Chapter 202

Lin Fan took a look at the production workshop and found that among the workers and technicians, the proportion of Eastern faces is relatively large, but most of them are blacks and not many whites.

Lin Fan knows that this is the feeling of Lin Fan at the branch office. When recruiting staff, the descendants of the Celestial descent are given priority to admit so many oriental faces.

In fact, Lin Fan doesn’t care very much. What he cares about is the worker’s ability and hard-working spirit. After all, the automobile manufacturing industry is relatively hard work, and those who struggle to do it can’t do it.

These oriental faces are very young. Their parents or grandparents came here in the early years. These people grew up in a free country. It can be said that they are already authentic free countrymen, and they don’t have much affection for them.

Although Lin Fan didn’t mean to interrupt the workers’ work, many people still looked at him and sometimes made comments.

“Look, that’s our August 27 boss.”

“The boss looks so young and handsome.”

“The boss is young, but he still comes from my hometown.”

“Heaven is really a magical place, I want to find time to go back and see.”

Lin Fan walked through the workshop and met the workers who greeted him. He nodded to them in return, and there was no arrogance.

Nowadays, the automation process of automobile manufacturing is very high. Workers and technicians in many positions are only responsible for supervision, debugging and inspection work most of the time, so there is still time to say hello when the boss comes over.

Lin Fan likes this kind of atmosphere. Unlike most domestic enterprises, the bosses come to the workshop to look at the workshop and make it look like a big leader inspecting the place below. The scene is so great that the workers dare not look directly at it or even avoid it.

A tall, quality inspection manager saw Lin Fan coming over and hurriedly put down his work and greeted him.

“Boss, you are here.”

Lin Fan nodded: “Is it going well in terms of work.”

“It’s very smooth. We have a very formal manufacturing and inspection process. The most important thing is that the boss’s level of recruitment is really good.”

Faced with the flattery of this manager, Lin Fan was a little baffled. All the recruitment tasks were done by the personnel department, and he had a relationship with him.

The manager then confided that, except for some of the free nationalities transferred from the first factory, all the others were recommended by the Detroit Trade Union.

Lin Fan just thought that when he bought the second factory, someone from the union had indeed come to find him, hoping to accept more black jobs. Lin Fan agreed at the time.

At this moment, a black technician came over, took off his hat, and bowed slightly to Lin Fan: “Boss, you are welcome to inspect the second factory. It may be a bit abrupt, but I still have to come over and thank you, if you didn’t provide us with Job opportunities, many of us may be taken away by the bank and exposed on the streets.”

Lin Fan knows that Detroit is no longer the glory of the year. A large number of companies have moved here, the industry has withered, and many people have lost their jobs and even live on relief funds.

Although the free countries have been working hard to eliminate racial discrimination, it is undeniable that whites are more likely to find jobs than blacks for the same skilled workers.

What Lin Fan didn’t know was that the blacks in the factory had been rejected by other companies many times, and now they have found jobs again, and because of the demand for production capacity, they can earn higher incomes than before they were unemployed.

They have been unemployed for too long and struggled for too long in the dim quagmire. Therefore, these workers in the second factory are grateful to Lin Fan for accepting them.

Lin Fan readily accepted the gratitude of the workers.

Lin Fan patted the black technician on the arm: “I am very happy to provide you with job opportunities, and hope that you will improve your lives through hard work.”

The black technician said excitedly: “On behalf of the workers of the union, I thank the boss again. We will definitely repay the boss for his acceptance with our diligence, and we will certainly not let the boss down.”

Lin Fan learned from the chat with the workers that in order to cope with the hot sales of Baolong V-series pickup trucks, these workers actively ask for overtime every day, and they are very active in their work.

This is very rare and rare in a free country where the eight-hour work system is the iron rule, and it is definitely something that can move the bosses to tears.

Lin Fan did not expect that a kind idea at that time won the support of the workers. At that time, he only believed that black people were strong and capable of heavy work…

After spending a day touring the two factories, Lin Fan knew in his heart that as long as he maintained the working conditions of the factories, he would be able to cope with the hot sales of the company’s products.

Now, the Free Country branch is finally on the right track, and it’s time to go home.

Just pinch the fingers and forget it, in a blink of an eye you have been free for almost half a year, Lin Fan is a lover of family…

At this time, he missed his parents and his little secretary Chen Huiyi very much.

So, after confessing to Simmons and Mars, two phone calls were made and Wang Jun, Zhang Kai and others who were going crazy were called back.

Seeing the reluctance of the two goods, Lin Fan’s heart burst into anger: “Ma Dan, Laozi, the chairman of a multinational group, is busy every day.

The two of you guys are having fun, right? Okay, then you will stay in the free country. Anyway, you need R&D engineers and planning managers. ”

As soon as I heard I was going to stay, the two goods immediately quit.

“No, boss, my girlfriend in China is arguing that I don’t have time to spend time with him every day, and I will break up with me if I don’t go back…”

“I can’t stay either, there are some old and some…I’m not young for the time being, the one in the family is waiting for me to go back and make a small one.”

Lin Fan lifted his foot and kicked it: “Googling, I have handed over the work at hand, and I will return to China tomorrow.”

“Sure, boss.”

“All right, boss.”

Threatened by Lin Fan, the two goods ran out to handover the work and packed up.

It’s okay to ask them to go abroad occasionally. I really don’t want to stay for a long time. After all, they are all home lovers.

Everything was arranged. Early the next morning, Lin Fan took a dozen people to the airport for returning home.

Among them, more than a dozen people remained. After all, the free country still needs a few confidants.

Although Lin Fan didn’t make any big moves, except for Simmons and Mars, he didn’t notify anyone else.

But Jimmy Lee and Annie were still alarmed, and the two girls also ran over to see them off.

Jimmy Lee also made sense. He had more contact with the branch office, and he was not surprised to learn that Lin Fan was returning to China.

Annie apparently had just learned about it, and she ran to the airport wearing a police uniform, tears of complaining flashing in her blue eyes.

Although the two girls are very charming, but there is no way, Lin Fan can’t stay for them,

There is also a super cute little secretary waiting for him in China. That is Lin Fan’s lover.

In the end, Lin Fan boarded the plane back to China and left the land under the reluctant and resentful eyes of the two. .

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