looked with admiration at the pride of the Cao family who had almost single-handedly brought up the entire family. Although he had heard countless legends about this cousin since he was a child, what he had seen in recent times still made him think about it. Cao Xuan was so impressed that he fell to the ground.

"From what the old man said, since our city was founded, we have never experienced such a great excitement that shocked the whole city."

"Nonsense. Even though our city was established late, it's been more than fifty years, so we won't have many Western scenes."

Cao Xuan scolded him, but his cousin didn't take it seriously. Instead, he talked enthusiastically about what he knew about Cao Xuan's Zao City concert.

What my cousin said may be a bit exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable.

The fact that Cao Xuan held a farewell concert in Zaoshi really caused a shock to the whole city in his hometown.

In Zao City, from old men and women in their 70s and 80s to young kids in crotchless pants who have just become sensible, those who have not heard the word Cao Xuan are almost as useless.

Cao Xuan's reputation is higher than anyone else in the world in Zaoshi, and his reputation is also very good.

A star-studded film and television base of the Republic of China, it is unknown how many local employed people, allocations and tourism resources have been brought to the area.

Cao Xuan also donated money and materials to his hometown, invested in the construction of infrastructure such as stadiums, libraries, hospitals, and schools, and also provided certain support and help to some hometown enterprises.

The charity fund under his name has also set up a special education subsidy fund for Zao City to ensure that all students who have dropped out of school due to poverty can continue to go to school.

It is no exaggeration to say that no child in Zaoshi will ever drop out of school because he cannot afford it.

As long as you call the fund and prove that the facts are true, the fund will cover all the child's tuition fees and subsidize part of the living expenses. Depending on the family's conditions, the fund will provide maximum support until graduation from college.

The elders in his hometown gave Cao Xuan all kinds of support, and Cao Xuan never hesitated to repay everyone, which can be regarded as a two-way journey to a certain extent.

Therefore, Cao Xuan's reputation outside, whether good or bad, does not affect Cao Xuan's reputation in Zaoshi. The old family members have their own weight in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that the sensation of Cao Xuan's concert in Zao City is far beyond that of other cities.

In other cities, Cao Xuan's concerts still have a certain degree of out-of-the-circle status, and are more centered around fan groups, some netizens, and the masses. Ordinary people may not understand it, and even if they do, they won't care much.

In Zao City, even the aunt who served the fried dough sticks earlier knew about Cao Xuan's concert and even asked about the ticket price.

It's embarrassing to say that Cao Xuan has been famous for nearly 20 years and has only performed live in front of the elders in his hometown for a handful of times, so many people in Zao City have high expectations for his concerts.

Unless financial conditions do not allow it, most people are still willing to spend a little money to hear with their own ears the pride of their hometown.

Zao City Fanxing Sports Center was jointly funded by Cao Xuan and Zao City. It was initially built in 2013 and opened in June this year.

It contains an indoor basketball hall, an indoor table tennis/badminton hall, an ice and snow sports hall, an indoor swimming pool and an outdoor stadium with a capacity of 50,000+.

There is no doubt that Cao Xuan's concert venue was chosen here. It was also the first large-scale performance hosted by this sports center.

50,000 tickets, or more accurately 55,000 tickets, were reportedly sold out online in more than an hour.

The most annoying thing is that at least a quarter of the tickets were snatched away by outsiders.

After all, it is a concert tour, so there must be certain preferential treatment for local fans. Although Cao Xuan's concert tickets are not strictly prohibited from being purchased by out-of-town audiences, since tickets are purchased with real-name ID numbers, the place of origin will be verified through the ID number.

For non-local fans, there will be more verification and procedures when purchasing tickets, which will interfere with the speed of ticket purchase.

Moreover, the website ensures that the number of votes cast by local fans is no less than half of the total, otherwise the purchase qualifications of out-of-town fans will be stopped.

Even so, resentment from local fans against outside ticket grabbers still erupts at every concert.

Cao Xuan was given special care here in Zao City. It was more difficult to buy tickets from other places, but he was still robbed of 1/4. The reason was mainly because Zao City was unprepared.

