Chapter 835

The several elder brothers took the initiative together. Of course, this issue needs to be considered, especially since their own travel has a very large influence.

Whether it is inland or coastal, even the people of the Lu family are willing to give these young masters three points of noodles.

More is worse than less, and less is worse than nothing.

And now it is this group of demon kings who are going to provoke Lin Fan and want to see how good Lin Fan’s things are.

They were so unhappy that they were very upset. They reminded themselves not to let Lin Fan become the head of this so-called alliance.

But now the most worrying situation has happened, and there is even no solution.

Of course, Lin Fan at this moment did not know who he was attending the meeting. Now the family is facing provocations from several wealthy elder brothers, and even intends to completely smash the company’s name.

“Everyone, this is not my discussion with you, I am just stating a fact, and I hope you can understand what this matter means to me.

What does it mean to you? If you feel that there is no way to agree to this condition, then forget it, and the matter between us will end here.

If you don’t agree, then you don’t have to sign this alliance contract, and naturally you won’t be considered your own.

It’s okay to want economic policy.

Trade performance in exchange for it, believe me, the money you get for performance is much higher than the price you are paying now, so you can choose for yourself. ”

In exchange for performance, it directly blocked the lifeblood of these people, and now it is easier said than done to expand performance.

Especially in order to participate in today’s economic conference, some of them have already rejected all the kindnesses from several brothers.

They know very well, even with the support of those companies, what can they do? Distant water can’t save near fire!

But some people are different. They relied on the financial support of those big families, and even had the opportunity to become affiliates of those big families. They jumped out, turned around on the spot and left.

“The two young people don’t know what they are so proud of here, they can obviously deal with it in a better way.

It is not impossible even to reach equal cooperation with those families in the mainland, but if you want to resist in this form now, you are just talking about dreams! ”

“Yes, I have already felt the sincerity of several people when I contacted them before.

But now it’s you, each of them is ugly, and the two young people want to give the local economic form, how do you think so well? ! ”

This is a typical backlash. Those in the inland families have obtained the benefits, but those things are not satisfactory to them.

They want more, and hope to get more, only in this way can they be able to be a double agent under the pressure of many parties.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Fan couldn’t help but shook his head. There is no big development trend for these wall grasses. Comparing with the information at hand, Lin Fan can easily know that these people were nail users in the past.

Facing the olive branch from the relevant department, it was also ruthlessly rejected. Of course not because you don’t want it, but because you don’t have enough benefits.

“Okay, one or two have jumped out. Who else wants to leave now? I’ll give you a few opportunities!”.

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