Tianyuan Realm, Le'an County, inside the majestic and majestic cave mansion, Liu Ruhan pushed the door open and saluted respectfully to Nangong Muxue who was sitting inside: "Master, what are your instructions for calling your disciple?"

"Aren't you going to the Artifact Realm? My master has already made arrangements."

"Thank you, Master, for your help."

"I am going with you this time. If you have anything to prepare, or any unfinished business, hurry up and deal with it as soon as possible. We will leave for Qinglong Island in a few days."

"Master is going too?" Liu Ruhan was slightly surprised.

"The Shang Alliance originally had three Mahayana monks stationed in the Artifact Spirit Realm. Since the last time they formed an expedition team, they have gone south and pulled out many rebel strongholds. They also robbed a lot of money with the Artifact Spirit rebels. Just in case, we Therefore, the Merchant Alliance has strengthened the defense of the space channel in the Artifact Realm."

"It happened that the four major sects signed an agreement with the Merchant Alliance, and one of the conditions was to help defend the Artifact World. The other two additional Mahayana monks came from the four major sects. This time it was the turn of our sect to send people to guard the world. The master then took the initiative to invite me."

"Master, are you going to the Weapon Spirit Realm? Do you want to go to Baiyuan Sea with your disciple?" Liu Ruhan asked in a low voice, already guessing Nangong Muxue's true intention, which was simply to take this opportunity to learn about Tang Ning's hidden secrets.

Nangong Muxue said lightly: "The Weapon Spirit World is a bitter and cold place for monks. The spiritual power there is thin, and the disciples who are sent there avoid it. You are a monk on the front line of the Qingzhou Alliance Army, and you are also a disciple of the master. If you are transferred to the spirit world without any reason, it will definitely arouse suspicion."

"Especially when you have to sneak away from the Merchant Alliance's surveillance and go to Baiyuan Sea. Combined with Tang Ning's disappearance, interested people will definitely associate this with this. If they guess that Tang Ning went to the Artifact World, there will be trouble in the future. Big."

"If others don't say anything, the Merchant Alliance will definitely not let him go easily. The reason why the Merchant Alliance can develop on an equal footing with Xuanmen and the Aristocratic Family is that its core industries are spiritual weapons and warships, and the core of spiritual weapons and warships is energy. group. This is their fundamental interest.”

"Other forces cannot compete with them in this regard because they control the only way to the Artifact World."

"If they know that Tang Ning has other ways to go to the Artifact Realm, it will shake their fundamental interests. No matter what the cost, they will definitely find ways to get rid of Tang Ning. Even if there is protection from the sect, it is easy to dodge an open gun. It's hard to guard against hidden arrows. If the Shang Alliance is determined to get rid of him, how can he, a fused monk, be able to withstand it?"

"Now as my master, I will go to the Artifact World as a sect member on duty, and then I will take you with me to the Artifact World. Everything will appear reasonable and no one will doubt me."

"In addition, I heard that the world of weapon spirits is very dangerous. There are many naturally dangerous places. Coupled with your status as a human monk, it is even more difficult to move there. I will go with my colleagues to protect you."

"In this way, you don't have to worry about being punished by the sect for violating the rules."

"In addition, I also want to see with my own eyes who the sealed alien you mentioned is?"

Liu Ruhan naturally had nothing to say after listening to her eloquent explanation of the reasons. Even without these reasons, she could not stop Nangong Muxue from going together.

The master and apprentice chatted for a while about the matter of the spirit world, and then Liu Ruhan said goodbye and left.


In the blink of an eye, a few months passed by in the blink of an eye. The sun was shining brightly, there were no clouds in the sky, and the sea was calm. High in the sky, a thunder ship was speeding through the clouds and mist. The lightning arcs around it were flashing, which was extremely dazzling.

In the distance, several black spots appeared. As the distance got closer, they could be faintly seen as the Sky Spirit Ship.

Soon, the two sides met head-on, with three Tianling ships surrounding the Lezi ship in a Z-shaped formation, with the iconic flag of the Merchant Alliance flying on the bow.

In the Lezi cabin, Nangong Muxue was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed. There was a knock on the door outside. She opened her eyes and waved her hand to fire out a burst of spiritual power. The stone door opened and a middle-aged man came in. He bowed and saluted: " Uncle Master, Qinglong Island has arrived."

Nangong Muxue was speechless, got up and left the room, and came to the deck of the warship. In the distance, a majestic city tower could be seen, and there were two Merchant Alliance warships on each side of the Leizi ship escorting it.

When they arrived in front of the city walls, the Lezi boat stopped, and several figures from the city shot towards them. Several figures of men and women dressed in Merchant Alliance clothing appeared. The leader had a bright head and a pale face. The light fell on the deck, and he bowed his head and said: : "Fellow Taoist Nangong, it's been a long time. On behalf of the Merchant Alliance, I welcome your arrival."

"This is the first time for this batch of disciples to be stationed in the Artifact Realm. Please take care of me from the future," Nangong Muxue said in return.

The two exchanged a few words and then entered the city together.


On the Creation Mountain, the moon is high in the sky, stars are densely covered, and there are crowds of people. Following an order, the huge magic circle in the center roars, and many rays of light rise from all around, straight into the sky, and the night sky is illuminated like daylight.

