China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 17 You are the purple star descending from the sky

"Brother Xian, Brother Xian! I heard that an artist in your company fell into a workplace love triangle and committed suicide by taking poison. Is this true?!"

"Brother Xian! Brother Xian! Is your company too strict in managing artists' relationships? This is why artists' lives are in danger after falling in love?!"

"Brother Xian! Some people say that your company artists were high on drugs during the gathering, which led to this tragedy. Is this true?!"

"Brother Xian! Brother Xian..."

At 3:25 in the morning, in front of the hospital.

When Wu Zongxian, who arrived belatedly after receiving the notification, got off the nanny car, what greeted him were the microphones he was looking forward to——

The questions asked by the reporters were each outrageous, causing Wu Zongxian, who was already in a bad mood, to turn as dark as a pot.

What the hell kind of news is this?

"Ok, ok, friends from the media, please don't block me. The artists in my company are just gas poisoning and not a workplace love triangle or drug addict as rumored.

"I'm going in now to see how they are doing. Dear friends from the media, please don't write anything. Thank you."

Wu Zongxian, whose eyes were still obviously a little tired, expressed his attitude slightly forcefully, and then walked directly to the steps of the hospital under the escort of bodyguards——

Behind him, the media reporters who came after hearing the news were all carrying long guns and short cannons. The excitement of the crowd added a bit of noise to the lonely night.

As one of the most famous variety show hosts in Baodao, Wu Zongxian's current reputation can be said to be second to none in Baodao.

At present, the company he founded suddenly broke out about something suspected to be related to human life, which is enough to cause these reporters, who have always had a keen sense of smell, to go crazy.

Zhou Yi, who had been standing at the corner of the third floor of the hospital, lowered his head and had a panoramic view of the reporters who were blocked outside the door. He couldn't help but be speechless:

"Dear me, Baodao reporters at this time are still fierce. The microphone is almost stuck in Wu Zongxian's mouth."

He even suspected that if it weren't for the fear of having a bad impact on the hospital and causing unnecessary trouble if it got too big, these reporters might not even pay attention to the so-called obstruction. Sneak into the hospital to get first-hand reporting.

"Ayi, the situation is almost clear, we should be able to leave."

Just when he was still marveling at the professionalism of Baodao reporters, his agent Qian Jiang, who also ran out of home in the middle of the night, came over and said hello: "Wen Lan and the others are not suffering from food poisoning. After professional diagnosis and treatment, After testing, it was determined to be gas poisoning.

"It's really thanks to you this time. Even the police are praising you for doing a good job and saving three lives."

"It's just a little effort, it's not that exaggerated."

Zhou Yi withdrew his gaze and smiled: "It's because I practiced correcting my vocal style with Sister Yanzi late today and got home late, otherwise I wouldn't have encountered this problem."

"Either way, this is a great thing for you."

Seeing this, Qian Jiang was very satisfied, and then turned his head to look around at the quiet surroundings, deliberately approached and lowered his voice and said: "Do you know who these three people you rescued are? They are all Wu Zongxian's people.

“The woman’s name is Wen Lan, a slightly famous singer;

"One of the two men is called Liu Genhong, but he is now out of fashion. Don't worry about it. The other is called Jay Chou. I have heard of this name. He is a famous creative talent in Wu Zongxian's company. He has written many songs, but not many of them have been adopted. "

"When I look down, I'm looking at Wu Zongxian."

Zhou Yi didn't say much after hearing this, he just raised his right hand and pointed out the window.

"I know Ayi, you don't want to use this matter to make public. Don't worry, I understand the rules."

A smile immediately appeared on Qian Jiang's chubby face: "But you have done Wu Zongxian such a big favor, and his variety show resources must be used to repay you.

"You have to know that Wu Zongxian has a very high status in Baodao's variety show industry. I didn't even expect to get you into his flagship show.

"But it's different now, he owes you a big favor.

"I have to say, Ayi, you are really a purple star from the sky. In our jargon, you really deserve to be famous."

He touched his hairline, which was gradually receding as he got older, with emotion. Qian Jiang was naturally surprised that he had never seen this kind of start with three lives in the industry for so many years.

In the Baodao variety show industry around the turn of the millennium, if a newcomer wants to quickly accumulate fame, it is undoubtedly an excellent choice to build his reputation through Wu Zongxian's variety shows.

In his previous life, Jay Chou did this before his debut. Wu Zongxian was forced to join him for one episode of his flagship show. Before the album was officially released, he became a guest on variety shows and accumulated some popularity.

"Whether it's a variety show or not, it doesn't matter to me, but you have to coordinate your time. I'm currently only staying here in Baodao for a month, and I will return to the mainland in a month.

"If you still need to come here, you have to wait until after July."

Zhou Yi really didn't care about his agent's secret joy as if he had picked up money on the road.

In the near future, Baodao's restrictions on mainland artists should be issued. Mainland artists are not allowed to perform publicly on stage, perform in public programs, etc. in Baodao.

He, Zhou Yi, was not someone like Zhao Yanzi who wanted to lick him to death, so naturally he could not grovel and act like a dog.

At that time, maybe we can take this opportunity to cultivate a wave of fans in Baodao. When the ban is officially lifted, Baodao fans will welcome Master Wang with noisy gongs and drums and firecrackers...

"I see."

Qian Jiang, who cannot predict the future, is now more and more optimistic about the newcomer he brought. Therefore, before leaving, Gu Jue brought him to Wu Zongxian, who came in a hurry, and made him look familiar.

"Brother Xian, long time no see."

"Long time no see, A Jiang. Is this Zhou Yi?"

Wu Zongxian, who didn't have so many wrinkles on his face at that time, looked up and down at Zhou Yi, who was tall and powerful. He was in a good mood and nodded repeatedly: "Not bad, not bad. You are a good prospect to be an artist. I am very optimistic about you."

He was not a fool. He had already received the information from Warner before he came. Naturally, he knew exactly what Qian Jiang was thinking.

But he didn't feel disgusted. Instead, he had to say thank you.

This is three lives. If something goes wrong, he personally and the company's reputation will have to suffer.

"Are you free in the next two days? A Jiang, take this little brother Zhou and let's have dinner together. I'll be the host and thank you very much."

Wu Zongxian, with a sincere smile on his face, simply sent out the invitation signal.

ps: I hate working overtime!

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