Chapter 216

Behind the price cuts of Sun Country’s A-class cars, what consumers don’t know is their almost crazy price cuts.

For example, replacing the previous Michelin tires with Han Tai can save 800 yuan.

The rear barrier beam is replaced by a strong aluminum alloy with iron-covered foam, which directly saves 1,200.

The flocking of the glove box, door storage compartment, and trunk anti-slip mat is directly removed, saving five or six hundred.

In addition, the thickness of the body, the material of the chassis platform, the configuration of the trip computer, the electric control unit, and so on have all been reduced and weakened.

It can be said that this set of combination will directly reduce the cost of the vehicle by nearly 10,000.

However, for the senior executives of these car companies, this is nothing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are used to it.

In everyone’s impression, the Sun National Car is already thin and untouched, even if the allocation is reduced, it will not have much impact.

Therefore, while these car companies have cut prices sharply, their profits have not been affected too much. Instead, they have contributed to the hot sales of their models.

It has to be said that the strategy of these car companies in the Sun Country is very effective. It is an effective way to reduce the number of vehicles and maintain high profits while increasing sales and increasing market share.

As for Baolong’s integration of 28 Chinese automakers, joint R&D, design, and production of A-class models, in their opinion, the threat is not as great as they thought.

Because these 28 car companies are old factories that were previously closed or semi-stopped, their production lines are old, production efficiency is low, and inspection standards are backward. In summary, they are a mob.

But what they don’t know is that while the Baolong Group is developing new models, it has transferred a large number of technicians, engineers, and grassroots managers from the production and R&D department to these car companies.

They implanted all aspects of Baolong’s production experience, inspection standards, and SOP operating specifications into these car companies, and trained workers in these factories.

At the same time, the production equipment of these factories is evaluated, some production equipment that cannot be produced or is too old is eliminated, and a lot of money is invested in upgrading.

Among them, the car companies with strong financial strength directly replaced the super production line, and the old production line they replaced was evaluated, and the ones that could continue to be used were allocated to the car companies that did not have the ability to purchase the super production line.

Auto companies with super production lines will produce more demanding cars and SUVs, while vans and pickup trucks have lower production process requirements and relatively small market demand will be handed over to the remaining auto companies.

There is no way. The manufacturing cycle of the super production line is too long, and Lin Fan cannot configure it for each car company in a short time.

Moreover, the manufacturing cost of the super production line is too high, and under the current circumstances, most car companies cannot afford it.

Lin Fan is even planning to hand over the production tasks of Baolong MPV and A4.

Because relatively speaking, the manufacturing requirements of these two cars are slightly lower, so you can rest assured that they are handed over for production.

Then, the Baolong V series pickups were put into production and marketed as high-end products in the pickup market.

After careful deployment, the research and development process went on smoothly, and after the vehicle was submitted for review, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology went all out to produce a surprisingly high efficiency…

Finally, Baolong Group and 28 car companies jointly held a new car launch conference in Beijing, which is unique in history.

There has never been so many series of models released by the same brand at a new car conference.

This press conference has aroused great attention and attention from high-level government officials such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of State-owned Assets, and the Development and Reform Commission.

All car media, a large number of mainstream media, many foreign reporters, including Yangma News, nearly a thousand reporters and photographers participated in this conference.

The people who came to participate in the new car launch conference, Baolong fans, including car companies, both overtly and secretly, almost crowded the exhibition hall of the new car launch conference.

This is a grand occasion for the automobile industry, a historic automobile event.

The prelude to the last segment of the market representing Baolong’s full-scale entry into the automotive market has kicked off.

The new car launch conference did not invite popular stars to help out, and did not hire a large number of car model beauties to come to add luster.

Because before this new car launch conference, Baolong spent a huge amount of money to carry out a full range of carpet-style propaganda bombing, which has long been known to all and the people’s attention. It does not need those fancy behaviors to attract traffic and blog people’s attention.

On the booth, Baolong Group directly displayed all twelve models.

The pickup truck series marked “Qin”!

The series of cars marked “Tang”!

The SUV series marked “Song”!

The general-purpose series of vans marked “Ming”!

Unique design language, full of heavenly wind!

When the twelve models of the four major series appeared in front of reporters, people, car fans, and netizens who were simultaneously broadcasting, they boiled instantly, and some car fans and netizens even burst into tears on the spot.

They have never seen a series of models with ancient Chinese characters as the logo, and there are still so many models.

This represents the strong rise of domestically-produced cars, and represents the great achievements in this field in a large country.

In the minds of countless people, there are scenes of the flourishing age of each dynasty, and the celestial dynasty has always stood at the pinnacle of the nations of the world.

The flash of the high-definition camera flickered in the exhibition hall. The photographer’s camera took photos of all the models. Countless people took out their mobile phones to take pictures and recorded a historic moment.

On the online forum post bar, in each live video room, there is a sea of ​​comments and barrage everywhere.

…….. … …….

“The first time I saw a car logo with ancient Chinese characters, it was so handsome.”

“When I saw these models, a big man from Laozi burst into tears!”

“Just use this ancient Chinese character car logo, just wait for the car to go on the market, don’t think about it, just mention the car.”

“There is no doubt that the originality of using ancient Chinese characters as the car logo was definitely designed by Brother Fan himself.”

“Then need to say, besides my brother Fan, who else has such a big brain and thinking so…jumping?”

“These four series of A-class cars are not only handsome, but also more handsome. The cars designed by Mr. Lin will always be so handsome!”

“Every model is so handsome, even the freight car has subverted my imagination, and their interiors are equally amazing!”

The appearance of four series and twelve models, whether it is the exciting logo, in the appearance and interior, also conquered all the appearance control.

Whether a car is popular or not, its appearance and interior determine your first impression.

It’s like looking for a girlfriend. The value of your face determines to a certain extent whether you will chase her.

Countless male riders have been conquered by the exterior and interior of the vehicle, and female drivers have also been fascinated.

At this moment, what Toyota Corolla hybrid technology, what Honda Civic Earth Dream engine, what Nissan Sylphy’s Lanchuang energy-saving system, are all ignored.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of Gao Chao at the press conference, waiting for the Baolong Group to announce the parameters, performance, and specific prices of all models, and looking forward to the official launch of the new car with currency for purchase. Sichuan.

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