China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 725 Extra 6 Star teacher [X] Disaster teacher [√]

The ending of "In the Name of the People" has a greater impact than Cao Xuan expected.

Domestic film and television dramas have rarely seen such characters with complex settings, flesh and blood, certain practical significance, and terrifying influence.

"In the Name of the People" has an average ratings of over 5.5, with the highest single-episode rating of 12.1 and a single-day rating of 9.3.

Even when the TV series was replayed in the second round on CCTV's eight TV series channels, the average ratings exceeded 2.5.

Penguin Star Video is even more hilarious, and the number of clicks and views is secondary. More importantly, the website has gained a large number of new paying users, and advertising fees have made a lot of money. The most important thing is that at the same stage, Youku and iQiyi are overwhelmed.

As for LeTV, which was once expected to become one of the four giants of video websites, negative news began to break out at the end of last year. Boss Jia was very worried and was about to prepare to go abroad.

The collapse of LeTV and the strong start to 2017 will definitely make Penguin Star Video’s first quarter report particularly good-looking.

Fanxing and Penguin have been discussing whether to completely separate Penguin Star for the past two years.

Although the current progress is not smooth, if it becomes independent, Penguin Star may seek to go public. This matter will greatly benefit the listing process. Even if it does not go public, it will be a good thing for the website to overpower all competitors.

The ratings and influence of "In the Name of the People" cannot be said to be phenomenal, but rather super-phenomenal.

There is almost no suspense to start the year and win the ratings championship in 2017, and there is a high probability that it will be the best TV series in 2017.

With the huge popularity and influence of the TV series, and the fact that Cao Xuan himself plays the role, Qi Tongwei naturally gained unimaginable attention and discussion.

On the day of the finale and the next day, "In the Name of the People" generated a total of 23 hot searches, with Qi Tongwei/Cao Xuan accounting for almost half of them.

This somewhat tragic character once caused people to deviate from the topic of the entire "In the Name of the People", turning from anti-corruption and promoting integrity to discussing how it is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family.

Some of them even believed that Cao Xuan was able to play Qi Tongwei so brilliantly because his own experience was somewhat similar to Qi Tongwei's.

Coming from a poor family, he rose to prominence step by step, and was keen on supporting fellow villagers. The two of them could see each other's shadow in each other, and Cao Xuan was simply Qi Tongwei in reality.

Cao Xuan: "???"

I understand, but don't let people think that he is also a bad guy who breaks the law and climbs up. He really can't endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and cheats the whole process...

One thing to say is that the special characteristics of the two characters, Qi Tongwei and Gao Xiaoqin, although they are both villains, have attracted a lot of fans to Cao Xuan and Hu Jing, even far better than those positive characters.

Cao Xuan himself later posted a special Weibo post, specifically explaining the somewhat skewed direction of the outside world.

[I believe that everyone sympathizes with the anti-drug hero who fought the enemy at Lone Eagle Ridge, not Qi Tongwei who knelt down]

Without explanation, "In the Name of the People" has received numerous praises, but it has also received a certain degree of resistance.

Although with the efforts of Cao Xuan and others, the drama is still kept as it is and broadcast as usual, the rhythm cannot be affected and the intention must be made clear.

The success of "In the Name of the People" has also led many outside fans and viewers to call on Cao Xuan to star in more TV series. Everyone can enjoy watching it.

Cao Xuan did not refuse this, and once again stated in an interview that he never refuses to film a TV series, and as long as the script is good, he is willing to act.

There is also Hu Jing. Her Weibo is bombarded by her fans every day, begging her to do more movies. This time in "In the Name of the People", she played the role of CEO Hu Da so much that she rarely let go.

"If conditions are right later, she may play some roles."

It's most likely a supporting role. She really doesn't have the time and energy to play the lead role, and it's not easy to match the actor. Anyway, she can do whatever she wants.


The aftermath of "In the Name of the People" has not yet cleared up, it's the Chinese New Year, and Cao Xuan's family went to Xingyue Island for half a month.

Then Cao Xuan went to the United States to film a movie, claiming to make money to mend the hole of the Empress of the West Palace.

There is no other way. The two children don't even dare to ask for new clothes now, for fear of causing trouble to the family. Boss Cao can't just sit back and have nothing, so he can only go out to work to pay off his debts.

This time I went to the United States for a lot of work, one of which was the first part of Cao Xuan's new movie "John Wick".

This project has been under development for several years. If the project hadn't been leaked long ago and relevant talents had been recruited, someone might have cut it off in advance.

The plot of "John Wick" doesn't have much to say. His beloved dog is killed, he kills in revenge, and then he is retaliated against, jumping back and forth between pursuit and counter-pursuit.

