Umbridge? How does this matter have anything to do with her?

Zhang Xiao continued reading with doubts.

Law enforcement officers from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement seized bags of gold galleons from her home, as well as 'letters' communicating with Lockhart.

In the letter, Lockhart called Umbridge his dear Sweetie, and openly mentioned that he wanted to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and would later seek the Minister of Magic with Umbridge.

The readers' interest was instantly transferred to the letters between Umbridge and Lockhart, and they were very interested in the explicit descriptions inside.

The attention was successfully diverted, and the latest issue of the newspaper was Fudge's sincere apology, saying that both the Ministry of Magic and himself had been deceived by Umbridge.

Zhang Xiao sneered. In his opinion, this method was of course low-level and old-fashioned.

But old-fashioned means easy to use, and Umbridge has undoubtedly become the scapegoat and shouldered all the responsibilities.

It's a bit regretful, and I'm going to find an opportunity to teach this disgusting pink toad a lesson.

Now she can only spend the rest of her life in Azkaban. Fudge and the purebloods are still cruel enough.

So the whole secret room incident was almost over.

Dumbledore returned to the school, and all the petrified students were also de-petrified. Voldemort's plan failed again. He got the diary as he wished, gained fame, and also raised the golden light to 3 inches.

It can be said that it was full of rewards, and only Fudge's injury was achieved.

Therefore, the next planning must also be put on the agenda.

Zhang Xiao put down the newspaper, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, lost in thought.

First of all, I must return to Longhu Mountain during the summer vacation, so before that, I have to resolve Sirius's matter just in case.

Harry is his only relative, and he must not hide away like he did in his previous life. His identity will not be visible to the light until his death.

The Ministry of Magic must admit its mistake!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao was suddenly stunned. Hey, am I so distracted now? Think of the Ministry of Magic as a neighborhood committee?

After thinking about the British Ministry of Magic, I roughly estimated the influence I currently have.

Hmm. It seems that the Ministry of Magic is like that?

There are still two or three months left before summer vacation, so let’s start doing this when we get back.

When I return to Longhu Mountain, I will ask my grandpa if there is any way to locate Voldemort through the diary. The location of the Horcrux is not important, it is all clear.

As long as Voldemort is not given a chance to be resurrected, then he will be a piece of trash, and he will still be the kind of person whose mind is unclear - even if he is resurrected, he will be equally unclear.

After roughly planning his future life, Zhang Xiao lazily waved his magic wand.

"Clatter!" The letters in the box seemed to have wings, and they all flew towards this side. They rushed to Zhang Xiao's side, wanting to be the first to read them.

With another wave of the wand, all the letters were opened. Arranged neatly in front of him.


Zhang Xiao lazily uttered a word from his mouth, and a soft and bright light came from nowhere and filled the room.

Suddenly the reading environment became much better.

Hey, the realm of 'no curse' is so convenient. I don't want to block my cognition again. After blocking it, it will be like modern people returning to ancient times.

It always happens that you feel you can do it, but actually you can't.

Zhang Xiao put his hands behind his head, crossed his legs, and read letters from friends leisurely.

"Zhang, I don't know if you are better, you know. The whole Slytherin is crazy for you!

They worship you fanatically, imitate your words, and imitate your actions, because you always smile, and now Slytherin is just like taking a joy potion, imitating your smile!

I also immediately asked my father why he signed the notice to remove the principal. My father told me that this issue is very complicated, but you can answer my questions.

But you are still recuperating, I won't disturb you, have a good rest, Slytherin has me, everything is fine! "

Draco has grown up!

Zhang Xiao sighed and folded Draco's letter. It could be seen that Draco had a lot to say, but he just held it back for the sake of his own rest.

After reading the subsequent letters, it turned out that they were all concerned about his physical condition, as well as Slytherin's internal trends.

Then Zhang Xiao looked at Hermione's letter again. The little witch's handwriting was just like hers. Juanxiu's handwriting had a playful upturn. Looking at her letter, it was as if she could see Hermione lying on the table.

The furry head was lowered, and the quill trembled slightly as he wrote a letter.

".I checked all the information I could find, and there was no treatment for basilisk venom. It just said that cow dung stone could provide relief.

Oh my God, Zhang, I was really worried. I even summoned up the courage to ask Professor Snape. Professor Snape just told me in a mocking tone, if I read Advanced Potions seriously.

You will know that the powerful antidote can effectively remove the poison of the basilisk.

