East Coast trip

Jin Myeong-il, chairman of the Future Automobile Group, waited for a meeting with Kim Shin.

“He said he met Seon Jae-yong of Lee Sung Group and saw all the presidents of DK and LK Groups. Then I will see your face sooner or later.”

The Future Automotive Group was far from bio and electronics fields.

In the construction part, he built a dormitory building for Biolife, but the scale of the business was not large.

〈Kim Shin, test drive all electric cars of the future car〉

〈Kim Shin test-driving from the future car Ioniq to the Genesis electric car〉

Suddenly, news broke that Kim Shin had test-drive electric cars released by Future Automobiles.

“What’s up. Why are you trying our car?”

I wondered the reason for a long time, and Jin Yoo-kyung said.

“Dad, Mr. Kim Shin wants to meet you.”

“okay? I don’t have any important schedules, so let’s meet today.”

Since Kim Shin is receiving media attention, the meeting itself was interesting.

Even if there were quite a few appointments, I planned to cancel everything and meet Kim Shin first.

“They say see you in a week. They say there is no time until then.”

“… … .”

* * *

There was no specific conviction about the electric car idea that came to mind at the coffee shop.

‘When Elon Musk founded Tesla or created SpaceX, everyone around him said no, but he did it in the end.’

Honestly, it was possible because Elon Musk, a genius among geniuses in terms of business propulsion.

‘Then, who can I consult with?’

The first person that came to mind was Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong.

―Kim Shin: What do you think about Earth Resources entering the electric vehicle market?

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: An electric car?

Isung Group had a history of founding Isung Motors.

It was because of Chairman Seondae’s strong will, but it was completely ruined by the IMF.

So I thought I would know a lot about the automotive industry.

It is because experience and knowledge are accumulated on the side of failure and ruin rather than on the side of original success.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Is there a particular reason you want to enter the electric car market?

―Kim Shin: To be honest, it’s embarrassing, but I came up with the idea after seeing a comment saying that putting wheels on a mobile phone is a car.

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: It sounds like an interesting comment. However, Lee Sung Electronics, which makes smartphones for business, cannot make cars.

―Kim Shin: I think I can get vehicle manufacturing technology from Future Car, and get batteries and electric devices from DK and LK.

Is the plan too absurd?

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong was quiet as if there was something urgent.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, a text message came.

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: To be honest, I was surprised by the idea. It’s a plan in consideration of cooperation with Korean companies.

―Kim Shin: Yes, it is also related to President Biden’s Buy America policy.

Automobiles, semiconductors, displays, batteries.

Korea’s representative industries were pushing ahead with the construction of factories in the United States due to the buy-America policy.

A huge market, technology, human resources, and abundant tax benefits that only the United States can provide.

‘I’ll give you all of this, so I’ll build a factory in America. If you don’t want to build a factory, don’t even think about selling it.’

Under pressure from the US, Korea’s industrial competitiveness and productivity are bound to weaken.

If so, it seemed desirable to try something by gathering the strengths of Korean companies.

―Kim Shin: I thought of it as an idea, would it be okay?

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: I think it will be possible if Future Auto agrees.

The participation of the Future Automobile Group was also important.

But I didn’t think it would be easy. Because we have to take out the entire technology related to automobile development and production.

―Kim Shin: It’s the same as asking for all the money the future car has. Would you agree?

To be honest, I thought this would be impossible.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: They may not like it in future cars, but they will participate.

―Kim Shin: Do you think so?

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: The situation is different from Lee Sung Electronics’ memory semiconductor. Lee Sung Electronics has a market share of half of the memory semiconductor market based on capital and technology.

Lee Sung Electronics’ memory semiconductors accounted for nearly 50% of the global market share.

Every time we played a game of chicken, we became stronger and caused the downfall of Japanese companies several times.

―Kim Shin: What about future cars?

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Although it ranks fifth in the world in terms of production volume in the automobile industry, its assets or technology are not special. The brand image is not strong.

―Kim Shin: … … .

Criticism beyond imagination.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Even the investment capital is not enough. It is said that by 2030, about 20% of Tesla’s investment will be invested in the production of electric vehicles. It is an internal combustion engine, and it is less than half the investment of competitors Toyota and Volkswagen. The talkative engine pays huge recall costs for hiding defects.

Please, stop ignoring the car of the future.

The Lee Sung Group and the Mirae Group before the split had a long-standing rivalry in Korea, but I didn’t expect them to be cut down so blatantly.

Still, nothing was wrong.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Competition in the automobile industry is very fierce. It requires a huge investment of capital, and the possibility of success is unknown.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Participation itself can be an opportunity in future automobiles.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: The idea of uniting Korean companies to challenge the electric car market. I can’t think of anything other than representative Kim Shin, and I’m even worse off trying.

―Vice-Chairman Seon Jae-yong: It is because CEO Kim Shin has capital power, reputation, and influence on Korean companies.

Highly praised by Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong.

and he said

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: If Future Motors declines the offer, I will join the Lee Sung Group.

―Kim Shin: A heterosexual group?

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: Yes, automobile-related technology remains in the Lee Sung Group, and it also has a 20% stake in Lee Sung Motor. I will actively participate.

Then, a call came from Jin Yoo-kyung.

―Jin Yoo-gyeong: Dad said he wanted to meet you even today.

It is already 4:00 PM after seeing the electric cars from Future Cars.

In a little while, it was time for Jo Soo-ah to go home from work.

Her summer vacation was scheduled to continue from tomorrow.