Slightly different from the original version, Cao Xuan's version intentionally created a series from the beginning, and also focused more on shaping the world of the movie.

As for whether a so-called "killer universe" will be launched from this, it depends on the audience of this movie.

A movie series is easy to create, but it is not easy to arrange various branches around the main plot and ultimately form a movie universe.

Marvel and DC have accumulated decades of experience. Many well-known movie IPs are said to be universes, but in fact they are still series of movies. At most, there will be a spin-off, which can be regarded as an enhanced version of the series of movies.

Without enough popularity and influence, it would be wishful thinking to create a so-called "movie universe".

Cao Xuan is still relatively conservative. Based on the series of movies, whether it can be expanded to the universe, he will take his time.

It's gratifying if it succeeds, but if it doesn't, there won't be much loss. The worst thing is that it will be turned into a spin-off or a spin-off.

Many other jobs are with Marvel.

The filming of "Avengers 3/4" will begin soon, Cao Xuan will star in it, and Marvel hopes that Cao Xuan can participate in "Hawkeye 2".

The plot of "Hawkeye 2" takes place between "Avengers 3/4". It can be regarded as a major supplement to Hawkeye's personal plot, and also pave the way for the ending of him and Black Widow.

Cao Xuan, Robert Downey Jr., and even the Widow Sister and Captain America actors have made it clear that after the filming of "Avengers 3/4" is completed, a major plot in the Marvel Universe will end, and they will start to withdraw and no longer participate in the show. Marvel movies.

In fact, even if they don't withdraw, Marvel will almost not be able to afford them.

In particular, the salaries of Robert Downey Jr. and Cao Xuan have become a burden for Marvel.

Robert Downey Jr. hasn't made a solo movie since "Iron Man 3", probably because Marvel disliked it being too expensive.

Cao Xuan is okay, so Marvel plans to make a "Hawkeye 2". The plot is second, and taking the opportunity to make a profit is the key.

Cao Xuan did not reject Marvel, but his attitude was very clear. "Avengers 3/4" can follow the rules. After all, he will not be the protagonist alone.

But "Eagle Eye 2" almost relies on him alone to handle the box office. Even this time, the widow only appeared as a guest star, so the salary is another price——

22 million US dollars + 15% box office dividend.

The price was high and beyond Marvel's ability to afford, but they didn't reject it outright, but felt it could be negotiated.

In addition to these three movies, Marvel also hopes that Cao Xuan can star in their subsequent "Eagle Eye" web series.

After all, Cao Xuan has retired, but the character of Hawkeye still has merit. Marvel has no intention of giving up and is preparing to launch a new hero as a replacement.

Marvel has not pointed out that Cao Xuan will star in this web series, and the cost will not be affordable, but they hope that Cao Xuan will show up and have a beginning and an end.

To show sincerity, Marvel even agreed that Cao Xuan can recommend actors for the new Hawkeye. As long as the conditions are met, they will consider it carefully.

In other words, Marvel has transferred the casting rights of this new hero to Cao Xuan. As long as the actors he recommends are pretty much the same, it’s basically a done deal.

Marvel felt that they were sincere, but Cao Xuan was noncommittal about this.

After all, Marvel is very confident in its subsequent development, but Cao Xuan understands that after "Avengers 4", Marvel's trend has been stagnant or even declining.

And due to various reasons, Marvel has become less and less popular in China.

Cao Xuan has even considered selling the Marvel stock in his hands at a high level. Marvel, which he considers to be a hot commodity, is just that to Cao Xuan.

However, he didn't refuse. Marvel's influence was still enough and he didn't need it. It was a rare opportunity for Fanxing's artists.

As for starring in the "New Eagle Eye" web series, Cao Xuan has no other ideas.

Marvel has a saying that is right, there is a beginning and an end.

Other games with Marvel are based on personal interests, but regarding the characters, both parties have the same attitude.

Marvel wants perfection. Since Cao Xuan has played the role of Hawkeye, he also wants him to have a decent and perfect exit.

This is not only responsible for himself and Marvel as a partner, but also for the many fans and movie fans who like him.

And from another level, the last hits of these Marvel movies can also help Cao Xuan's new movie and protect "John Wick".

The future situation is like a fog, and no one can tell clearly.

Cao Xuan couldn't compete with the general trend, so he could only make a few more profits while the golden finger was still effective. If the limelight was not right, he would go back to his country...


When Boss Cao went abroad to work, the domestic entertainment industry was also in turmoil.

First, in April, the famous entertainment paparazzi Han Bingjiang (Zhuo) photographed the actress Miss Bai performing Dali Duan's unique skills in Thailand.

In fact, Miss Bai's career and status in the realization stage are far different from those in the original time and space.