But he was lying. I had already finished reading Advanced Potions in my leisure time, and there was no content in this area at all.

Zhang, you must take good care of yourself at St. Mungo's, otherwise the first place will be mine!

By the way, enclosed are the recent class notes and key points."

Reading Hermione's letter, Zhang Xiao felt warm in his heart. He had never even thought that Hermione would be willing to drop out of school as a guarantee. You must know that for Hermione, being expelled is more terrifying than death!

Just class notes and key points. I really don’t want them!

Harry and Ron's letters seemed to be written together, because Harry's letters often contained phrases such as "Ron said."

“Man, this is so cool! Riding a fire dragon and charging towards the basilisk with a phoenix!

At that time, I was shaking with excitement, and so was Ron. Because of you, many young wizards were already exercising. They even asked Professor Flitwick if they could use a protective spell, and then rushed forward to fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

Professor Flitwick severely criticized their approach and said that although he was excited about your feat, it was not suitable for all young wizards.

And Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall mentioned many times in class that we should leave more sight to your imagination.

Whirlwind Sweeper is originally only used for cleaning rooms, but it can be used with Dragon Flame to create a wonderful idea.

Professor McGonagall has added 200 points to you! brother! This is a full two hundred points!

She also praised your excellent application of the Transfiguration Charm, which I can't wait to learn.

By the way, Ron asked if you could let him ride Norbert when you come back?

To be honest, I really want to ride Norbert.

Well, Hermione is just like Professor McGonagall, sternly accusing us of disturbing your rest with our overly long letters.

Get well soon and we are waiting for your return! "

The smile on Zhang Xiao's face became more and more obvious. He still remembered that when the secret room was opened, Harry jumped in first without hesitation, which was why all the little wizards rushed in together.

Although he is reckless, he is a friend worth trusting.

It’s not in vain that my buddy helped you carry the secret room!

Most of the remaining friends expressed the hope that Zhang Xiao would reply as soon as possible. Fred and George also planned a grand celebration that could only be launched when Zhang Xiao came back.

Cedric said that the Chamber of Secrets has become a famous check-in point, and even many adult wizards have written to the school, eager to visit the school.

They were all severely rejected by Professor McGonagall. She also prohibited the young wizards from entering the secret room on the grounds that it had not yet been fully investigated whether there was any danger.

However, the little wizards would always run to the door in small groups, happily opening the secret room and sneaking in to play with their familiar snake language.

Finally, Zhang Xiao looked at the last letter, which was from Neville.

The handwriting of Neville's letter is a bit small, which has something to do with his character. Although this time he is in a much better situation than before, and everyone looks at his clumsiness in a friendly manner.

But Neville, who felt that he was always holding everyone back, still had low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

"Zhang, are you feeling better? You are so brave! I think I may never be as brave as you.

But I will definitely try my best. Grandma also heard about you and said that you are a different Slytherin and your courage is worthy of admiration.

When she found out we were friends—"

Zhang Xiao noticed that the word 'friend' was written heavily in ink. Neville was obviously very excited when he wrote it.

"Grandma was very happy and asked me to have the courage like you.

By the way - I will give you a surprise in a few days!

Neville Longbottom"

surprise? What surprise?

Zhang Xiao was somewhat looking forward to Neville's surprise, but he couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Neville's heart blindness, which could even be considered a 'terminal disease' for wizards.

He could only practice a lot of repetitions and rely on the flow of numbness to learn spells. Neville's efficiency in learning any spell was shockingly low.

At this moment, a pleasant bell suddenly rang outside the door.

Then the door was pushed open. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile when he looked at the door and jumped up happily.

"Dad, Mom?"

At the door of the ward, Zhang Chengdao was wearing well-tailored casual clothes, with his hands in his pockets, winking at his son and tilting his head, looking so handsome and yuppie.

Li Qingshu smiled and stretched out her hand to wave at him, but her eyes turned red just after she shouted "Xiaoxiao".

Of course the Heavenly Master talked about that battle in detail when he returned home, and the dangers involved were immediately apparent.

So as soon as the matter in China was over, the couple didn't even have time to rest, so they changed into inconspicuous clothes and came over.

After thanking the therapist who led them here, Zhang Chengdao closed the door.

His face immediately became serious, and his body seemed to exude a coldness and murderous aura. He looked at Zhang Xiao and asked softly:

"Son, the one who bullied you this time was the rogue leader named Voldemort?"


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