Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 196 Chance Encounter

Zhang Xiao was sitting on a bench in the hall of St. Mungo's, looking at this famous magic hospital in the wizarding world.

There was no way, I really couldn't stay in the ward anymore, the communication talismans were being used one by one, and it was very noisy.

The people at Longhu Mountain have decided to get together when they get back.

In their words, ‘I can’t beat you in a single fight, but I can’t beat you in a group fight? ’

Anyway, seeing his parents rolling up their sleeves and looking happy, Zhang Xiao was not prepared to interrupt the couple, so he had to hide out.

I just haven't seen St. Mungo's yet.

There were many wizards in the hall, and they seemed to be in a crowded reception area.

There were also rows of witches and wizards sitting on rickety wooden chairs, some looking completely normal, reading back issues of Wizarding Weekly.

Others have horrific appearances, such as damaged tusks or a hand growing out of their chest.

For example, there was a man with a pig's head sitting diagonally behind Zhang Xiao, drooling and staring at another man who had a hot soup pot on his head that he couldn't take off.

According to the therapist's inquiry, he must have secretly practiced the "Animagus" quick version he got from nowhere, which resulted in his current state.

The room was not quiet as most of the patients were making very distinctive noises:

A perspiring wizard sitting in the middle of the front row was fanning herself with a copy of the Daily Prophet. When the steam came out of her mouth, it made a sharp whistling sound, like a train whistle;

A dirty-looking wizard sat in the corner. Every time he moved, a jingling bell sounded, his head vibrating so violently with the sound that he had to hold his ears to keep steady.

Witches and wizards in orange-green robes walked around, asking questions and writing notes on notepads.

These men all wore the same badges on their chests as their healers: crossed wands and bones.

In front of the information desk. Various notices and posters were posted on the wall behind her: a clean cauldron to prevent reagents from turning into poison, prescription antidotes, and a large portrait of a witch with her signature silver curls:

Delise Devante

Not only was this witch a famous healer, but she also served as the Headmistress of Hogwarts from 1741-1768.

Zhang Xiao had also seen her portrait in the principal's office. At this moment, the silver-haired old lady was winking at him.

Except for these wizards who suffered strange injuries, St. Mungo's looked like an ordinary hospital.

The floor signs next to you have instructions for each floor:

Artifact Accidents - Ground Floor: A cauldron explodes, a wand has bad consequences, a broomstick crashes, and more

Injuries caused by animals - First floor: bites, stings, burns, bone injuries, etc.

Drawbacks of Magic - Second Floor: Infectious diseases, such as dragon pox, vanishing disease, scrojungulus, etc.

Poisoning by chemicals and plants - Third floor: series of outbreaks, backflow, uncontrollability, etc.

Spell Damage - Fourth Floor: Hexes, Curses, Improper Use of Magic, etc.

Visitors' Lounge/Hospital Store - 5th Floor.

If you don't know your way around, there's a language barrier, or you can't remember why you're here, our receptionists are happy to help.

Just as Zhang Xiao was looking at the crowd boredly, wondering when his parents would end the call, a familiar figure walked in through the hospital door.


Zhang Xiao was a little surprised, waved in Neville's direction, and shouted:

"Here, Neville!"

Neville looked confused and looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

Soon he saw Zhang Xiao, a happy smile suddenly appeared on his round face, and he waved to Zhang Xiao.

At this moment, another old woman dressed a little strangely also walked in. She immediately saw Zhang Xiao waving in her direction and whispered something to Neville.

Then the two of them walked towards Zhang Xiao together.

There was still a short distance to go, and Neville couldn't hold back his excitement, so he jogged a few steps and rushed up to hug him.

Then he said happily: "Zhang, I also want to give you a surprise!"

Then take a closer look at his condition:

"Are you okay? This is great!"

Zhang Xiao patted his shoulder and bent his arms to show his muscles:

"I'm doing great. I think I can go back to school after two more days of observation!"

He looked at the old woman next to Neville. She was wearing an old-fashioned green robe, with a fox fur scarf around her neck, and her fox head resting on her shoulders.

He was carrying a big red bag and had a stuffed eagle on his hat.

Even in the wizarding world where fancy clothes are common, her dress is quite 'clear and refined'.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you. This is my grandma—Augusta Longbottom. Grandma, she is the Zhang I often tell you!"

"Hey, yes," his grandmother stared at Zhang for a while, then stretched out her wrinkled hand to him: "Yes, yes, of course I know who you are.

Neville thinks very highly of you. "

She smiled gently at Zhang:

"I've always wanted to thank you in person for what happened last year, but Neville didn't want to. He said you were his true friend."

Neville focused his eyes on his feet, not looking at Zhang, but secretly looking at him with a look of embarrassment and expectation, his face already flushed.

"Of course!" Zhang Xiao showed a sincere smile: "Of course there is no need to thank you for this. Just like Neville said, we are true friends."

The smile on Mrs. Longbottom's face suddenly became more obvious:

“Neville’s been telling me about you, how wonderful you are, how great you are, how much you’ve helped him, of course, kid.

I have seen your brave move in the newspaper. It is very brave.


The old woman's eyes suddenly became stern and she turned to Neville:

"But I'm afraid my grandson certainly didn't inherit his father's talents—"

She turned her head sharply to look at the fourth floor, and the vulture on her hat trembled violently with her movement.

Mrs. Longbottom said in a sharp voice: "Have you ever told your friends about your parents, Neville?"

Neville took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at his grandma with a pleading look. His originally rosy cheeks turned a little white:

"I am planning to tell him when I visit Zhang this time."

Zhang Xiao looked at Neville and wanted to help him out, but Mrs. Longbottom had already said it loudly:

"No! You should have told your friends this a long time ago!

This is nothing to be ashamed of! Mrs. Longbottom said angrily:

"You should be proud, Neville! Proud! You know they didn't lose their health and their sanity just to make their only son feel ashamed of them."

Neville's body trembled slightly, and he was silent for a while, as if he suddenly felt relieved:

"Well, although I originally planned to do this, besides visiting you this time, I also have one more thing to do - to visit my parents.

They lived in the long-term ward here and were tortured crazy by Death Eaters. "

Having said this, Neville looked back at the fourth floor, his eyes became extremely gentle, and he said softly:

"Today is my mother's birthday."


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

The foreshadowing is almost complete, Neville’s highlights

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