Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Fun-loving Lockhart (2 in 1)

Chapter 173 Fun Man-Lockhart (2 in 1)

Christmas is getting closer and closer, and the weather is getting colder and colder. The little wizards are once again covered in thick winter robes. Sometimes they have to walk through the corridors that are completely exposed to the outside to go to the classroom.

In the second week of December, Professor McGonagall came over as usual to collect the list of students staying at school for Christmas.

Due to the many attacks in schools, very few students are willing to stay in school for Christmas, not even half of those in previous years.

The Daily Prophet's criticism of the school has become more and more explicit, and the focus is on the school - that is, Dumbledore has not yet come up with a complete solution or countermeasure.

To be honest, what the "Daily Prophet" wrote actually makes sense. The lack of any measures really made parents very angry. Zhang Xiao often saw owls dropping letters to Dumbledore - it can only be said that the wizarding world is indeed too small.

Ordinary wizards can write directly to the President of the International Confederation of Wizards.

After returning to normal campus life, everything was so peaceful, as if nothing had happened, but Zhang Xiao always felt that this was the calm before the storm.

In Potions class, they have already begun to learn about the 'swelling' potion, which is a potion that can cause swelling in the parts of the body that come into contact with the potion. They just don't know where this potion is mainly used.

This class was extremely boring in general. Professor Snape was still very enthusiastic about his little hobby. He shuttled between the twenty cauldrons, patrolling back and forth in a cloud of smoke, watching them add 2 spoons of dried nettles and Add 3 parts of puffer fish eyes into the mortar.

Or stand behind the little wizards of Gryffindor and stare at them with cold eyes as they weigh the ground powder on a copper scale.

As long as there is any irregularity, he will immediately and rudely criticize the young wizards, while the Slytherin students will gloat and snicker on the sidelines.

The Gryffindor students glared at them, and Zhang Xiao found it quite interesting. The relationship between the two houses was now like Malfoy and Harry, not friends, but not enemies either.

It's more like a pair of pure opponents, competing against each other.

It's just that Professor McGonagall is not overly biased like Snape. She always tries her best to be fair in class.

Seamus, who was alone in the corner during class, did not cause any trouble, which made Snape slightly relieved.

The most boring course is still History of Magic, Professor Binns is a ghost. The most exciting thing in his class was when he walked across the blackboard into the classroom.

He was very old and his flesh was so shriveled that many people said he did not notice that he was dead. While he was still alive, he stood up one day to go to class and accidentally left his body in an armchair in front of the fire in the staff room.

In this way, he became a ghost. Zhang Xiao actually had no interest in the history of magic. It was more convenient to listen to Professor Binns lecture in a hypnotic and dry voice than to read the textbook by himself.

Zhang Xiao learned something new at Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club.

".The biggest difference between transfiguration and magic is the amount of power and clear mind."

Professor McGonagall, wearing a high bun and an emerald green wizard robe, sat on a soft sofa. The theme this time was 'comfortable sofa'.

A little Ravenclaw wizard raised his hand. She was sitting on a purple sponge armrest sofa. It looked a bit retro and old-fashioned to Zhang Xiao, but this is a very popular style recently.

: "Professor, isn't it true that the stronger the power, the stronger the transformation technique?"

"Of course. No." Professor McGonagall shook her head gently, and said in a serious tone similar to that in class:

"As we all know, black magic can increase the power of a wizard very quickly, and even allow the wizard to display extremely powerful lethality."

The little wizards nodded silently, which is why many wizards just want to explore what black magic is, but inevitably fall into the abyss in the end.

Because the increase in power brought by black magic is so great that it makes people want to stop, and in the end they can only fall into the abyss and cannot extricate themselves.

Therefore, Hogwarts has adopted an almost strict ban on dark magic. Like Daphne, the dark magic school taught at home has no control over it, but it must not be used in Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall continued:

"But it is not without cost. Black magic can corrupt people. Even most dark wizards have lost the ability to use positive magic, including advanced transformation, from the moment they set foot on the road of no return.

You start to pay the price and can only sink in black magic. Maybe some people can break through this limitation and wake up from black magic, but they can achieve extremely high achievements without learning black magic.

