Please stop ignoring the opposite sex group

There was a secret I learned while living a social life.

Be weak to the strong and strong to the weak.

So far, I’ve lived only half of it.

[Weak against the strong]

The store owner I met while working part-time, the doctors and nurses who ran the business while traveling to Arcor, and the bosses at work.

‘It’s easier to live in society when you’re weak against the strong.’

Working part-time and running a business, I often lowered my head.

‘In society, the person with the most money is the older brother.’

A society that has no choice but to become a slave to money.

A and B are decided according to money.

After I had a lot of property, I couldn’t treat others carelessly.

[Strong against the weak]

He had the temperament of a scholar, so he was used to holding back even when he was angry.

Over the weekend, I had a long conversation with Kim Sang-ki through KakaoTalk.

– Kim Sang- gi: The first time we talked, the reaction was good. If you take over, you should raise your hands and welcome it. You are a legendary investor.

– Shin Kim: What is a legendary investor?

– Kim Sang- gi: No. In Korea, if you put your name in it, it will be eaten unconditionally.

– Kim Sang-ki: You don’t know the Leon’s market cap right now?


The name of the pharmaceutical company he invested in because he had a relationship with President Yoo Seok-tae while attending Arcor.

It was a blue-chip company, so I invested a lot of money at the time, and it must have been a fairly large asset, but I didn’t check it one by one.

– Shin Kim: How much is it?

-Kim Sang-gi: The current market capitalization is over 5 trillion won.

– Shin Kim: 5 trillion?

It was an astonishing number.

When I first invested, the market capitalization was about 60 billion, but this has risen so much?

Earth Resources was founded in Silicon Valley.

Although the company is historically one of the few in terms of growth rate, Leon’s was not an Internet company, but a pharmaceutical manufacturer.

– Kim Sang- ki: Earth Resources or Bio Life. Few of the companies you own are publicly traded.

– Shin Kim: It’s not like that.

– Kim Sang- gi: Since you are the largest shareholder, investors flocked to Leon’s stock price.

– ki: Really every day! Even in the newspapers, news about Leon was quickly published.

I wanted to be like this.

However, it is nothing strange if you think of Elon Musk, whom the media often compares as a competitor.

Even if Elon Musk used only one tweet, the price of the coin increased by 8 times.

– Kim Sang- gi: But you know what’s funny?

– Kim Shin: What is it?

– Kim Sang- ki: 30% of Leon’s investors are foreigners. Foreign investment from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley is also scary.

– Kim Sang- gi: What would they see and invest in a Korean pharmaceutical company?

-Kim Sang-gi: They are all betting on you.

Everyone seems to be crazy when they play stocks or coins.

– Kim Sang- ki: Anyway, Leon’s CEO Yoo Seok-tae is another manager of madness. They are investing heavily in plant equipment.

– Shin Kim: Is there any problem?

At one time, it was a company that almost went bankrupt due to excessive expansion of factory facilities.

– Kim Sang- gi: I heard that the factory operation rate is almost 100%. Iseong Biologics is raising them by subsidizing even the quantity. Almost one-stop processing of bank loans. This is all thanks to you.

heterosexual group.

It’s a good relationship with me, but there have been many precedents in the past where SMEs have been killed to steal technology.

As such, it seems that they know how to decide and grow small and medium-sized businesses.

‘If I know how to give as much as I receive… I can continue to do business with groups of the opposite sex.’

– ki: Anyway, in the end, Haneul called more than 600 billion won.

– Kim Sang- ki: That’s not the 50% you want, but only 35%.

– ki: It reflects the management rights premium up to 200%.

They say that if you buy company stock, the stock price will rise tenfold, but you can’t sell it cheap.

After I became wealthy, I paid generously in tips at restaurants and hotels.

In American culture, you have to pay a service fee, but it was unreasonable to give $5 because it was super rich.

I still lick the lid of Yoplait when I’m alone at home or at work, but I tip generously.

People who live on tips are not in good shape.

However, it was embarrassing to have to face such an eyeball while acquiring a stake in the company.

– ki: They say it’s a final plan that cannot be compromised.

-Kim Sang – gi: Of course, you can negotiate 10 or 20 percent, but now you’re taking a hard line.

– Kim Sang- gi: All the analysts and other entrepreneurs at Yeouido say that this is too expensive.

– Kim Sang-ki: I don’t know if you can create more value than that.

If Google and MS were to compete with word processors and office programs, they could have created a value of 600 billion won.

Even so, it was around the time when I was thinking about living too expensive.

[Kim Shin, in negotiations to acquire Haneul Hangeul]

[Araea Hangul Acquisition Amount Expected to exceed KRW 700 billion]

[ Representative IT company in Korea. The first signal of entering the world]

[ Breaking news! Shin Kim’s acquisition of a Korean software company]

Many articles appeared in Korean newspapers, and broadcasting companies broadcast breaking news.

Earth Channel or YouTube economic streamers broadcast on the subject.

– Kim Shin-hyung took over Nae Ah Hangeul?

– It’s great. It will become the 2nd Leon.

– Go straight to the bank.

– Why the bank?

– You should get it through the loan pool. Where are opportunities like this common?

– Since the news came out, the stock price has already reached its upper limit.

– There are 50 million stocks piled up at the upper limit? The number of issued stocks is 25 million. Is this a true story?

. It’s a special reservation for ten days in a row.

