Chapter 291

Dragon country.

Organic methyl land.

“Dididi~~Alert! Alarm!”

“A wormhole reaction appeared in the Saturn space area…”

One minute later,

“Dididi~~Warning! Warning!”

“An unknown flying object flew out of the wormhole!”

The base is in chaos.

“What’s going on? Could it be that the Tiansha mothership jumped directly into the wormhole and appeared on Saturn?”

“No, no matter it is the scanning technology of Transformers Civilization and Jagged Civilization, the results show that the Mother of Heaven is still on the edge of the solar system!”

“No, if it’s not the civilization of the evil spirits, what is the UFO in this Saturn wormhole?”

“Two kinds of aliens invaded the earth?”

“The data is available: the shape of the UFO is a sphere, about 6 meters in diameter.”

“It’s over, the evil aliens are already tricky enough, and as a result a new alien race has arrived!”

Mech’s face changed.

However, Lin Jun, who is Dinghai Shenzhen, is still in the base at this time, so there is not much panic.

Soon, news of the appearance of Saturn in the second alien race was reported to Lin Jun, letting Lin Jun decide.

“Isn’t this the white ball civilization. “?”(Read more @

Lin Jun saw this “alien” at a glance, exactly the same as the ball in “Independence Day 2.”

The brown sphere, a half-ring gap, the whole ‘body’ is exactly like Xia Yiweiguo.

As long as the shell of the brown sphere is blown, the white sphere inside will be exposed.

Lin Jun named: “White Ball Civilization”.

Next, Lin Jun faced a problem.

“Is this white ball civilization a good person or a bad person?”

“According to the plot in “Independence Day 2,” this white ball civilization is a survivor of a civilization destroyed by the evil civilization. This time it comes to earth to help humans solve the mothership of the evil sky.”


Lin Jun’s “fighting intuition” told him:

“This white ball alien, there is a problem!”

Lin Jun, who dare not to be sloppy, summoned the golden finger without a word-bought a copy of “Future Memorabilia”.


Ignoring the previous major events, Lin Jun directly turned to 2025.

————On July 25, 2025, the “Dragon Nations Alliance” was formally established, including most countries in the world. It is the embryonic form of the future “Earth Federation”.

——On July 31, 2025, the second batch of space warships of the Tiansha civilization rushed into the solar system.

——On August 1, 2025, Long Guo found a UFO in the Wormhole of Saturn. This UFO was named White Ball Alien. The white ball aliens claimed to be a friendly and harmonious alien civilization race. Because the home planet was wiped out by the Tiansha spacecraft, the entire civilization was the only one to escape. This time it also brought the Tiansha aliens’ weaknesses. In 2055, which is 30 years later, human science and technology will not advance and retreat, and progress is getting slower and slower. Professor Lin realized the seriousness and began to look for the reason. Finally, he discovered that the white ball aliens are not a kind civilization at all, and they continue to release. Signals that are difficult to detect, enter the human brain in a quantum entangled manner, control the thinking and thinking activities of earth humans, and hinder the rapid development of earth civilization…


Lin Jun took a breath!

Control the human brain?

This white ball civilization has such terrifying technology! !

“.” Originally, I was planning to receive the white ball civilization, but now it seems that it is better to directly blast this insidious white ball. ”


Ten hours later, the white ball alien came to the sky above the earth.

Then go straight to the Imperial Capital of the Long Kingdom,

Finally fell to the outskirts of the imperial capital.

2 minutes later…

Lin Jun personally led the mecha team and arrived at the scene.

Everyone looked at the brown ball in front of them vigilantly.


ps: I can’t stand it too much.

. .

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