China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 27 He opened up a new world of Chinese music

"You're so lucky."

Sun Yanzi, who had become more or less familiar with him after a week of getting along, smashed a pillow over her. She couldn't bear to see this man's arrogant expression.

Zhang Shaohan on the side was full of joy and had no other thoughts besides being happy for Zhou Yi.

This is a show that even the top four superstars in Hong Kong have to schedule to appear on it.

"Jealous, jealous. Look at your jealous face, Sun Yanzi."

Zhou Yi grabbed the pillow that covered his face. Zhou Yi could still smell a little fragrance of shampoo from it. He squinted at the woman with the listening earphones hanging around her neck: "Don't be jealous. Learn from me and be willing to help others. Maybe You will also have this opportunity in the future.”

"It's best to lock the doors and windows when you sleep at night, Zhou Yi." Sun Yanzi, who was gearing up, saw his provocative look and was immediately filled with hatred.

"Men and women are not close to each other, you are about to make your debut, and you want to come into my house late at night. What do you want to do?" Zhou Yi, who didn't care, sneered: "I'm warning you, I'm used to taking off my clothes to sleep."

Because the accommodation was arranged by Warner, the distance between the two of them was not too far. This is why Zhou Yi met Sun Yanzi who was also having dinner when he went out for dinner.

"But, Brother Yi, which single are you planning to release in October?" It was about Zhou Yi's debut, and Zhang Shaohan couldn't help but become curious.

Are you going to play the title song "Happy Worship" directly?

Or "Have to Love"?

"Play a single? What single to play? By October, I will be able to complete the album no matter how difficult it is to produce. Then I will go on the show with the album."

The production time of an album is usually variable.

Generally speaking, if the singer himself arranges the hardcover from beginning to end, the production time of the album will usually be longer, and even Zhou Yi is no exception to this rule.

This can be seen by looking at the time and speed at which Zhou Wangtao and the three released albums.

The main reason why Tao Zhe is the first to fall behind among the troika is that the album production time is getting longer and longer each time, and the exhaustion of creative energy is the main reason.

Even if Zhou Yi cheats, he still has to put in the effort to get the arrangement in his memory right, and then take the time to get the MV right. This is not the era of ring tones in the future, where the MV can be easily hung with a Flash animation.

"Don't worry, Teacher Sun. For the sake of you being my teacher, if you need it, I can take you on the show with me."

Zhou Yi, who clearly knew that the woman in front of him was going to take the lead in setting off a new wave of Chinese music in June, made the promise in a bad taste.

Sun Yanzi immediately rolled his eyes at him and commented on this behavior of writing bad checks: "Young Han, have you seen that this is a man who makes promises everywhere?"

Zhang Shaohan, who was still a little transparent, didn't dare to interrupt this topic. He could only pretend to be stupid and smile, not knowing what to ask.

"Don't sow discord, don't damage my image of being wise and powerful in Shaohan's heart." Zhou Yi nonchalantly brushed off the invisible dust on his nails.

Sun Yanzi couldn't help but laugh: "Except for your height and appearance, there is nothing else that can be related to this idiom."

"To be more serious, your behavior is trying to sow discord between Warner Records and Foremost Records, Senior Sister Sun."

"Why don't you add a Viking record? Why don't you go find your rumored girlfriend today?" Sun Yanzi chuckled lightly, and there was a hint of amusement in his eyebrows, watching him with interest.

Although Virgin Records, Warner Records and Alpha Records quickly refuted the rumors and presented evidence, the so-called "two women fighting for husband" news that was enough to attract the public's attention was snuffed out before it had time to spread. In the cradle, there was no huge wave.

But this didn't stop Sun Yanzi from teasing him about it.

Moreover, if these two people really make guest appearances on each other's albums, then the scandal will definitely be brought up again, and it will be difficult to refute the rumors.

"You kind of underestimate me. It's time to record songs in the morning, and I have to practice dancing in the afternoon."

Pointing to the music score that had been perfectly arranged not far from the monitoring station, Zhou Yi spread his hands and said, "Young Master, it's time to work.

"After recording "Happy Worship" and "Have to Love" that you and I sang together, you can go back first. You don't have to run back and forth every day. I will notify you when the MV starts recording."

Sun Yanzi, who still had a smile on his face, shrugged noncommittally and put on his headphones.

Helping Zhou Yi record songs was the easiest job she had ever done since she came into contact with music. It can be said that this man did everything he could, and he really didn't make any money for others.

Combined with this height and appearance, there is no doubt that it is the top all-in-one machine in the Chinese music scene.

Didn't you notice that the company's ace producer Li Sisong hasn't been here recently? It's because there is no room for him to perform here. A little help from Sun Yanzi, who is bored and waiting to make his debut, is enough for Zhou Yi to take care of everything in the recording studio.

Sun Yanzi, who was surprised by Zhou Yi's terrifying production ability, sighed silently in his heart. As the complete arrangement was released, Zhou Yi's highly recognizable voice suddenly came from the headphones——

"If you have forgotten your name, please follow me. Now let us worship happiness~

"If you have put down your burdens, please come with me and spread the word to build a happy era~"

It begins with an extremely catchy melody, followed by a rap vocal that astonishes Sun Yanzi—different from the incomprehensible barrage of rap in the underground hip-hop market, Zhou Yi’s vocal is unique. of clarity.

"Which generation does happiness belong to, 70s, 80s, 90s or Generation Y~

"If you open a history textbook, you won't be able to find the answer even if you search carefully, and you won't be able to memorize it well.

"Relax, let me tell you

"What kind of era blows what kind of wind, I hold my microphone..."

Zhang Shaohan's voice was accurately inserted in timely echoes, and the clear timbres set off each other directly created the layering of Zhou Yi's voice when rapping.

At this moment, even though Sun Yanzi had studied music in Singapore for many years, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. His head subconsciously swayed to the rhythm, and his index finger tapped on the table.

This is a genre that has never appeared on the mainstream stage of the Chinese music scene before 2000.

Sun Yanzi doesn't know what kind of evaluation this song will receive after it is released in the future, but here, at this moment, she only thinks that this man is doing something very crazy, but also very cool——

He subverted the existing Chinese music scene, innovatively introduced hiphop elements that are currently extremely popular in European and American music circles, and perfectly integrated them into Chinese pop music.

Different from the so-called hiohop experimental album called "Someone" recorded by mainland musicians Tutu, Xie Dong, and Yin Xiangjie in 1993, that album was purely half-baked and more like digital than hiphop. Noble has never gained a foothold in the domestic mainstream music market.

But this one is different.

Whether it is composing or arranging music, or rapping rhythm and tone, Zhou Yi has achieved perfection.

After spending a week, Sun Yanzi finally heard the complete arrangement and song, staring blankly at the Book of Changes behind the transparent glass——

The light scattered dappledly on his body, interweaving a hazy veil.

At this moment, she seemed to see a throne vaguely appearing behind this man.

He opened up a new world of Chinese music.

ps: There is one more update, try to post it before midnight

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