– Here’s your chance! Selling a house, selling a car, and even selling a wife. But manu is not for sale…

I was dumbfounded when I saw the comments attached to the article.

– Shin Kim: Did you hear the news about the takeover of Haneul Hangul?

– Kim Sang- gi: I’m looking into it urgently. It doesn’t seem like the information leaked from this side, and seeing as several media outlets broke it almost at the same time, it seems that the company gave the information.

– Shin Kim: Why?

– ki: It seems that the media wants to sell it for 600 billion won as a fait accompli, or to call a higher price.

It seemed that they misunderstood me.

While working part-time at an internet cafe, he removed dozens of dirty ashtrays a day.

To get more part-time jobs, I wiped out mold in the bathroom and ran errands for cigarettes.

Even when I was living in such poverty, I said it was not.

– Shin Kim: If that person distributed the press release, stop the takeover negotiations.

– Kim Sang- gi: Really?

– Shin Kim: There is no argument.

Patience should only be taken out when needed.

The era of successful people who tolerate well is past.

After giving up the acquisition of Haneul Hangeul, the answer was surprisingly easy.

‘Other good word processors… there are. When I was working part-time at a PC room, the boss was from a Lee Sung electronics subcontractor.

I joined the program saying I was used to it.’

Although now lost in a battle for possession and almost forgotten.

In Korea, everyone writes Hangeul, but there was a word processor that was used only by members of the opposite sex group.

Because it was developed in a heterosexual group.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong arrived in San Francisco on a private plane belonging to Lee Sung Group.

“Vice President. You’ve worked hard to come a long way.”

“Yes. I worked hard to meet you on purpose.”

As soon as they came out of the VIP gate, representatives of American corporations such as electronics, product, and laboratories bowed their heads in unison.

Just like the president’s visit, dozens of employees in suits were mobilized from the airport.

The representative of the US electronics corporation said.

“Do you want to go straight to Earth Resources? If you’re tired, wouldn’t it be better to rest at the hotel and go tomorrow?”

“I made an appointment with CEO Kim Shin. Running right away will leave a deeper impression.”

Seon Jae-yong did not forget the lessons he learned from his father.

The fact that in big business relationships you have to keep promises and courtesy.

I shook hands with Seon Jae-yong in the company lobby.

“It’s been a while. Vice President.”

“It’s nice to see you in America.”

“This way…”

“I am Oh Jae-hwan, CEO of Lee Sung Electronics’ US corporation.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kim Shin.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, CEO.”

It’s a feeling I don’t often feel when I meet the CEO of an American company.

When I met executives of Korean companies, I wondered if there would be a day when I would meet these people at least once if I had been going to Arkor all the time.

Seon Jae-yong spoke first.

“I’ve come all the way to the US. Could you take me on a tour of the company?”

“You must be tired from the long flight…”

“It’s because I’m curious about what kind of company Earth Resources is that leads the US IT industry.”

I could feel Seon Jae-yong’s or the opposite sex’s eyes shining.

A lot of images came out on YouTube and Earth channels, from the start-up of Earth Resources to its growth.

Nevertheless, wanting to see the company in person means wanting to see the true face that is not captured in the video.

To be honest, I’m worried about showing my true self.

“Yes. Then I will guide you.”

I couldn’t bear to refuse and decided to guide only Seon Jae-yong and the six top executives of the Lee Sung Group.

“This is a restaurant.”

It showed restaurants that surpassed five-star hotels.

Simple food was prepared at any time in a buffet style, and if you order the food you want to eat, the chef will make it on the spot.

“The food is very luxurious.”

“Yes. We use ingredients that are one level higher than those of hotels.”

Next we went to the gym.

I was able to enjoy various sports activities such as bowling, table tennis, and billiards.

Only three or four employees were using the entire floor.

Seon Jae-yong looked around the gym and said.

“Isn’t there a lot of staff because it’s business hours?”

“It’s not like that, but the staff doesn’t like sports very much. The response is so bad that I’m thinking of getting rid of it altogether.”

The next place I went to was a Korean-style PC room.


The female part-timers who were chosen based solely on their beauty. And staff eager to game in over 100 seats.

“It’s time for the employees who came to work at dawn to play games. I’m enjoying Last Survivor a lot.”


Members of the opposite sex group even seriously observe employees playing games.

Of course, the last survivor was popular, but there were quite a few employees who were enjoying the beautiful girl entertainment poetry rate.

After that, the place I visited was the Pilates training room.

A place where Earth Resources employees gather and attend regular classes wearing tights.


I took a quick look inside and headed for the elevator.

“Now I’m going to show you the office and the space where the programmers are.”

“Yes. Please.”

It seems that I have a lot of anticipation to finally see the real earth resource.

To be honest, I didn’t want to show it that much.

“CEO! Where are you going?”

“Ah. Rosina. These are the people from the opposite sex group.”


Rosina passed by with a light greeting.

“This is Ned, who was exclusively responsible for developing the Earth Channel’s UI. Ned. These are executives from the rational group.”

“Hello, CEO Kim Shin. I heard that you survived from the last survivor to the last one.”

“Ned. That’s later.”

I introduced the staff, but they weren’t really interested in the opposite sex group.

If you work in the IT industry, you probably don’t know about opposite sex groups.

But all they know is… isn’t it about phone sales?

Or a memory semiconductor company.

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