China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 48 Change your schedule and update time

As the title states, this is the hell time at two or three o'clock in the morning every day. After writing this, I almost couldn't bear it. Every day I go to work is a fight between my eyes. If this continues, it will become a vicious cycle.

I'm really sleepy tonight. I can't even eat and I feel like vomiting. My stomach has begun to feel uncomfortable due to this vicious cycle of staying up late.

I simply thought about taking a day off today to adjust my status and update time so that I would no longer be so hellish.

I go there at two or three in the morning every day, and I suspect that I will have to go to the hospital soon.

Starting tomorrow, the daily update time will be changed to Chapter 1 at 7pm and Chapter 2 at 9pm.

In this way, I will have a good rest when I go home tonight, and I will be able to have the energy to code during the day tomorrow, so that I will not feel sleepy every day, and I will enter a virtuous circle from now on.

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