That is the so-called genius. "

Most dark wizards cannot use advanced transfiguration? Zhang Xiao was a little surprised and hurriedly wrote down this information. He only remembered that the dark wizard seemed unable to use the Patronus Curse, but Snape could.

Barty Crouch Jr. can also use a powerful transformation spell to turn Malfoy into a stoat.

Is this the genius Professor McGonagall was talking about?

Well, they two seem to be really geniuses.

After a day of classes, Zhang Xiao lay on his soft bed and looked at Qingluan sleeping not far away. During this period, his father took the time to contact him twice.

He was really busy over there. He would beat this one today and that one tomorrow. Anyway, my mother was just trying to prevent people from escaping, and the one who went up to beat them was Zhang Chengdao.

He seemed very happy to hear his tone. He probably asked about Qingluan's condition and told Zhang Xiao that Qingluan might have been over-consumed earlier and could only repair it slowly or send it back to Longhu Mountain.

After all, purifying the soul and stabilizing the mind are Qingluan's innate magical powers. Sister Bird is just a bluebird with Qingluan's bloodline. After using her talent for so long, she is indeed very tired and needs to recover slowly.

I can only let her fall asleep slowly.

Zhang Xiao made a very comfortable little nest for Senior Qingluan and placed it next to his pillow. The little wizards of Slytherin were also very concerned about this magical bird that could give them small fruits.

There are often little wizards eagerly asking Zhang Xiao if his 'bs' is ready, or spontaneously making some garlands and sending them over.

Even Malfoy secretly checked how to treat the phoenix when it was sick. Unfortunately, the phoenix is ​​too mysterious. Currently, only the Dumbledore family in the wizarding world has a phoenix.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Xiao finally figured out why Fox's old pervert had not appeared recently - it was preparing for nirvana and had been in an extremely weak state for the entire year.

Coincidentally, both Qingluan and Phoenix are getting weak.

Zhang Xiao gently moved Qingluan's nest to his side and touched its soft feathers.

Malfoy, who was in the bed next to him, suddenly sighed, rattled the class schedule and said:

"Zhang, what a bad luck. Lockhart has another class tomorrow. You said I bought the kind of candy developed by the Weasley brothers that will make you vomit if you eat it. Can I skip class?"

Lockhart's class?

Thinking of the exaggerated stage play and extremely embarrassing dialogue, Zhang Xiao could only be grateful that he was in coma and slept for a few extra days and skipped a few classes.

Crabbe and Goyle stuck their heads out from their beds and asked in horror: "Draco, do you still have that candy? I want it too."

"You don't have to say your lines every time, you just need to pick up a wooden stick. It's not difficult, right?" Malfoy put away the course schedule and asked doubtfully.

Gore shook his head quickly, his chubby little face turned pale: "Recently, I have been dreaming that I am a troll. After I woke up, I couldn't shake off that horrible feeling. It was so scary.

Draco, you can't imagine how terrible that feeling is. "

Crabbe nodded in agreement with a miserable look on his face.

Zhang Xiao and Malfoy looked at each other, and Brother Drag took out a large jar of vomit gummies and handed them over: "Give them all to you guys, I think you guys need them more."

The two chubby little guys were moved to tears. While they thanked Malfoy, they took out a lot of candies and stuffed them into the pockets of their robes, just in case they forgot to get candies tomorrow.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh a little, seeing how hard these children were forced to do.

Whether they like it or not, the next day always comes as scheduled, and it is the turn of the little wizards in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to eat breakfast in the restaurant dejectedly.

Pessimistically communicate the next course:

"Which one should we do today, mate? Or Traveling with the Ghouls, where the two of them sit in a boat and recite excerpts from the Wizard's Sonnets to the ghouls?"

"No, no, no, I heard from Ernie that they started playing "Holiday with a Dominatrix" a few days ago."

The faces of the little wizards were almost pale, and Zhang Xiao felt numb listening to their discussion. It was really acting~! Lockhart is still obsessive-compulsive, even if the emotions and actions are not in place, he will insist on starting over.

Who is not afraid?

Malfoy held up a glass of milk, his hands trembling a little, because he would definitely play the role of Lockhart's admirer, a role that runs through almost all of his works, that is to say, no matter which one he plays.

He will be unfortunately chosen to play this role. Similar to him is Blaise Chabini, who has equally excellent appearance.

