Circle Warlock

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Your grandpa is not human

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Shen Yan's mind was a mess——

In fact, Catherine didn't call his name directly in the past, but that was at the stage where everyone just knew. At that time, the entire immigration team included humans, half-elves, dwarves, lizardmen, and dwarfs (Milton: I am not a dwarf!) ... the mess was mixed, and the accent of the people was more north-south. Shen Yan ’s name is pronounced in Chinese, and everyone calls it a variety!

Don't say "Shan Yan", "Nephritis", "Shen Yan", "Snake Eyes", and "Shen Yan". He had heard it before. It was meaningless to argue and correct at that time. I promised! But if he knew that the impact was so far-reaching, he would definitely correct Catherine's accent!

Catherine was pregnant when she took the magic potion—not to mention the question of different fate lines—even if it is on the same fate line, it only shows that Michelle ’s research should have been successful.

The magic wave is a temporary thing, and sterilization is a lifetime thing.

A half of the people in Swan World who increase their strength through magic potions are concentrated in the "Holy Temple". This is not only because the best magic potions are only circulated within the "Temple" organization, but also because everyone who can join the "Temple" has a more sacrificial consciousness! They are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the world. However, members can sacrifice, but as the invisible boss, Shen Yan cannot help but consider the future for everyone.

So as long as the perfect version of the magic potion recipe was released, Shen Yan commissioned Michelle to work out ways to solve the side effects of the potion, especially the part about "sterilization". Everyone must believe in the strength of Dade. After all, regarding the issue of reproduction, Druid is the real brick house! If needed, Michelle can make a rhinoceros and a tree monkey ...


Shen Yan felt confused because there was still some information in the hands of Penny, who saw the future at Ms. Huancheng and did not tell him.

But Shen Yan still almost inferred the complete cause and effect-at some point in the future, he still rolled the sheets with Catherine. Due to the long-term acceptance of the "misinformation" passed by Omar, when Catherine found out she was pregnant, she chose to leave Shen Yan quietly and retreat somewhere in Swan World.

At this time, mankind finally repelled the magic tide and once again united the swan world under the same banner!

The daughter of Schwarriel, Erica, became the new emperor, and Sandy Constance was the regent.

The incarnations of the gods headed by Atwood, the **** of courage, came to the triumph ceremony to congratulate the new life of the world. The gods promised to the new empire that they could promise a request from them. Sandy Constance took the opportunity to propose the "Covenant of Man and God" and demanded that the gods withdraw from the world for ten centuries!

He believes that the Swan World almost fell into the abyss, and the responsibility is mostly on the gods! Therefore, everything in the main plane should be left to civilized self-determination!

From now on God returns to God, Caesar returns to Caesar!

Look at the results after ten centuries!

At the scene of the unity of all ethnic groups, under the eyes of all eyes, the gods were undoubtedly pushed into a dilemma by Sandy Constance.

The elves have left, and ten centuries have been a long, unattainable time for mortals; however, for the gods, this is just not too short of idleness-with the victory of the battle of the abyss, the plane has Turning around, the gods still need time to digest the plane feedback rewards brought by victory. Especially for people like Atwood, Asa and others, their beliefs have spread to other planes with the footprint of the "Temple", and the Swan World is no longer an indispensable option.

So after a little consideration, Atwood, on behalf of the gods, agreed to the request of Sandy Constance. Rejection will make the gods lose their credibility and popular support, and promises will damage the promotion of faith. At this time, it still depends on the choice of the big brothers ... As for whether the goddess like the spring will be affected ... right.

After signing "The Covenant of Man and God", the triumphant ceremony ended hurriedly, and the two sides almost broke up ...

Although the gods were not happy, Sandy Constance began to feel terrified after completing the unprecedented feat of the past!

After all, there is still an operation in this world called "Autumn Queen"-do you think it's over when you die? For Sandy, dying is just going to see Asa Constance, the suffering has just begun!

At this time, Sandy could find only one person to intercede for him, and that was Shen Yan ...

Shen Yan did a lot of things, but few people knew about it. Like impersonating Jeremy Constance to stop the army of demons under the bronze fortress, Sandy is one of the few insiders; and Shen Yan ’s deeds to hunt countless demons near the big rift is nobody. Know!

But does it matter? In order to shoot Shen Yan's flattery, the truth is not important at all! He did not hesitate to settle on Shen Yan's head even with such things as "the meteor descending from the clouds and the plateau, and the demon fortress was destroyed overnight"! Yes, he did all the unsolved mysteries!

In fact, this really has something to do with Shen Yan ...

So the name of "unknown pretender" resounded across the mainland, and Catherine's children were found to be duke! Jinshan Yinhai, a great man!

Raising the children and enjoying the aristocratic life for more than ten years, Catherine at that time probably felt that there was nothing to pursue in this life. So she dropped her grown-up **** big daddy, and he went to heaven ... No, it was to find an old lover in the world around the city.

For so many years, why use money!

Perhaps in Catherine's opinion, his father was a duke since he was born, and he has never eaten anything in his life. On luck, one-third of the gods in the sky have friendship with your father and bless you quietly! In terms of power, Your Majesty Emperor Shandi was your uncle, and Her Majesty Emperor Erica was your mother (?)! At the same time, the Principality of Shan has independent administrative, judicial, army building, and taxation rights. In addition to its nominal name, it is an independent kingdom ... What are you not satisfied with?

Catherine felt not only enough, but too much! However, she was unable to refuse because they were overwhelmed by others, so she left without hesitation.

But human desires are endless. Shit, big daddy, has a clever brain that his father inherited from his words. Without any pursuit in the world, he naturally wants to go to heaven! Besides, he grew up listening to Shen Yan's story (Oma version, Catherine dictation), he not only wanted to go to heaven, but also wanted to become a new legend ... So not long after, he also ran away.

Sandy was not dead at that time, this thing worried him ... At that time, Shen Yan was running around on the fate line, not to mention Sandy, even the gods of the swan world rarely saw him, fragmented world Not often. In desperation, in order to seize this line, Sandy could only find his grandson **** again ...

Who knows that big **** is not a fuel-efficient lamp!


That's why the fate line will pull Shen Yan and Catherine at the same time-it's the mess you guys and mothers have created, you can do it yourself!

And I am afraid this is also a test. The scene of this story is very small, and the content is not complicated. From the beginning, I know that the final boss is a combination of **** and evil spirits! Everything is simple. In terms of blood relationship, the big **** is their grandson, and the noble heir Herbert Shan Abigail is a great grandson ...

For the infinite universe, this is a story that can't be smaller, it doesn't matter at all ... The really important person is Shen Yan. Shen Yan, who can cross the fate line, is undoubtedly on the verge of world rules. As he grows, his influence on the multiverse will increase. The big brothers are watching quietly ... In addition to seeing the impact of crossing on the fate line, it also depends on what choices Shen Yan will make.

The choice will determine their attitude towards Shen Yan.


"What's wrong with you? It seems that you have a heavy heart, can't you take the money away with distress? We can try to pick out the silver coins ..." Catherine asked, she knew how much Shen Yan loved money. Seeing so much money spilled on the ground but unable to take it away, I must be silently bleeding. However, the money can't be taken away, so ... it's better to warm him with a wide embrace.

"Ah ~" Looking at Catherine who was still ignorant, Shen Yan sighed, and her hands grabbed a hand at the big murderer before him. "Nothing, money is all right. We will leave here soon, and there are a large group of thieves who need to get it done!"

Forget it, don't want to tell you the truth, let you live in ignorant happiness.

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