Colossus Hunter

Chapter 184


‘Nuke! You have to shoot a nuke to kill him! ‘


Nucleus was the last card. A greedy bomb that destroys everything.
Sergei, evacuated to a shelter, entered a specific room.
A map of all sorts of machinery and world latitudes appeared in real time, where nuclear launch codes were sent.
Immediately he plugged in the master key and entered the code.


‘Let’s die together. I will never die alone! ‘


Everything was destroyed. There was no more back. All that was left was destruction.
But …
The red light came on. To shoot a nuclear weapon, it needs to be approved by managers. And most of those who were in charge of nuclear power stood at their opposition.
I hit the iron plate.


“I commanded you! I am the best person! Fire! You are like these damn bastards! ”


“It doesn’t look like you thought it was.”


Sergei was astonished to see the dead. The moment he turned his head, some bodyguards were bleeding down and President Sergei didn’t even notice it until he spoke.


“Oh, ah ….”


I stepped back.
But there was no place to backtrack.
President Sergei sat down and shook his head.
No. It is not a reality.
It’s a dream Damn dreams!


“Is this all?”


He said to mobilize all power.
In fact, President Sergey did everything he could.
But it did not work. Mocked, trampled, and reached the front again.


“Why, why are you doing this to me? What am I doing wrong! ”


Do you really not know your fault?
He was in charge of everything on the highest level. No matter how good Ilya Vladimir was, without a tacit permission from Sergei, a large-scale human experiment would not have been possible.
President Sergey grabbed his leg more desperately and hung.


“I’ll give you money, honor, woman. If you and I join forces, no one will suffer us in this Russia. I will do everything you want. ”


He did not answer.
President Sergei climbed the floor.


“Wall! Wall! If you are a dog, you are a dog. The owner is just changing. My original owner was Ilya Vladimir. I’m pretty loyal and listen well. Oh, or do you persecute a woman named Syria? Now wrong. I have done a hundred times, a thousand times, please! ”


President Sergey’s head rolled the floor.


‘The sinner has no words’


The man who had shaken the sword, the chiller and the Arken, left the shelter quietly.
The next day.
All eyes of the world gathered in Russia.
Russia, with all control and oppression lost, was no different from a naked princess.
Russia’s largest private newspaper, “милый,” wrote a period and ended.
-The god of disaster came. God punished those who have sinned. This is a warning to mankind, and we must never accept it.
”33. Disaster, Advent” End
ⓒ After


”34. Crackstone (1)
It was a crucible of impact. Photos and videos taken by citizens or journalists were recreated and spread quickly through forums and news.
In particular, the video titled “Lost King” instantly renewed 500 million views, leaving the fastest-viewed record in YouTube history.
-Dedicate our bodies.
-Be our King.
-We are all and one.
-I will follow only our lost king.
Dolls that have been remodeled by Ilya Vladimir and have lost their ease.
They used different attitudes when they saw him. In the
video, he was the Devil itself. In order to follow the lost king, more than a thousand corpses gathered on the spot and worshiped him.
-Lord of all the lords over the world!


“Wow, seed … creepy.”


Everyone who saw the scene was thrilled.
Overwhelming sight just by looking at it.
It wasn’t like CG in movies.
The two king wings and one white wing spread out, and the Lost King flew in the sky. As he hoped for salvation, the bodies became fanatics and quickly chased after him.
Only 20 seconds of video was able to achieve 500 million views because it was the only way to know Lost King’s identity and it was almost impossible to shoot.
A number of people addressed the identity of the Lost King, who struck Russia and killed Sergei.


“Isn’t the Black Door a monster from the Abyss?”


“The lost king is back. I think if you look through the ancient texts, it will come out. ”


“Rich. The Lich control the undead. ”


A stellar guess came out.
The secret weapons raised in America, the gods from space, the credibility of the theory was that the least.
However, it was possible to refute it enough. Those lively wings and liches should normally be dead, but the Lost King was moving like skin, muscles and tendons alive.
Hence, it is life.
But that power was far beyond the scope of life.
The other video vividly smashed tanks and missiles came back and destroyed the president.
And someone presented another theory.


“Aren’t you human? superman. Awakening. ”


“Skeleton is talking and pitching, first appeared in Korea?”


“Some of those who saw Arken told him that he is likely to be the same as us. ‘


It was a very unusual theory.
But there was credibility. Monsters can’t speak. At the same time, Awakens were able to talk to intelligent races such as elves, but on the contrary, those who were not awakens would not be able to talk to different races.
But his voice was clearly man’s.
One and two reports of Korean, Russian, English and French were being poured out.
Would it be possible to speak so many different languages ​​if not humans on Earth?


“His language learning ability should not be evaluated by human standards.”


“Well, are you really God?”


But it was not organized either. The hypothesis asked for the hypothesis, but it was just a “home” unless the parties explained it.
In addition, the evaluation of the roast king was divided into two.


“There is no disaster.”


“Overflow. Was it necessary to do that? ”


“Russia will be over for a while. The global economy will be worse. ”


“It was a sensitive situation as I entered the age of superhuman age…”


“He is a terrorist, no more or less!”


Nonviolent men, human rights groups, economists and citizens frowned at ruthless violence made a statement. They said, ‘Lost King, you are not our king.’
On the contrary, many people admired.
Russia’s nonhuman rights experiments and attitudes deserved punishment.
If not punished properly, human dignity would have fallen to the ground.


“Well, it’s cheap.”


“What are human rights groups doing? The Lost King did my job! ”


“He gave a warning. Again he sent a message to the world that this sin should not be repeated. ”


“Retribution to the Sinners!”


Even fanatics who followed fanatically were born.
His overwhelming power, presence, and “being” against big countries shocked everyone.
Although they entered the superhuman age, they also set limits in secret. No matter how strong human beings are, they cannot afford to win modern civilization.
But no. In the face of the true transcendental, modern civilization was incompetent. It was concluded that only the same transcender could catch him.
especially last. The world was astonished as all the missiles returned.
-All attacks do not work for him.
-If the tactics or reflection of the nucleus will be the worst.
-Not possible. The sky above the sky. He is the only ecosystem disturbance species.
What if Russia shot a nuclear weapon?
Reflecting thousands of missiles, they argued that even nuclear could be possible.
So it’s impossible. You should not even do it.
The leaders of each country began to spend more on “superhuman development”. Laggards are the money to catch up with starters. There was nothing that should not be poured out.
However, if you break the principle, the Lost King appeared.
Or his followers came and took their lives.
-He is a disaster.
-Don’t let go of the race by force, the god of disaster will overthrow you.
He was self-controlled in itself.
Russia did not work as splendidly as it did in Russia, but one day it came to a blame and repeated its life.
And exactly 43 days after Sergei’s death, Russia elected a new president, and for the first time a civilian president, free of the three families, was born.
-The Demidov family supports the new president.
And the family of the Demidov family changed. Syria Demidov. Ivan Demidoff came down from his seat and represented the hidden daughter who appeared out of nowhere.
Syria, however, took the lead in stabilizing Russia’s affairs by exerting its full potential. Her popularity grew day by day because of her name, Syria.
The international situation has become more sensitive. With the advent of the superman and the monster, all the rules were rechecked, standards changed, and perceptions began to change.
The Cataclysm of the World.
And The Lost King, Arken.
Faster changes were being detected around the world than ever before.


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