"Why does he still have the nerve to stay in school? If I were him, he would have resigned in shame and left!"

Malfoy suddenly exploded. He put the milk heavily on the table and wanted to rush to the front of the classroom immediately and recite a curse at Lockhart, who was ignoring the disgusted looks of other professors.

Regarding Malfoy's question, Zhang Xiao had no good solution. The only one who could fire the professor was Dumbledore. Maybe it was because he couldn't find a suitable candidate for this course. Anyway, Dumbledore just acquiesced in Lockhart's nonsense. .

After breakfast, the little wizards shuffled towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with extremely sad expressions, as if they were attending a funeral.

After the class was seated, Lockhart cleared his throat loudly to silence everyone.

Today he was wearing a shiny wizard robe, and the sunlight outside the window shone on him, and the reflected sunlight almost blinded the little wizards.

But there was an advantage - at least they didn't have to look at Lockhart's disgusting smile.

As if he didn't notice the low pressure from the young wizards, Lockhart turned around and said in an enthusiastic tone:

"After a semester, everyone has learned about many dangerous dark creatures from my books.

I also learned how to resist them - I don't mean learning how to use my perfect smile to resist Wanlun's female ghosts. "

Lockhart showed off his 'award-winning' smile just right.

The little wizards almost vomited.

Hermione buried her head in her arms and whispered with an expression of disbelief:

"Oh my God! He. I can't stand it. How did I ever find him so attractive before?"

Ron shrugged: "Hermione, maybe you need a pair of glasses just like Harry."

Apparently there are many others who are similar to Hermione, and they are all former loyal fans of Lockhart.

After all, he was so shameless that he could plagiarize other people's experiences. Lockhart continued his performance as if he hadn't seen anything:

"But I regret to tell you that the study of my works will probably have to say goodbye for some time."

The little wizards suddenly raised their heads in surprise and looked at Lockhart expectantly, trying to verify whether what he said was true.

In the back row of the classroom, Crabbe and Goyle had peeled off a small pile of vomit candy and swallowed it in their mouths.

After hearing Lockhart's words, he immediately raised his head in astonishment. They looked at each other for a while, then their expressions suddenly became frightened. He yelled and tried like crazy to hold his throat and spit out the candy he had swallowed.

Unfortunately, this action seemed to speed up the effect of the vomiting candy. Malfoy listened to the continuous vomiting sounds of the two people behind him and whispered with a sense of guilt:

"Shouldn't I give them so much?"

Zhang Xiao sighed, and he specifically asked the two of them to wait until the performance was confirmed to start before eating. After all, not every performance requires them to play the role of a troll.

If you were playing "Walking with Ghouls", the designated 'ghoul' would be Ron.

Because Crabbe and Goyle's vomiting was too lethal, it caused a small commotion. After it finally subsided, less than half of the course time had passed.

Lockhart lifted his blond hair that was a little wilted from cleaning up the vomit from the two of them (Hermione had put it in), and tried his best to keep a smile:

"Okay, okay, just a small incident. I can only regret that these two students are going to miss an extremely exciting class."

The young wizards were as indifferent to Lockhart's appetizing remarks as if they were crying wolf, which Lockhart said every time he performed a play instead of his own book.

"Although my books have included most of the dangerous dark creatures, there are still some that you may have never come into contact with——"

Lockhart mysteriously pulled out a blackboard, which was covered by a white curtain, so you couldn't see what was written on the blackboard.

The little wizards finally became interested and stretched their necks to see what new ideas Lockhart had come up with.

Lockhart was obviously very satisfied with everyone's reaction. He remembered Tom's advice and became more confident.

Holding a corner of the curtain, Lockhart turned around suddenly, opened the curtain, and said loudly:

"Now, let's go into another mysterious world - see more terrifying and darker monsters!"

The little wizards stood up after being coaxed, looked at the pictures on the blackboard, and started chattering.

Zhang Xiao took a breath of air and almost stared out of his eyes.

He never expected that the picture on the blackboard was something he was very familiar with!

No, Lockhart, what did you want to do by drawing the zombies in "Mr. Zombie" on the blackboard?

Is this the brain circuit of Lezi people?

Zhang Xiao couldn't understand it, but was shocked!


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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