Chapter 161

In today’s global informatization, what happens in any corner of the world can easily be known by other countries far away on the other side of the ocean.

The rapid rise of Baolong is also known by automakers and sellers in free countries, especially the performance of Baolong electric vehicles is not inferior to traditional fuel vehicles.

The birth of Baolong directly smashed the world’s top electric car manufacturer, Tesla, and had to withdraw from the celestial dynasty and retreat to its hometown despite heavy losses.

Moreover, the many models of Baolong have made several auto companies in the Free Country encounter unprecedented challenges in their sales in the Celestial Dynasty, even giants such as Ford and Ricconn are no exception.

In particular, Rikern, whose high-end SUVs and off-road vehicles are under the pressure of Baolong Q7 and Q9, still has a sharp decline in sales and half of its profits despite substantial price cuts and improved service quality.

In fact, car dealers in a free country have already come to China to negotiate with Baolong.

However, although Baolong’s electric vehicles flourished in the Celestial dynasty, they did not have much influence in countries other than the celestial dynasty.

Therefore, even though the auto dealers in the free countries are very optimistic about the prospects of Baolong electric vehicles, they have not been in contact with them.

Now, the feat of Baolong K series sports car flying over the Yellow River, the marketing of “show the world a little color” has appeared in Time Magazine.

The people in the free country, especially young people, have seen Baolong and are learning about Baolong.

With this foundation, profit-seeking businesses can no longer sit still.

Because they are businessmen, they must be able to think that Baolong will definitely expand outward after it has landed in the sky.

In this case, for the sake of its own interests and development, striving to win the overseas agency rights of Baolong electric vehicles was quickly put on the agenda.

Let alone whether the acquisition of the Baolong brand can quickly bring benefits to their company, it is to enrich the product line, and we must first take up this pit.

You must know that Freedom is a big car consumer country second only to the celestial dynasty. Under the condition that each family of Freedom owns two cars, the agency of a successful model will undoubtedly bring long-term benefits and room for development to the company.

Under this circumstance, Mars, the CEO of OPN, personally came to the celestial dynasty and found Baolong.

Before coming, the company’s board of directors unanimously decided that Mars must reach a formal cooperative relationship with Baolong and take down the agency rights of the Baolong brand.

Even if necessary, it is possible to make appropriate gains and compromises.

As a result, a very detailed contract agreement was placed in front of Lin Fan.

The approximate conditions of the contract are:

In the cooperation with Baolong, OPN is responsible for all import and export links such as transportation and customs declaration. Baolong only needs to finalize the relevant parts of domestic exports.

Moreover, the contract agreement also clearly stated that, unlike the usual 15% distribution method for dealers, OPN directly reduced it by three percentage points.

The meaning of a total contract is:

As long as Lin Fan hands over the overseas sales rights of the Baolong brand to OPN, Baolong will basically have nothing to do with Baolong except for the delivery and collection of money.

To be honest, for most Chinese companies, especially auto companies like Baolong that have no experience in the overseas market, these conditions proposed by OPN are not unreasonable.

For OPN Group, which has a market value of more than US$5 billion and has sales outlets in more than 40 states of the Free State, it is a very rare concession, and it can even be said to be full of sincerity.

However, Lin Fan scoffed at this contract.

First of all, the Celestial Palace encourages exports, and has great preferences and subsidies for exporting companies.

OPN has taken over all the import and export links, and Baolong’s preferential treatment and subsidies are gone.

A three-point sales share profit sounds good, but compared to the preferential treatment and subsidies of export business, it is nothing short of it.

In addition, after the sales channel is completely controlled by OPN, it is OPN that has the final say on auto sales and parts replacement, and Baolong has no way of getting involved.

You know, auto after-sales and spare parts replacement are the major part of auto companies’ profits.

Haven’t you seen the after-sales of foreign car companies in Tianchao, the difference locks of several hundred yuan sold for several thousand more?

Therefore, the profits of the car companies’ complete vehicles will be doubled at most, but the profits of the replacement parts can be ten times and dozens of times.

Moreover, the contract also pointed out that OPN is only interested in Baolong Q7, Q9 and Baolong K series sports cars, and there is no idea to introduce other models for the time being.

This fell to Lin Fan’s expectation.

A4 and A6 are considered quite cheap in the heavens.

However, there is not much advantage in the free country where the same models are gathered.

The cost of driving is not much lower, because the oil price of the Free State is lower than that of the Celestial Kingdom.

············ Ask for flowers········

Not to mention the A8, the high price is there.

If you get to a free country, the price is much higher than that of a model of the same level, and there is no competitiveness at all.

Only the prices of Q7 and Q9 are lower than models of the same class even in free cars.

Performance and off-road capabilities are much stronger than similar models.

No matter which country these two models are put in, they will definitely kill all cars in the same class.

As for the K-series sports car, let alone increase the price of the K2 by twice and the K4 by three times, Lin Fan believes that it can still be sold in the free country.

This is why Lin Fan priced the Q7, Q9 and K series sports cars so much at the time.

He is going to knock these four cars on the door of foreign auto markets and sell Baolong electric cars to the world.

…….. 0 …

Seeing Lin Fan’s slightly disdainful smile, Mars asked sincerely: “Dear Lin, do you have any different opinions on this contract of our company?”

Lin Fan put the contract back in front of Mars and smiled faintly: “Mr. Mars, of course I have my own ideas. I wonder if you would like to listen to it?”

Mars said seriously: “Of course I can, I am listening.”

Mars said this sentence in Celestial dialect, and Lin Fan was taken aback. He secretly said in his heart: “Ooo, it seems that in order to obtain the overseas sales rights of the Baolong brand, I have worked hard, and even the idioms have been rectified.”

But Lin Fan didn’t lower his requirements because of this sentence, and he directly showed his hole cards: “You tell me, I was going to a free country after I was busy with the things on hand.

Since Mr. Mars came to the heaven to find me so sincerely, let me tell you clearly that I am willing to sell Baolong’s electric vehicles in the form of a share in your company and share the corresponding risks. ”

When Mars heard Lin Fan’s words, his face was full of shock: “God, my friend Fan, your idea is crazy…”

Lin Fan waved his hand and interrupted: “I didn’t say anything about it. I’m serious. I exclusively license the Baolong brand to OPN in the form of share swaps.

Moreover, after the Baolong Group has invested in your company, it will not participate in your company’s sales strategy. In addition, we will also dispatch relevant personnel to assist in the sales and after-sales of your company’s sales outlets…” Chuan.

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