Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 373 Castrobshe and Kodosdorez

The green bud grew rapidly, becoming more than one meter tall in the blink of an eye.

Only then did the little wizards see the tender green plant swaying in the wind.

"what is that?"

"Wow - look, it grows so fast!"

Karkaroff, who had just led the students to the steps, turned back and touched his goatee, wondering what he was thinking.

"Ahem." Krum coughed twice in a low voice.

Karkaroff then put his arm around his shoulders:

"Come on, Viktor, let's go in and warm up. I hope the school infirmary at Hogwarts is indeed as powerful as the legend says."

His words floated in the wind. Zhang Xiao's ears twitched twice and he curled his lips.

How can I not know whether the school infirmary is powerful or not? That's my territory!

In this short time, the vegetation had grown bigger and bigger. In the surprised eyes of the little wizards, a huge banyan tree had appeared in front of them.

It is already November, but this banyan tree ignores the severe cold and still stretches its branches quickly.

A large expanse of green is spreading, and the moonlight is blocked, as if a giant umbrella has been opened.

Abruptly, accompanied by the fragrance and moist smell of grass and trees, the plants under the banyan tree are growing rapidly, ferns and shrubs are crowded together, and many unknown wild fruits of various colors are trembling slightly.

The vegetation was still spreading, and soon it came to the feet of the first graders. The little wizards lowered their heads. Even on the hard stone floor, there were still vines with small flowers growing on them.

"Which school is this?" A young wizard exclaimed in a low voice.

"I don't know, Professor Dumbledore didn't introduce it!"

"Where are the students? Where are they? Why didn't I see them?"

Aerial roots hung down gently. After touching the ground, the dense bushes of the banyan tree began to tremble, and people wearing emerald green robes slid down along the aerial roots.

Their school uniforms are very strange. They are not made of cotton like Waggadu or silk from Beauxbatons.

Not even Durmstrang's cotton, but with a strange luster, like green leaves.

Like the students in Wagadu, Africa, these young people in robes trembled and muttered something in a language that Zhang Xiao could not understand.

"Zhang, look at them - the belt, pay attention to the belt!"

Malfoy poked Zhang Xiao with his arm in surprise, stretched out his chin and nodded.

Without him having to say anything, Zhang Xiao had already noticed several delicate little cloth bags hanging from these people's belts.

It was somewhat similar to the Qiankun bag on his waist, so no wonder Malfoy was surprised.

Although the school uniforms in Castrobouche look a little thicker than those in Waggadu and Beauxbatons, they are still unable to withstand the severe cold here.

After holding their arms and shivering for a while, the students in Castrobusche couldn't bear it anymore. They reached into the small bag hanging on their belt, took out a handful of crystal powder, and sprinkled it into the air vigorously. .

Almost immediately, they dropped their arms and burst into laughter.

An old man with white hair and a white beard came to Dumbledore with his hands behind his back and gave him a warm hug.


Unfortunately, because of his height, he could only hug Dumbledore's waist, just like Dumbledore hugged Madam Maxime.

Dumbledore is still smiling:

"Welcome, welcome to Castrobshe, da Silva, long time no see.

The last time we met was at the International Federation of Wizards, right? "

Da Silva looked happy, and then angered all the Hogwarts students with just one sentence:

"Oh? Dumbledore, I didn't expect you to remember it so clearly. Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time.

This is a historic moment when the best school in the world, Castello Bush, meets the second best school, Hogwarts. "

The second best in the world?

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that the temperature around him had risen a bit, and all the eyes of the little wizards were focused on da Silva at this moment.

"How dare he? How dare he? He actually said that Hogwarts is second."

Malfoy's face was livid and he wished he could rush over now and tell him who the best school was.

This is not what Malfoy thinks, but almost all young wizards think like this.

Zhang Xiao also agrees that Hogwarts is the best. As for Taoism, Taoism does not teach magic.

Not only the students, but the faculty and staff around Dumbledore also immediately became angry.

McGonagall rolled her eyes mercilessly, and Snape wanted to speak but was stopped by Flitwick.

The thin voice was sent to Snape's ears using a magical spell:

"Severus, he did it on purpose, don't be fooled."

Snape clicked his tongue regretfully. He had just thought of at least three different ways to mock the guy opposite him.

Da Silva certainly felt the hostility of the teachers and students at Hogwarts, but he didn't care, as if he didn't see anything.

