China Entertainment 1997

Remarks at the end of the text u0026amp; Extras

This speech was written with very little confidence, and I will probably get scolded for it.

In fact, after writing this, my creative passion had seriously declined, and there were some personal reasons at home, which led to a slight tendency to depression.

It’s not that I’m miserable, it’s true that I can’t get motivated to do anything. I’m in a bad mood. I’ve uninstalled QQ, don’t read the comments very much, and just stay at home alone all day long.

Before I could adjust, when I encountered the off-shelf intensive repair, my mentality completely collapsed.

When the book came back, I couldn't keep it up no matter how much I did, and as I neared the end of the main text, I encountered another sensitive moment. My health was not good, and the writing got worse and worse. The state and quality were in shambles.

I sincerely apologize to everyone. I'm really sorry that it didn't end well.

Originally I didn’t want to write any more extras, but I thought there were a lot of pitfalls that had not been filled in, and I didn’t have a clue about the new book. Some book friends also wanted to continue reading, so I decided to write some.

The time span is faster than the main text. It mainly fills in the gaps and has some interesting plots. If you have any good ideas, you can also provide them in the book review area.

PS: There is a fee for the extra. The main text has been completed. The extra will not affect the plot. You can watch it if you want.

As for the new book, it’s hard to say yet. You can join the group or follow a single chapter of this book.

Sincerely, salute



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