Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 Mr. Lu, your phone number!

This was Zhang Xiao's first Christmas without any accidents.

As usual, there were hundreds of jack-o-lanterns hanging in the auditorium, as well as a group of fluttering bats and many orange streamers that breathed flames. They floated lazily under the ceiling, like water snakes wandering in the water.

What made everyone happy was that Dumbledore finally appeared again. He was sitting on his unique high-backed chair, smiling very happily and obviously in a good mood.

The food is very delicious, and the little Hufflepuff wizards know how to play.

The extra Chinese food seems to have opened a new door for them. Taking advantage of the unique geographical advantage (the dormitory is next to the kitchen), Hufflepuff's little wizards often go to the kitchen to beg the house elves who will not refuse.

Soon the dining tables at Hogwarts became richer, with Italian, French, and Mexican dishes, it was like a food expo.

Hufflepuff's little wizard's pursuit of 'eating' finally gave the banquet a bit of a banquet look.

Even with Zhang Xiao's picky Chinese eyes, today's banquet can be regarded as really good.

Even Malfoy, who ate Honeydukes sweets until his stomach burst, ordered a second helping of everything.

The dinner concluded with entertainment provided by the ghosts of Hogwarts.

Ghosts suddenly appeared from walls and tables in a sort of gliding procession; Gryffindor's Nearly Headless Nick successfully recreated his beheading to great acclaim.

It was just that the little Hufflepuff wizards held the chicken legs in their hands and fell into silent sadness because they thought of the fat monk again.

The sad little badgers could only turn their grief into appetite and eat so much that they even caused a small commotion in the kitchen (quickly, there will be no more food on this table!)

All in all, it was a pleasant weekend night. Zhang Xiao was in a very good mood. Even a few extreme purebloods dared to stare at him without disturbing his good mood.

Maybe they would have more courage if they didn't tremble when they glared at them.

By the time he returned to the dormitory, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Malfoy had been training outside all day today. It was said to be new Quidditch tactics. He was already exhausted. He hurriedly said good night to Zhang Xiao and then went out. Got into bed.

Another quiet night.

Zhang Xiao looked at the time converter in his hand, stuffed it into the Qiankun bag, and combined work and rest. The donkeys of the production team still have time to rest.

Duel Club-Abandoned Classroom.

"Stupefy! (passed out)"

A dark red burning curse shot out from the tip of the wand, sending the target flying away.

"Well done Neville"

“That’s great—man, that’s great!”

Neville put down the new wand in his hand - he originally used the wand of his father Frank, but now that Frank has returned to normal, the wand has returned to its original owner.

There was a look of surprise on his round face, and he was obviously a little surprised, and he waved to his friends.

Cedric, Qiu and others immediately gathered around to congratulate him on his progress. All in all, the atmosphere in the Duel Club was quite good.

Ron clapped his hands hard, opened his mouth wide, turned around and asked in disbelief:

"Is this Neville? Is this really Neville?"

Harry also applauded: "Of course it's Neville, Ron, didn't you hear what Zhang said? Neville was always slow in the past because of the 'Memory Curse'.

He took a break from school to solve his physical problem. He is now fine, completely fine, so Neville will no longer be so sluggish. "

Because it was too troublesome to explain things like souls, Zhang Xiao simply used the 'memory spell' as an excuse, which was convenient and quick, and could save a lot of saliva.

"I know, it's just this change - it took Neville a long time to learn the spell before, but now he has only practiced for a few days, and he can already cast the coma spell very well."

Ron's face was full of envy, and he suddenly asked:

"You think, is it possible for me - I mean, I was tampered with by a 'memory curse' or something like that when I was a child? As a result, I couldn't display my original strength?

Really, I think it's very possible now.

Because I can't remember many of the times Fred and George played tricks on me, I must have been affected by a 'memory spell'! "

Hermione rolled her eyes and suppressed the thought of complaining. After two years, the sharp-tongued little witch finally learned how to get along with her friends.

"Neville, that's great!" The little witch put her hands to her mouth and cheered Neville loudly.

Zhang Xiao smiled very happily. In the past few days, Neville's performance shocked all the professors, especially Snape.

After Neville finished brewing two very good potions in Potions class, Snape's face turned as black as the bottom of a cauldron.

Originally, as long as he saw Neville, he would have endless satirical inspirations in his mind, and he could use them on Potter as long as he modified them.

But now Neville didn't give him any chance to be sarcastic.

Of course, in his eyes, the potion brewed by Neville could only be said to be just passable. There was huge room for improvement in both the brewing technique and the final product.

But it is undeniable that Neville's completion level is already very high among a group of young wizards, not to mention Granger's standard textbook style, or Zhang Xiao's spiritual style, which are two people who exceed the standard. .

In terms of quality and technique alone, the current Neville is about the same as Malfoy.

How is this ironic?

Snape, who was suffocating in his heart, could only grab Harry and Ron and stare hard at them, and threw all the sarcastic comments he had prepared for Longbottom at Harry.

