Hao Shuai rubbed his head, his brain has been thinking a little too much recently, and he feels a little headache.

At this time, Lin Qiangrose came over, brought a cup of coffee to Hao Shuai's table, and said, "Have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself." "

Seeing Lin Qiangrose suddenly bring herself coffee to drink, Hao Shuai felt a little surprised.

However, the relationship between the two is not bad, and they will say hello to each other when they meet, but it is limited to greetings between friends and colleagues.

But even so, it has already made many colleagues in the police force envious, jealous and hateful.

After all, it is difficult for many people to talk to Lin Qiangrose, even if it is the captain Yin Mingzhi, every time he invites Lin Qiangrose with a dead face, he has not succeeded once, and the communication between the two on weekdays is limited to work.

Like Hao Shuai, who can greet Lin Qiangrose like a friend, except for Hao Shuai, there is no second one in the team.

The colleagues on the side were also dizzy and busy with the recent case, and they didn't have the heart to gossip at all, and they were all busy with their own things.

"I'm really flattered by the 310. "

Hao Shuai held the cup and took a sip of coffee.

Zhang Yihan on the side pretended not to care about it on his face, and seriously took the pen to record the information, but his eyes couldn't stop sneaking a few glances at Lin Qiangrose.

"You provided a very important clue for the third murder, otherwise we wouldn't have found You Lanlan's body so quickly, seeing that you have been working hard lately, you should pay attention to your body. "

Although Lin Qiangrose's delicate face did not have any expression, it was still a cold and glamorous appearance, but there was a trace of warmth between her words.

During the time she spent with Lin Qiangrose, Hao Shuai found that Lin Qiangrose was a very decent and elegant girl, and her cold and glamorous temperament made people feel quite natural, and she didn't deliberately pretend to be.

Hao Shuai can feel that this is a girl cultivated in a family with a very strict family education, which can't help but Hao Shuai is curious about her family background.

But Hao Shuai is not a person who likes to probe into other people's privacy, and Hao Shuai will not ask before Lin Qiangrose intends to tell him.

"Thank you very much for the relationship of Lin Da Beauty, in addition, the coffee is so delicious. "

Hao Shuai raised his glass and smiled.

"Actually, I came here, and I have one more to tell you. "

Lin Rose said.

Hao Shuai had already guessed that Lin Qiang came to her, definitely not just to greet herself, she was also a very responsible person for handling the case, since she came over, first, she had to discuss matters related to the case with herself.

"Regarding these [autopsy and bloodsucking cases], I have an idea, every time the murderer commits a crime, he rushes to kill the victim, and then dissects the body and sucks the victim's blood, you can start from the murderer's motive for committing the crime, why did he drink the victim's blood after killing someone?"

Lin Rose said.

"Actually, I'm also thinking in this direction, I think it's the murderer who has a special need for blood, but I can't figure out what exactly causes this need. "

Lin Qiangrose handed the information in her hand to Hao Shuai and said, "Maybe the murderer thinks he's ...... Lack of blood!"

Hearing this, Hao Shuai's eyes lit up, and Lin Qiangrose's words suddenly made his mind clear, and he took the information handed to him by Lin Qiangrose, which was full of descriptions of anemia diseases.

Megaloblastic anemia: the clinical manifestations are mainly eyelid puffiness, depressed edema of the lower limbs, and in severe cases, ascites effusion or polyserous effusion (BACJ) fluid, jaundice, susceptibility to infection and bleeding tendency. In a few cases, hepatosplenomegaly occurs due to extramedullary hematopoiesis, but it does not pose a direct threat to the patient's life.

Aplastic anemia: congenital and acquired, and the clinical manifestations are mainly anemia, hemorrhage, and infection. In almost every case, the bleeding is extensive, often deep visceral bleeding in addition to superficial bleeding, the latter often life-threatening. In severe cases, sepsis may occur, and the infection often worsens bleeding, often resulting in death.


Hao Shuai carefully read these diseases about anemia and said: "The murderer is so eager to suck the blood of others, which shows that the blood disease he is facing must be very threatening, and it can easily lead to death, such as this aplastic anemia, it is very likely!"

Lin Qiang Rose nodded and said, "You really think the same, then let's go to the major hospitals in the city to find the information of patients with this blood disease, and see if there are any people who match the appearance and characteristics of the murderer." "

Hao Shuai nodded and said, "It stands to reason that with such important information, you should find the captain first, right?"

Lin Qiangrose glanced at Hao Shuai and said, "Judging from your previous performance, I think you have a very unique and keen talent for solving cases, and I trust your judgment even more, and you are indeed the same as I think." "

Receiving Lin Qiangrose's praise, Hao Shuai lightly kicked Erha beside him with some ecstasy, and said, "Let's go, let's investigate the case." "

Erha, who was on the side, suddenly jumped up from the ground, zipped up his schoolbag, and looked ready to go.

Zhang Yihan silently glanced at Hao Shuai and Lin Qiangrose with his spare eyes on the side, and the pen in his hand had stopped in the same line for a long time.


Hao Shuai and Lin Qiangrose immediately went to the major hospitals in the city and began to investigate one by one.

Hospitals that can treat diseases such as aplastic anemia are usually relatively large because treating this disease involves a bone marrow transplant, and even after a bone marrow transplant, the survival rate is only 60 or 70 percent.

Therefore, Hao Shuai and his team quickly screened out the hospitals in the district that could treat this disease and conducted investigations.

But after visiting all the hospitals that can treat the disease, Hao Shuai and his team still haven't been able to find any patients who match the characteristics of the murderer.

This left the two very confused.

After thinking carefully for a long time and confirming that there were no major problems with their thinking and logic, the two of them couldn't help but feel very puzzled.

What's the problem?_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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