Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 424 I won’t kill you


Zhang Xiao sat on a chair, staring at the light blue illusory model in the air, thinking in trance.

The more I think about it, the more interesting the events for the second round are.

The first round tested the team's cooperation, so the second round will consider the team's choices.

Should he fight alone with his share of the map, or should he choose to cooperate with others and compete inside the ruins?

Even if we become allies, will there be betrayal?

With just a brief thought, you can think of many possibilities. Nine schools

Zhang Xiao seemed to see Dumbledore's blue eyes staring at everyone, as if asking: How are you going to solve this question?

"Guys, I've discovered a problem."

Everyone turned their attention to Ron, who pointed at the projection and said doubtfully:

"Yes, we know that the next competition event should be in the ruins, but so what? Even if we find more schools to gather, the map will be bigger.

Then what?

I think it's enough to know that it's in the ruins. We can hide this secret completely. "

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, he simply expressed all his thoughts:

"To be honest, even if we solved the idea of ​​​​the golden egg, I don't think there is any advantage. Look, apart from these two inexplicable maps, what about the others?

We don’t know anything, we don’t know what we’re going to encounter, we don’t know what we need to prepare for.”

The little wizards silently thought about Ron's speech. They felt that although Ron was always a little out of tune, what he said was indeed correct. After knowing the ruins, what next?

"Well, I think-"

Neville's round face showed a thoughtful clarity:

"We don't know anything now because we don't have enough maps. I guess if we collect more maps, we will get more clues."

Malfoy nodded, and Zhang Xiao did the same, because he thought so too.

"Then can we help unlock the secret of the golden egg in exchange for a map? In this way, we can gather more clues, but we will still be ahead of everyone."

"Of course, Draco." Zhang Xiao knocked on the table: "I guess this is the reward for being the first to find out the secret of the golden egg.

However, another problem may arise, that is, everyone exchanges their own maps, or only combines maps, so that everyone will have complete clues.

Then everything you have done before is actually in vain. "

The little wizards sighed loudly. No one expected that before this level even started, all kinds of guesses and choices would be a headache.

Because the thighs and plug-in were so powerful, Harry and Ron, who had not used their brains much in the past few years, felt their heads were itching.

Could it really be what Snape said? Will using your brain more make brains grow in your empty head?

"Well, let's not make a decision in a hurry. There is about a month before the competition, so we can think about it carefully."

Zhang Xiao put down his crossed legs, stood up, pulled the hem of his clothes, and made a final summary:

"So be it."

In Charms class, several young wizards sat alone at a table at the back of the classroom.

The spell they were going to practice today was exactly the opposite of the Flying Curse - the Banishing Curse.

Because things flying around the classroom could easily cause accidents, Professor Flitwick gave each student a large pile of soft pads to practice with, so that if they went astray, they wouldn't get hurt. The idea was good, but the execution was not smooth. Neville was so inaccurate with his spells that he always accidentally sent heavy objects flying all over the room - like Professor Flitwick.

"How are you thinking?" Malfoy asked Hermione and Harry in a low voice.

"Actually, there isn't much progress." Hermione shook her head irritably, her hair swaying back and forth, and the tips of her hair brushed Malfoy's face with the scent of shampoo.

This wasn't the smell of Potter's shampoo, Malfoy came up with the idea out of nowhere, but it smelled pretty good.

Hermione did not notice Malfoy's desertion, but continued distressedly: "I think we can try to unite with Kodos Dorez or Wagadu.

Because they were ranked behind us in the first round, they did not pose much of a threat to us. "

"That's not the case. I think it would be better to unite with Durmstrang. We are already united, so let's unite the two powerful forces. This only makes sense. We can still unite after entering the ruins."

Harry expressed his opinion.

"Harry and I have similar ideas." Ron nodded, then raised his chin at the French beauty who followed him and sat not far away: "But I choose Beauxbatons."

Zhang Xiao did not express an opinion. In fact, he was confident that he could deal with any situation that might arise. It was just a competition between students, and there was no way that there would be a situation that he could do nothing about.

This is the confidence.