Rather than magic, Zhang Xiao was more curious about what Neville learned in Wudang. Each sect in the Taoist sect has its own characteristics and expertise, such as the talismans and golden light spells in Longhu Mountain.

He found Neville before and wanted to have a "make friends with force", but Neville told him that he only learned defensive skills. Only his senior brother Gu Ying taught him a few sword skills, and he could only be considered a beginner, and he could do it even if he wanted to. Disaster.

Zhang Xiao was immediately disappointed. Thinking about it, whether it was kung fu or moves, it all required hard work. He had practiced diligently for two and a half years, and according to his father, he was just getting started.

Even if Neville practices every day, he has only been practicing Tai Chi for two months now. In two months, he still can't practice anything.

Fortunately, Wudang did not completely let this registered disciple go. Similar to himself, Neville also received remote guidance from Wudang.

I heard that it is a small magic weapon that records tricks and can help correct posture.

Although he was curious, Zhang Xiao never thought of taking a look.

The law should not be passed down lightly. This is someone else’s Wudang thing. What’s the point of taking it and looking at it yourself?

Everyone finally finished congratulating Neville and went back to training again, but Zhang Xiao suddenly asked a question:

"By the way, Neville, do you need some exercise?"

Exercise? Everyone who had just left immediately raised their heads with interest.

Zhang Xiao relies on himself to promote others. Longhushan requires physical training, and there is no reason why Wudang should not use it. The practice in the East does not say that it does not cultivate the body, but more importantly, it also cultivates the body and the mind.

"Need it!" Neville nodded heavily, with a hint of distress on his round face:

"But I don't know how to exercise. I have a special exercise room on the mountain, and my senior brother will take me to practice."

Sure enough, Zhang Xiao nodded, hesitated, and still didn't tell the Room of Requirement about its own gym. It wasn't because it was reluctant, but because it was inconvenient.

He thought for a while and said simply:

"Well, I'll go to the dean and apply to see if I can get another empty classroom. But it shouldn't be a problem. There are a lot of empty classrooms in our school.

Then set up a room for you to exercise. "

"Really? Is it too much trouble?" Neville was a little excited. Both his senior brother and his master told him not to be lazy when he came back and to practice more. The obedient Neville kept the words of his master and senior brother in his heart.

But there is no place for exercise in the school. In the past few days, Neville has been doing some exercises in the dormitory with his bare hands.

"It's not a problem. It's just an empty classroom and equipment problems. It can be easily solved."

Harry, who was listening on the sidelines, suddenly asked curiously:

"Exercise? Zhang, can you take one with me? I want to exercise too!"

This sentence seemed to ignite the long-hidden fire in the hearts of the little wizards, and they all expressed that they would like to participate if they could exercise.

The scene of Zhang Xiao riding a dragon and fighting a basilisk last year has long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the young wizards. The kind of bloody and fist-to-flesh battle was an eye-opener for them.

What's the point of casting spells from afar?

How cool would it be to rush forward and knock your opponent to the ground with your fists?

Want to exercise? Well, if there are more people, maybe we can encourage each other and supervise each other to hold on a little longer.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of finding a bigger classroom and buying more equipment.

Zhang Xiao pinched his chin and had an immature idea in his mind:

How about asking dad if he has any basic boxing skills that can be passed on to others?

Pengcheng, a construction site in full swing.

Lucius Malfoy wore a white safety helmet and clasped his hands behind his back, looking at the busy workers at the construction site.

Those seemingly indifferent eyes were full of surprise.

Don't these Chinese Muggles need a break?

As a man with a lot of wealth in ordinary society, Lucius naturally also has many British Muggle employees.

But the working conditions of the two are completely different. Those things like afternoon tea that employees love are not needed here!

They are even willing to work overtime!

"Mr. Lu, your phone number."

A young man came over from behind and whispered, holding a mobile phone in his hand.

This is the secretary he just hired in China. This is also the advice Zhao Yuanxu gave him. He should find a Chinese person in China.

Lucius naturally followed the good advice and adopted it one after another.

In this era, China was in urgent need of foreign investment. With a staggering amount of foreign exchange, Lucius, with a little help from Zhao Yuanxu, could only be described as prosperous.

By the way, the Chinese name Lucius gave himself is Lucius.

He took the phone and put it to his ear.

After only hearing a few words, Lucius raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Lucius, we got news that that idiot Fudge wants to promote the East-West Trade Management Act. He wants to take this business back to the Ministry of Magic!

****Fudge! *****Ministry of Magic! This is a provocation! Does he know what he is doing? "

Lucius listened quietly, with only one thought in his mind at the moment.

Is Fudge crazy?


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Sorry, there is only this chapter today. The child was fussy from 1 o'clock to 6 o'clock at night. I don't know why, but he just cried. I almost didn't sleep, plus Kavin, I have a headache.

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