The world shook violently and seemed to collapse. As time passed, the light converged on one point, and a hole was slowly torn open in the space there, like a corner of a curtain being pulled apart.

The torn space expanded bigger and bigger, and it took a long time to finally take shape. High in the sky, a huge rotating black hole had formed.

Everyone entered one after another, passed through the space passage, and arrived at the desolate Liangjie Mountain.

Liu Ruhan's figure fell from the black hole rotating at high altitude. Looking at the surrounding hills with no grass growing on them and made of black soil, a strange emotion surged in her heart.

Unlike others who were either surprised or curious, she had already heard Tangning describe the various scenes in the Two Realms Mountains many times. When she saw the described scenes with her own eyes, she felt as if she was wandering in a fairy tale.

Although her cultivation in this life has been smooth sailing, it can't help but be a bit boring. The encounters Tangning experienced sounded like fairy tales to her, dangerous, surprising, and full of fantasy.

With just a moment of confusion, she recovered from this strange emotion and came to Nangong Muxue's side.

By nightfall, all the monks in this rotation had arrived in the Artifact World. The monks from the Merchant Alliance said some polite words and then led everyone to their respective places of residence.

At night, in the cave where Nangong Muxue lives, the master and the apprentice talked behind closed doors.

"Master, since we have arrived at the Artifact Realm, when will we go to Baiyuan Sea?"

"Don't be in a hurry. I have already read the topography of the Qi Ling Realm. The road to Baiyuan Sea is very long. Along the way, we not only have to pass through various strongholds of the Qi Ling rebels, but also some dangerous places. We need to be fully prepared. In addition, we cannot leave suddenly. If we disappear for no reason, it will definitely cause shock to the people here, and people may be sent to search. There must be a sufficient reason. "

"The disciple has a plan to escape and go to Baiyuan Sea. Hearing that a new round of trade between the Sunlight Tribe and the Merchant Alliance in the Qiling World is about to take place, the master can request his troops to lead a team to trade with the Sunlight Tribe. On the way, the disciple takes the opportunity to leave most of the group. team, the master can then act alone on the grounds of finding his disciples.”

"We'll discuss the specific actions later! Are you sure Tangning is in Baiyuan Sea?"

"The location mentioned by my husband and my disciple is Baiyuan Sea, but my husband has not returned to Tianyuan World yet. He must have encountered unknown troubles."

"Didn't he discuss this matter with you before he went to the Artifact Realm? Is he so confident that the trip will be smooth sailing? He doesn't even have a prepared plan to solve the danger in this way?"

"Of course my husband thought that he would encounter unpredictable dangers. It was only because he was eager to know the secret hidden in the stranger that he was willing to take the risk and go to Baiyuan Sea."

"How did you discuss it at that time? Please tell me in detail."

"We have deduced various situations. My husband believes that the biggest uncertain factor in returning to Baiyuanhai is the attitude of the foreigner towards him after he wakes up. At that time, we considered three situations. The first one is that the foreigner did not wake up and he was in vain. Take a trip.”

"In the second case, the stranger wakes up and is very friendly to him. The husband successfully figures out his hidden secret and then returns to Qingzhou."

"In the third case, the alien wakes up but is not very friendly to him. In order to keep the secret, he is placed under house arrest or kills him directly."

"My husband thinks that he has never done anything harmful to the stranger, but instead helped him to break the seal for many years. He should not be killed, so after weighing it, he chose to return to Baiyuan Sea."

"After so many years, my husband has not returned to Qingzhou. The most likely reason is that he is under house arrest by that stranger."

Nangong Muxue's eyes flickered: "What about the alien's cultivation?"

"My husband said that when he was sealed, the spiritual power and aura around his body was also sealed. I don't know the specific cultivation level, but my disciple guessed that he should be no less than a Mahayana monk..."

The master and apprentice chatted all night, and for a period of time after that, Liu Ruhan and others participated in the training of the business alliance as usual, studying the language of the tool spirit world and the rules of the business alliance.

Due to the existence of Nangong Muxue, she is not required to go to the usual rotation tasks.

After about a year or so, the trading period between the Merchant Alliance and the Weapon Spirit Sunlight Clan finally came. Nangong Muxue also successfully obtained the opportunity to lead a team to trade with them. The master and apprentice left the Two Boundary Mountains together with the team.

The Lezi boat traveled day and night, passing through many mountains and rivers, and passing through the endless black desert. Suddenly, the originally sunny sky and earth turned dark. Huge winds rose one after another, and only black winds could be seen for thousands of miles. Overwhelming.

The Lezi ship was swaying in the strong wind, and the defensive light curtain was distorted and deformed. Just as everyone was panicking, the dazzling golden light rose up like a huge original cover, wrapping everyone on the deck.

"Don't panic, everyone come closer to me." Fujiko Whale, the leader of the Human Chamber of Commerce, shouted, and his voice reached everyone's ears clearly.

The black wind hung there for several hours, making it impossible to see any fingers between the sky and the earth. When the wind dissipated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When the people gathered again, Liu Ruhan was no longer among them.

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