He raised his wand, stopped a flying soft cushion, and drove it back to the frame where it should be.

It was a perfect banishing spell, but Flitwick was so used to it that he didn't praise it as loudly as he did other young wizards.

Mainly because he had praised him so many times in the past few years, Flitwick discovered that Zhang Xiao actually didn't need encouragement, and his mentality had always been very good.

And as the course progressed, Zhang Xiao discovered a more serious problem, that is, the knowledge gained in the class had little effect on his improvement.

His theoretical knowledge is already solid enough. He has been seriously consolidating the foundation in the past few years. In the past few years, he has worked harder than ordinary people to complete the self-study of grade 7 knowledge ahead of schedule.

But what’s next?

What’s the next step to improve?

Zhang Xiao asked Flitwick and Professor McGonagall on this issue, but to his disappointment, neither Flitwick nor Professor McGonagall could give him any useful advice.

Both Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick have gotten to where they are today step by step.

In terms of realm alone, in fact, all three of them are at the same realm. Maybe Zhang Xiao himself is a little higher, because after all, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald are only a handful.

Most people can only be trapped in standard spells and never realize the concept of no spells throughout their lives. Perhaps there have been many times in their lives that they did not need to recite spells, but only needed instinctive reactions to naturally release the most familiar ones. mantra.

But they have never tried to explore the mystery behind it.

Time has made McGonagall and Flitwick richer in experience and stronger, and Professor McGonagall even gained the title of Undefeated during the day.

But their current age also determines that they can only stop there in the end, unable to climb any higher and see the magnificent beauty that belongs to the mountain alone.

Facing Zhang Xiao's questions, the two professors were extremely cautious. They were afraid that because of their lack of understanding, their opinions would mislead this little wizard whose talents and talents were visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, Flitwick and Professor McGonagall unanimously gave the same opinion after careful consideration.

Why not ask Dumbledore?

Zhang Xiao watched Professor Flitwick scream in surprise and was carried across the sky by the wrong spells of the young wizards. He wanted to take action but found that the professor had a smile on his face, and he obviously didn't care.

Then he thought about his own things again.

In fact, he did ask after receiving this advice, but Dumbledore's reaction was beyond his expectation.

Zhang Xiao remembered clearly that Dumbledore closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and his long fingers almost knocked holes in the armrests of the chair, before finally giving an answer that was not an answer.

"Zhang, I can indeed help you with this problem, but it cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences. I am glad that you have started to think about the future.

I also believe that you will come to me one day."

Dumbledore's voice was very soft, as if he had made up his mind:

"I think... how about postponing this question until the end of this semester? I will give a practical answer before the summer vacation."

The arguments around him became louder and louder. Zhang Xiao ended his meditation and found that they had finally reached an agreement, which was to unite the family first to see if there would be any clues to the next step.

But there is still no consensus on which school.

Until the end of get out of class, the little wizards were still arguing, but a family unexpectedly came to the door, bringing new variables.

"Your Excellency, Little Heavenly Master——"

Zhang Xiao looked at Yachi Sozuki, who was waiting outside the Charms classroom rather unexpectedly. At this moment, she was bending down to salute respectfully, exposing her white neck.

"If you can, please tell me a little bit, please!"

What does she want from me? Zhang Xiao narrowed his eyes and ran through many possibilities in his mind, not paying any attention to the grimaces on Harry and Ron's faces.

No matter what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, go and take a look first. After making up your mind, Zhang Xiao nodded:


Yachi Sozuki's face brightened visibly, and she made a submissive gesture to lead the way.

Zhang Xiao winked at Malfoy, and Xiao Ma took everyone away knowingly.

The place Yachi Sogetsu chose was not far away, just an abandoned classroom dozens of meters away. It had just been cleaned, and there were cushions and small tables commonly seen in Japan in the middle.

"Your Excellency, Little Heavenly Master, please——"

Zhang Xiao frowned, waved his sleeves, and an exquisite hardwood backrest meditation chair appeared on the cushion. This kind of chair is not high and is often used for meditation. It is not common in Taoist temples, and is often used by lay people. Using.