Being a small city, we don’t have much experience with such large-scale performances, so we don’t know that sometimes these tickets are even more popular than Spring Festival travel train tickets.

It is precisely because of this that Zao City becomes particularly lively due to concerts.

Although Cao Xuan's concert was very topical, everyone only chatted after dinner, or posted about it in WeChat Moments, instead of wandering around on the street.

Zao City has a population of more than three million, and tens of thousands of local fans can easily digest it, making it difficult for ordinary people to notice its impact on reality.

But it's different with the influx of a large number of fans from out of town.

As a fourth-tier city, Zao City is not a place with a dense floating population. The tourism industry has made some achievements in the past two years, but it is far from developed.

The local hotels had limited capacity, and tens of thousands of out-of-town fans and fans flocked in with their families, paralyzing the hotel industry in Zao City.

Many people were forced to go to Linshi and Xu City for accommodation. If they rushed there on the day of the concert, traffic jams would inevitably occur.

Conscience of heaven and earth, although the sports center is built in the urban area, there are several large residential areas nearby. You don't need to drive at all, you can just walk there.

The most important thing is that no one thought that so many people would come in one breath.

The sports center was built to be large, and it was somewhat of a prestige project. Boss Cao was too embarrassed to donate a smaller one. In fact, such a large size was not needed at all.

Unexpectedly, a concert was held, and a large number of vehicles from out of town and other districts arrived, directly blocking several necessary roads.

"I heard that the highway entrance was also blocked for more than half an hour. The restaurants in the city were full. There was also a group of people carrying big flags and beating gongs and drums to cheer. Not to mention how lively it was."

My cousin was very excited when he talked about these things, and he also missed a large group of people, that is, students.

Cao Xuan's concert is not on a weekend. The adults can still sit still, but the same cannot be said for the students.

Especially these children from Zao City, who grew up listening to the legend of Cao Xuan, have their own halo filters, and coupled with the historical moment of this major event, they feel very itchy in their hearts.

Of course, there are only a few students who can get tickets.

But if you can’t get tickets, it’s not a bad idea to join in the fun near the sports center, where you can at least hear some lingering sounds.

Worrying not about the scarcity but the inequality, those who got the tickets tried their best to ask for leave. It was difficult for the teachers to manage the remaining students. Many of the bold ones skipped school directly, while the timid ones found excuses to leave.

In the end, the teacher simply turned a blind eye, and other teachers quietly followed to join in the fun.

What's more, some schools have given them a half-day holiday. Students can go to the concert if they want and go home if they want.

Being able to affect school order shows Boss Cao's influence in Zaoshi.

It was a rare encounter in more than ten years, and it was just this time. In addition, his reputation and prestige in his hometown were too high. Otherwise, Cao Xuan would be scolded by his teachers and parents if he didn't mislead his children.

Ordinary people may not have access to Cao Xuan's concerts, but when the concerts have an impact on all aspects of their lives, it is impossible to turn a blind eye.

All hotels are full!

Traffic jam at street and highway intersection!

Many fans gathered to cheer!

Students and even teachers skip classes!

Which one is not surprising, let alone the combination of several things, coupled with the popularity of Cao Xuan's concert in Zao City itself, it is really amazing now.

The whole city was shocked, it was really not an empty talk.

Cao Xuan indeed stirred up millions of hometown folks to follow him with a concert.

My cousin said that his father has been talking about it while sleeping these days. It is a pity that Cao Xuan’s grandparents died early, otherwise he would have smiled when he saw his grandson.

Not to mention Cao Xuan's grandparents, even he, as an uncle, saw it and wondered how he would show off to the ancestors of the old Cao family in a hundred years.

Speaking of this, my cousin's eyes were a little resentful. Although he had long been used to it, every time his cousin started a big battle, they and their peers were under a lot of pressure...


ps: It’s not easy, I slept all day, and it was almost 10pm when I woke up, so I just finished writing and updated it in the morning. There will be more in the evening

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