Even if the electric car business is important, people should rest when they are resting.

―Kim Shin: Make an appointment in a week.

―Jin Yu-kyung: Even today is fine.

―Kim Shin: I don’t have time.

* * *

Jo Soo-ah’s summer vacation started and he went to Gangneung and Sokcho.

The East Coast in the summer was not a paradise.

“Is the motel bill 180,000 won?”

Wearing a mask and sunglasses, I looked for an accommodation like a young couple, but the owner immediately called for 180,000 won.

Even after 1 or 2 hours, it is over 200,000 won.

“Why is sashimi sold at the port so expensive?”

The beach was full of people, and restaurants waited in line.

At Jungang Market, a tourist attraction in Sokcho, people lined up and moved.

‘Is this K-Vacance?’

Living in the US, I forgot about my summer vacation in Korea.

To be honest, I’ve never had a proper vacation while living in Korea.

“The sea is so pretty.”


I did not pretend to dislike Jo Soo-ah, whom I liked.

Yes, you can enjoy your vacation anyway.

“Isn’t it nice to see the sea after a long time in Seoul? Sometimes when I see the sea, it feels cool and opens my heart.”

“yes. I saw it every day in Busan.”

“… … .”

Is the choice of tourist destination a bit wrong?

Still, I dipped my toes and played on a secluded beach, and drank coffee at a coffee shop overlooking the sea.

Dating like normal couples.

Although the cost of a two-day, one-night trip exceeded 600,000 won.

‘As expected, if I had dated in my 20s, I would have never saved money.’

The money I saved by working part-time while attending college.

My father took it and threw it away, but in the end he hit the jackpot with bitcoin.

It was like exchanging love and bitcoin, so it was the best investment.

* * *

The day when the New Investment Show will be held at COEX.

As the news of Kim Shin’s attendance spread early, reporters were camped out in front of the cinema from the morning.

“Are you really going to come?”

“I don’t usually come to events like this, but since Dream Art Rainbow said they would be attending, I will.”

“Then, the first official event is attending.”

Preview at 3pm.

Domestic film-related reporters came from 10:00 am and kept their seats, but they were gradually pushed to the back.

“Please step aside. Broadcast cameras should be installed.”

It was unavoidable that the filming area was narrowed as broadcasting cameras and reporters from the general newsroom flocked to the scene.

“KBS, MBC, SBS. All terrestrial broadcasters attended, where the hell is that?”

“I heard it was CNN.”

“Why is CNN here?”

“There’s no reason why CNN can’t come to the same yard as ABC, BBC, or Fox.”

Even if you look at the fever of overseas broadcasting stations, you can see how great Kim Shin’s popularity is.

Moreover, the people and foreigners doing personal broadcasting on the Earth Channel around COEX could not be counted.

“There he is, the crime street supervisor.”

“You must be busy, but it looks like you came to the premiere.”

“Last year’s successful drama, the minor league director also came.”

A large number of directors who made hits in movies and dramas attended the premiere.

At this level, it was a level of enthusiasm that surpassed that of an international film festival.

After 1:00 p.m., well-dressed celebrities came to visit.

“Actress Kang Ho, an actor with a triple triple, attended.”

“Jungwoo-ssi, please look over here for a moment.”

“It’s Black Red. They said they were interested in models and actors, so they came here.”

Famous Korean actors and singers who line up the charts when the music is released wore full makeup to participate.

Celebrities posing in the photo zone and entering the screening room.

“This is the first time that so many actors have come to a premiere. Can this number of people watch the whole movie?”

“I heard that there will be simultaneous previews from the 1st to the 6th.”

“I prepared properly at Dream Art Rainbow.”

Reporters waiting for Kim Shin to come.

More than the actors, I thought that Kim Shin was the main character today.

“Prime Minister Ahn Hee-sang.”

“Is the Prime Minister coming to the premiere?”

At two o’clock, the Prime Minister visited with his bodyguards.

“I am very happy to be able to come to a wonderful place pioneering the future of good films and Korean films.”

Although he was not interested in what the prime minister said, domestic reporters took pictures for their articles.

Although overseas broadcasting stations were indifferent.

〈Prime Minister Ahn Hee-sang attends the premiere of “God of Investment”

The article came out right away, and the reaction to the comments was not very good.

―Why is the prime minister holding a premiere?

―You seem to be greedy for broadcasting.

―Kim Shin-hyung is coming, so your face should be reflected.

And ministers, the mayor of Seoul, and even members of the National Assembly came to the premiere one after another.

“I look forward to seeing a great movie. Our party is planning to hasten the enactment of the law to expand the Korean wave… … .”

〈Majority members of the National Assembly participate in the preview of ‘God of Investment’>

―No, how did the political world unite?

―The movie premiere is not held in Yeouido.

―I have to stamp my face on Kim Shin-hyung. maybe not If I shake hands with Kim Shin-hyung, that photo might be used well in the campaign vehicle during the next general election.

―Wow, it’s even scarier because it’s drawn.

Dream Art Rainbow, which prepared a place for the premiere, was also in a panic.

“I never sent an invitation, so why do lawmakers keep coming?”

“Should I not let them in?”

“Then I don’t know what kind of fuss there will be, but let everyone in. Open the 7th building, and drive the politicians there.”


Several Mercedes-Benz limousine vehicles stop in a row in front of COEX.

It was the moment when the bodyguards opened the back car door and Kim Shin, dressed in a suit, got out of the car.


The sound of reporters’ camera shutters rang loudly.

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