She sat down immediately, and Yachi Sogetsu didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, she apologized softly:

"I'm sorry, I (Note 1) didn't think well -" She lowered her head again, and then set out the tea set. Zhang Xiao immediately understood what she was going to do, and felt her scalp was numb. She definitely wanted to give herself a cup of tea. A set of tea art, but the key issue is the Japanese tea art.

"Let's have Kung Fu tea, save yourself the trouble."

Yachi Sogetsu immediately complied, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little embarrassed. While cursing his own damn big country spirit in his heart, he reminded himself that Japanese people have small etiquette but no great righteousness, so they should not be fooled by her.

Picking up the small cup, Zhang Xiao took a sip. Everyone lived in Asia and belonged to the Confucian cultural circle. They had a clear mind. If they were from their hometown, they could have a few drinks this afternoon. When I was young, I talked about things that I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t get to the point.

So he asked bluntly:

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

There was a soft smile on the face that was very similar to Akina Nakamori.

"I wonder if Your Excellency Tianshi has discovered the secret of the golden egg?"

Zhang Xiao stopped placing the tea cup to his mouth. He glanced at Yachi Soyuki, who was still supple, and suddenly asked:

"Have you investigated?"

Before Yaqian Soyue could answer, Zhang Xiao thought for a while and whispered to himself in a low voice:

"Normally, it's definitely not that fast. What method was used?

Divination? "

The smile on Yachi Soyuki's face disappeared, and she looked at the little Celestial Master holding the wine glass in a slightly horrified manner, with one leg bent and sitting in a bold posture.

She never expected that she just asked a question, but it made the little heavenly master think so much.

"Your Excellency, the Little Heavenly Master, has a keen eye. You are right. I did use some divination methods and luckily cracked the secret of the golden egg, so I came to see you first."

Baqian Caoyue said seriously:

"I am willing to give you the method to crack it with both hands, just to be able to be attached to the little heavenly master."

Oh, you are sensible. You don’t dare to say that you are joining forces, you can only say that you are attached. You have a very upright attitude.

Zhang Xiao held the teacup and just looked at her. It was definitely impossible to join forces with her, but the map could speak.

"Are you an Onmyoji?"

Yachi Sogetsu's heart skipped a beat. She quickly lowered her head and answered respectfully:

"He just knows some of Onmyoji's techniques, but he is not an Onmyoji."

"Are you clear about the affairs of Tianshi Mansion, Daomen and Onmyoji?"

"I have heard a little bit, and I have asked the teachers in the imperial palace, but they all kept it secret and did not dare to say more."

Zhang Xiao's expression became more and more indifferent, and his voice seemed to come through the Nine Netherworld, carrying a deep chill:

"Forget it, I won't go around in circles with you anymore. Give me the map and I won't kill you."

Baqian Caoyue suddenly raised her head and looked at him in shock, and then heard Zhang Xiao say softly:

"If you are really a wild Onmyoji, I don't actually have to kill you.

But just now, I guessed it was divination, but it made me understand something. "

Zhang Xiao stared at her:

"You should have obtained the classics of previous onmyojis, right?"

Yachi Sozuki's face suddenly turned as white as paper.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Note 1: The colloquial word "わらわ" originally referred to a hairstyle of children in Japan's Weiyuan clothing. Since the family status of ancient Japanese samurai women and children whose hair was not bound was the same, they adopted the same self-identity in order to flaunt the same self-status. Spoken language. However, the identities of the two are different after all. In order to reflect the difference in writing, two Chinese characters were used to write "tong" and "concubine".

The original meaning of the word concubine is a sinful, low-status woman. Polygamous female spouses without dowry and orthodox status are an extended meaning of the word. Therefore, when Japanese women, especially women from the samurai family, use this word to describe themselves to outsiders, it still means "I am a woman of low status."

In other words, no matter how high Yachisogeki's status is in Japan, even Nakanagi or Yachigusa Shikibu can only call herself a concubine in front of Zhang Xiao, whose status is much higher than her.

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