Chapter 296

Recently, other car brands have relatively launched some car models about small and medium-sized cars and related brand concepts have gradually been established.

This is also the reason why they are so stressed now. If you compare them through such a situation, it will be more beneficial to your current situation. This is also the reason why I persisted to this step.

After thinking of these things, they directly said to Lin Fan: “As long as the issue of this auto show is handled in the way we started at the beginning, there shouldn’t be any major problems. It happened because we were not fully prepared at the beginning.”

“Relatively speaking, the small and medium-sized cars created by other brands have always been price-oriented, so they are not precise in some aspects, but our small and medium-sized cars are different. After our small and medium-sized cars are launched, they are not only The appearance has been improved, and the most important thing is that its safety performance is relatively high.”

“Moreover, there is also a big improvement in cost performance, which is why we are able to dominate this time in sales.”

“If we can solve all the problems that we have in front of us in this way, I think there should not be so many problems in the future, and it will not be necessary to say that there will be no unnecessary problems because of such things. Impact.”

After thinking of these things, Lin Fan’s psychology became simpler. If he can really handle these problems in this way, the subsequent impact will be more serious.

If none of the immediate problems have been resolved, there will be larger and more appropriate ways to deal with the previous issues in the later situation.

If you couldn’t handle such problems well before, let alone develop other problems.

The more you want to deal with these things in this way, the more time it takes.

This is also the reason why Lin Fan insisted on these things at the beginning. If he can’t handle these simple problems, let alone deal with other problems.

············ Ask for flowers········

If I wanted to deal with these problems in this way, the reason would be simpler for myself.

Dealing with these things in this way is actually a simpler thing for himself, and he also hopes to deal with these previous problems in this way.

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Even if these problems were not handled well before, let alone enhance competitiveness with other brands.

Originally, these issues were not as complicated as imagined, but after some negotiation and processing of the matter this time, the subsequent impact will be more complicated, and I have never thought of having an impact in this way.

In fact, the concept of this brand concept was originally proposed by myself at the beginning. It is because of this appearance that I can establish my own brand concept.

Lin Fan thought of this and said directly to the people around him: “These things have happened during this period of time. I think everyone should have some knowledge about this.” Chuan.

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