Chapter 306

But the income report that I researched during this period of time is far more complicated than I thought.

In fact, this matter is far more complicated than it is. It is enough to just proceed according to your own plan at the beginning, but suddenly there are so many things that really make everyone feel a little helpless.

The more Lin Fan wants to deal with it as quickly as possible, the more time this matter will take time. After thinking about it, everyone will tell you directly and say something.

“The things I said to you just now, I hope you can keep it firmly in your mind, if these people around you have any opinions about this matter, or if they have any other ideas about this matter. ”

“You must set a certain time to tell me that this matter originally required everyone to negotiate together. Now our competitors have repeatedly proposed the same type of competition as ours, so it is relatively passive for us.”

“If it weren’t because it was a last resort, I actually didn’t want to deal with these things in this way, but it’s impossible to continue to waste time because of such things.”

“According to the time I said calmly, there will be no problems, so you can rest assured.”

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, although the secretary’s message still had a lot of thoughts on this matter, he didn’t say it in the end. This time I looked at him and said something.

“Since you have considered this matter clearly, I won’t say anything about it anymore, because of this ~ what things are said.”

“As long as we can take this issue into consideration and make some corresponding changes to each other, I believe it should not be any other issue. Is the matter we are talking about on the surface-as complicated as it seems.”

“I already thought about how to deal with these problems from the beginning.”

However, because there have been so many things happening in this period of time, Lin Fan has no way to deal with these previous problems in place, and the secretary beside him is the person he trusts most.

Every time I encountered something, I told the secretary that the secretary’s work efficiency was still very high.

············ Ask for flowers········

This point makes everyone relax a lot. If even the secretary around you can’t help you solve these things, then you really can’t count on others.

The secretary heard Lin Fan say something like this. Although he didn’t agree with him, he didn’t say much. Even if he said something to Lin Fan at this time, he wouldn’t listen to it.

…….. ……… …….

In this case, then there is no need to waste time because of such things.

After thinking of these things, the secretary directly spoke to him.

“Don’t worry, as long as we can smoothly handle these things in place, there will never be any other troubles. Besides, these things have happened recently.”

“Already let us clearly understand what the truth of the matter is. If we can’t handle even these simple problems, then it is a particularly bad thing for our company.”

“Our competitors have been proposing corresponding plans.” Chuan.

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