"Dumbledore, it's too cold outside. My students have just arrived here from the warm South America and are a little uncomfortable with it."

Hiss, the old man is not simple. Now he is secretly setting the tone. Did you hear that? I don't feel comfortable with it.

Zhang Xiao touched his chin, and he could think of what Castrobshe would have said if he lost: It was too cold to adapt to it.

If you win, you won't be able to boast more, and if you don't adapt, you will win. Hogwarts is not worthy of being compared with me. I am the only one in the world!

In short, it is invincible.

As expected, no one who can be a principal is an ordinary person. Zhang Xiao looked at Da Silva and waved to the back, and the students in emerald green robes came out laughing.

There was no queue, and it looked very unorganized. However, when they walked out of a certain range, they started to tremble again. Obviously, the powder they threw before had not a wide range.

Tonight is destined to be an eye-opening day for the little wizards at Hogwarts.

Because Castrobushe had just entered the auditorium, a deafening roar sounded again in the sky.

Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

The silent night sky is like a soft black gauze, with not a single cloud in sight. Only the moon is still hanging high in the sky, and the few stars are like gems on the black gauze, shining brightly.

The piercing roar became louder and louder, and now everyone was sure that the sound came from the sky, but no matter how hard they searched, the sky was still like that, and no trace could be seen.

But the next moment, a huge black shadow flashed twice in the sky, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but blink his eyes, while the little wizard was still guessing what the huge thing in the sky was.

He had already shouted it out in beautiful Chinese.

"**, An 124???"

The pony next to him looked confused. Like the other Hogwarts wizards, he knew that this was an airplane, but he definitely couldn't tell the model of the airplane.

"Is this a plane?"


"Wow, is this a plane? Did Muggles build it?"

"so big!"

The reason why Zhang Xiao knows this is because of the short videos he made in his previous life, because Kunpeng made a big splash in Yun 20 and made a lot of various reviews in the short videos.

It was through this inventory that we learned about the large transport aircraft in various countries.

All in all, Russia's Kodosdorez Magic School completely subverted Zhang Xiao's cognition.

Hogwarts' use of trains to transport students can be regarded as keeping pace with the times.

Kodosdorez went directly to the transport plane! !

A strange mixture of absurdity and the feeling that it was nothing.

Zhang Xiao opened his mouth and watched the An-124 in the sky getting closer and closer, but his mind was thinking about other things.

If such a big plane comes over and is caught by radar, will the UK go crazy?

How did they do it? Is this magic?

Soon, he thought of a very serious problem. There was no airport at Hogwarts, how could they land?

Seeing An-124 getting closer and closer to the ground, it suddenly changed its flight attitude.

Zhang Xiao rubbed his eyes again. This behemoth, with a load capacity of 150 tons, which is twice as high as the Y20, actually took off and landed vertically! !

Like a light fallen leaf falling gently to the ground.

The huge An-124 has a kind of beauty of being large and unfinished when it lands. When it lands more gently than a parachute, it is difficult not to be shocked by the huge contrast.

Looking at the school badge painted on An 124, there are also Russian words.

Zhang Xiao realized that any magic or technology is inferior to magic + technology!

The hatch of the transport plane opened, and Dumbledore stepped forward to welcome him, but he saw the students of Kodosdorez walking out of the hatch carrying something that looked like a big tree. .

They carried down seven of them! No wonder transport planes are needed.

"Why are they carrying the tree?"

This question instantly overwhelmed other questions and quickly became the most curious thing about the little wizard.

There was a buzz of discussion in the neat square array. Hermione thought hard for a while and said hesitantly:

"I remember reading it in a book, Kodos Doriz. When they played Quidditch and flew, they didn't ride broomsticks.

Looks like a big tree? "

"Big tree???"

Ron pointed at the tree trunk they were carrying, which was similar to the marble pillars in the auditorium, and his voice changed:

"They play Quidditch on this?"

Harry imagined the scene and couldn't help but shudder. There were legitimate collisions in Quidditch.

If you get hit, will you die? He must die, right?

Dumbledore had already exchanged pleasantries with the principal of Kodosdorez again. The little wizard was distracted listening to the greetings of the two principals, while watching the students of Kodosdorez insert the big tree. In the open space next to the plane.

These big trees formed a small circle, leaving a gap in it, but I don't know what it was for.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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