The film "33 Days After Love" on which she became famous was cut short by Damimi. Even the most representative actress in the country in chick flicks is Yang Mi. Before, Miss Bai's reputation was barely in the third tier.

However, at the end of 2015, this woman didn't know how to do it, and she became the heroine of Huayi's big production "Monster Hunt".

The movie "Monster Hunt" was quite high-profile and exposed a lot of scandals, but in the end, the box office of 1.5 billion+ still allowed Huayi to successfully continue its life. Even Xiao Wang always had the confidence to say that Huayi is not just Feng Xiaogang.

Miss Bai also became popular because of this. Although she has not yet reached the top, she is still well-known in the circle, otherwise she would not be targeted by Han Bingjiang.

This incident caused quite a stir. Although it was later revealed that Miss Bai was divorced and had no moral flaws, it still had a considerable impact.

The several projects that were currently in progress were immediately put on hold, and the two films that were being filmed, including "Monster Hunt 2", were temporarily put on hold to wait and see how they would gain momentum.

Huayi was so angry that he vomited blood. A new star that he had finally promoted was completely useless. Even if he could come back after the limelight, it was hard to say whether he could regain his momentum.

Another person who vomited blood was Empress Xigong. She finally knew what a disaster was.

When something happened to Miss Bai, there was another one named Bai Jing who caused a bigger trouble earlier, and even lost her reputation because of it. There was also a Miss Tong earlier, and her reputation is very complicated now.

Among the other female classmates, there is Tang Yan, who has been acting badly in the past two years and is known as the "shame of Chinese dramas".

There weren't that many geniuses among the male classmates, but the most popular one, Wen Zhang, had also failed, and his life had been bumpy in the past two years.

Taking a closer look, except for Fanxing, most of the other "outstanding students" in Class 02 of the Chinese Drama Theater were inferior.

Zeng Li, the star class teacher, is about to become the "disaster class teacher".

Many netizens even ridiculed that Teacher Zeng’s professional skills are not impressive, but he still needs to work hard on the students’ moral quality.

There are also many Zengli fans who voluntarily supervise Liu Tianxian, Lan Xi and others to ensure that nothing happens again, otherwise Teacher Zeng can consider retiring so as not to waste his children.

Zeng Li: "..."

This time, Empress Xigong looked so gloomy that she looked as if she was bankrupt. Scared, the Cao Li siblings secretly called their father to inquire about the progress of repaying their debt.

Originally, Zeng was recently negotiating for a variety show, "The Birth of an Actor" produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV.

The program team plans to put together a luxury package for the 96-star class. The instructors invited International Zhang and Liu Huohua, and then they want to take over all the East and West Palaces. Hu Jing will be the instructor, and Zeng Li, as an associate professor of Chinese Opera, can serve as a performance coach.

President Hu Da had no time and directly pushed it, so the program team planned to fully tackle Zeng Li and then get Yuan Quan or Qin Hailu.

Old classmates got together, and his job was to be an acting instructor in the industry. Zeng Li was a little excited for a while.

As a result, as soon as Miss Bai's incident came out, netizens and the media ridiculed her. Empress Nishinomiya broke her defense directly and did not want to go against the wind to avoid being teased. She was even more afraid of "misleading others" (grinding her teeth) again! ! !

"The Birth of an Actor" later proved that Zeng Li successfully escaped.

Although this show is very popular, it is a mess and has countless flaws. Although Nishimiya Empress is not worried that the show crew will plot to maliciously edit her, she does not want to get involved with these people. She is glad that she was promoted in the first place.

Compared with Miss Bai and "The Birth of an Actor", the summer "Wolf Warrior 2" box office exceeded 5.8 billion yuan, which was a major event that shocked the entire entertainment industry and even the world film market.

Wu Jing became famous in one battle, rising from a future action star in recent years to one of the representatives of Chinese films.

The ceiling for Chinese-language films has also been raised by more than 2 billion, although there are too many other factors involved.

But the industry doesn't care about this. What "Wolf Warrior 2" can do, other movies may not be able to do.

Soon, movies with military themes became popular, and even Cao Xuan, who was fighting Thanos in the United States, received a copy from within the company.

It was the Air Force flying planes, and it was the peacekeeping forces fighting terrorists. Cao Xuan couldn't laugh or cry.

But we have to admit that "Wolf Warrior 2" will push the Chinese film market towards the main theme wave. This cannot be said to be a bad thing, but it is also difficult to say that it is good.

No one can stop the market trend and official promotion.

The only thing Fanxing can do is not to follow blindly, but to ensure the quality of related themes under the general direction of the main theme, while also maintaining the output of other diversified themes...

I recommend a book, "The God of Painting", the author writes very sultryly

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