China Entertainment Ultimate Tycoon

Chapter 57: experience begins

Jiang Bai reached out and pressed down, letting the fanatical fans quiet down a little.

Then he said into the microphone: "First of all, thank the fans and media friends for coming. Today is the first day that "Tianzun" meets you.

Before that, the first thing I want to say is that the game "Tianzun" is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on the online novel "Tianzun" of the same name.

The adaptation planning of this game is all Chinese. The values ​​and spiritual core contained in the whole game are also completely Chinese spirit.

Therefore, after the impact of many European and American masterpieces and Japanese and Korean online games in the market, everyone can finally feel the style of a real domestic masterpiece! "

Localization, the connotation of Chinese spirit, these are the two key points that Jiang Bai has paid great attention to since the beginning of the promotion of "Tianzun".

The reason for playing these two cards is not just to promote feelings.

With the quality of "Tianzun", there is actually no need to play the card of feelings, because it does not need to be inferior to those 3A masterpieces in the world.

From this point of view, in fact, excessive publicity feelings are not conducive to the publicity work of "Tian Zun".

Because this will make players and the media think that the game quality of "Tianzun" is average. After all, if the game quality is good, why bother to promote feelings?

But Jiang Bai did it without hesitation.

As long as "Tianzun" is officially on the shelves, players will understand the quality problem.

It is the problem of localization. Once "Tianzun" is on the shelves, I am afraid that players and the media will find it difficult to believe that this is a domestic game.

So Jiang Bai wants to nail the domestic game card to himself before "Tianzun" is put on the shelves.

Let everyone face up to the quality of domestic games.

Make Daoyi Games a brand that represents high-quality domestic games!

This is extremely important for the rise of Chinese culture in the future and the establishment of the entire entertainment empire.

For the long-term benefit, the temporary sacrifice is totally worth it.

"Mr. Jiang, you said that "Tianzun" is a completely domestic game, but we know that domestic games often have the characteristics of rough production and low technology. Is this the same for "Tianzun"?"

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Bai's voice fell, a reporter stood up and asked a very sharp question.

Jiang Bai smiled and said: "If I were to say it, then I would say that the quality of "Tianzun" is very strong, and it does not belong to the international 3A masterpiece. But people don't believe what you say."

When these words came out, everyone was stunned, and the reporter was even more confused.

It is normal for producers to brag about the quality of their products when promoting them.

But at the end, what does it mean when you add that everyone doesn't believe it?

You don't play cards according to common sense!

Jiang Bai continued: "The reason for everyone's disbelief is the same as what this reporter said before. As long as you hear the news of domestic games, you will subconsciously associate with rough production and low technology. So what I say is everything. It's useless.

In that case, I won't say it.

How is the game quality of "Tianzun", please verify it yourself, and comment it yourself!

Now I announce that the experience event of "Tianzun" has officially started. We will arrange for players to experience the situation of "Tianzun" one by one. Due to the number of players, the longest experience time for each player is 20 minutes.

In the process of other players' experience, players who cannot experience it can watch the big screen below, which will play and experience the player's game situation in real time! "

My name is Lin Yanqiu, and I am a game reporter.

Today, I received the task arranged by the editor-in-chief to go to Kyoto Animation Game City to interview the popular domestic online game, "Tian Zun", which is currently being advertised on the Internet!

It's not a difficult task, and as a veteran journalist, I've taken on it many times.

It is nothing more than taking a few photos on the spot, and then modifying the manuscripts that previously promoted other games, and the task can be completed.

I sat in front of the "Tianzun" game booth and watched a stage play first.

The male protagonist is Wu Jing, the female protagonist doesn't know her, but she looks pretty.

The stage play is good. Now there are not many producers who are willing to invest so much in publicity.


It's just that the interactive part after that is too time-consuming.

I'm not a fan, although the heroine is beautiful, but she doesn't sleep with me, who wants to waste time watching where they are beeping?

Bad review!

Wu Jing and the heroine finally went down, and then Jiang Bai, the general manager of Daoyi, came to power.

It is said that this President Jiang is not simple. He is not only the general manager of the production side, but also a great writer in the online literature circle and a great director in the film and television circle.

Oh, it really is the capital that decides everything!

Both the author and the director have gone to the game circle to be the general manager, what else can you bring besides fans!

Listening to President Jiang's bragging on stage, what plots are localized, what values ​​are in line with the core of Huaxia's spirit, and what technologies are on par with European and American big productions...

MMP's, do you believe this kind of words?

Bad review!

The only thing that made me feel better was that Mr. Jiang didn't speak for a long time, and he announced the start of the game experience activity within five minutes of being on the Not bad, not bad.


The experience activity has officially started. As media reporters, we don’t need to line up like ordinary fans. There are special computers for us to experience.

I sat in front of the computer and entered the ID number to register an account.

This needs to be praised. Although the government has long released an online game anti-addiction real-name verification system, most game manufacturers have turned a deaf ear to it.

They wish players could be addicted to the game twenty-four hours a day.

I already have an opinion on this.

It is the nature of businessmen to seek profit, but doing so is too ugly.

It's just that everyone does it, and I can't help it.

But I didn't expect this Daoyi game to realize real-name registration first, and we can know from their publicity announcement that this game strictly implements relevant national policies.

Minors cannot play more than eight hours a day, otherwise they will be forced to quit.

Manufacturers with conscience, I will give you two more good words for tomorrow's report!

After entering the ID number, the account registration is completed.

I finally got into the game.


A full three-minute opening CG ended, leaving me speechless for a long time.

At this moment, I could clearly hear the other reporters gasping for air.

My attitude is finally correct, this game is extraordinary.

No matter what he made in it, this CG alone is amazing.

Not to mention tens of millions!

I swallowed my saliva, and my heart raised strong expectations for the game content. Since the producer is willing to make such a serious investment in making the game CG, the game content will not be too bad!

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