Chapter 714

“That being the case, I know how to do it, so let’s talk about tires now.

Anyway, the overall economic policy already has a way to deal with it, so I don’t want to worry about it! ”

Nothing is more important than realizing the dream shared by the two people. How can an economic invasion be so easy? !

If you want to change the living habits of the locals and find out their habits, long-term investigations are needed.

And Lin Fan believes that those rich young masters will never do things to this degree. For them, they should be gods in the sky.

Walking into this small city, with a wave of hands, all kinds of people surrendered and welcomed their arrival.

This is because they seem to be wrong. There has never been a fairy. Even businesses in a wealthy country must act in accordance with the rules.

As long as there are rules that can restrict them, to what extent things will develop, naturally there is nothing to consider.

“The tire design concepts are all carried out in accordance with the previous steps, and the overall process has been operated without any problems. You have also tested the quality just now.

Although there is still a gap compared to professional racing tires, it can definitely cope with most environments and terrains~〃. ”

Looking at the tires in his hands, Lin Fan was a little dazed.

We must know that in the impression of ordinary people, cars often represent danger, especially when a car collides with a person during high-speed driving, naturally, there is no need to say more about what will happen.

For pedestrians, cars often mean danger.

But for a high-speed moving car, any small thing is enough to kill the people in the car.

The original intention of Lin Fan to design safety is also based on this idea, and will give priority to designing cars with safety performance in order to protect the company’s reputation.

“Just being able to adapt to most terrain is useless. The safety problem of driving is not just the parts of the car body.

More importantly, how can we make drivers aware of this problem. ”

This is a matter of safety education and preaching, but when things really happen to the masses of the people.

Who would realize that the tragedy is caused by lack of knowledge and insufficient attention from related parties?

Most of them attribute the blame to the parts, to the car body itself or even the quality of the vehicle.

Therefore, in order to avoid similar lawsuits in the future, comprehensive issues like this must be considered.

Otherwise, the troubles in the future will be heavier and more complicated.

“¨”It’s better to use some hands and feet on the system, such as forced braking, such as some of the most basic management measures, so that they can understand:

Even under the premise of an excellent vehicle, you must drive within the rules and cannot speed up or stop illegally! ”

(Good good)

Lin Fan didn’t think about this plan before, but even in a mature system, such intelligent forced braking is a goal that requires a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve.

Now that the responsibility rests on him, there is no such easy punishment.

“Leave aside this matter for the time being. The funds required for this are too much. With the economic foundation we have now, I am afraid that there is no way to perfect it.”.

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