Colossus Hunter

Chapter 233


[Successfully dominated “Crystal Ram,” which is higher than power.]


[Wide general purpose of the power of the ruler.]


Things that could not be ruled out became possible. The limitations of the power of the ruler were beings inside and outside 10Lv, but they succeeded in taming the creed and expanded the scope.
Of course not available immediately. Because of the lack of points.
However, the possibilities have increased. Doesn’t it mean that even powerful beings can be put under my control just by having points?


“Our King is interested in you. If you want to surrender, please use it carefully. ”


The opponent was called the Elder Ritchie, a servant of Hell King. As the richest species at the top, this is my first time seeing it myself. Rich is afraid even in the abyss.
And now Hell King sent me a love call. I have tamed the Sun King’s creed, and I am going to give you a “justification” on his side.
A squishy guy.


I do not go under anyone.
Aren’t you reckless?
They are monsters and villains anyway. I couldn’t use it when I went down. I’m going to use it as a card that’s cruelly abused and discarded at last.


“You’re reckless. No matter how much Daemon Rod could deal with me, the Elder Richie. ”


Elder Richie. He is a cursed being.
But if I was a curse, it was worth seeing.


The black star. Uriel Diablo’s offensive power to designate a target and give the curse of evil!
Uriel Diablo was not originally in combat. Nevertheless, the battle was due to the advantage of 1: 1 confrontation.
I can fight this fight. Could fight and win.
Soon a giant black star came to me.
The star shines Elder Richie. Seeing the star, Rich stepped back.


“This curse would have been gone in antiquity … How can Daemon Lord use the Curse of the Mighty Kings! ”


The black star is an ancient curse?
It was my first time listening. In that sense, Uriel had no memory of this cursed power. I thought it was just a curse that I grind and polish.
Even though the assimilation rate was so high, this curse could not be used by the body of chills. Only Uriel could use it.


“It’s amazing, but that’s it. Then a feeble demon can’t beat me, the collective of all curses! ”


The curse of weakening. Reach slowed down.
But it was obvious that it would still be a difficult fight.
I looked at him as calmly as possible.
And the sword was taken out.
Wolcheon. The first weapon ever revealed.
Taking out Wolcheon meant I was willing to participate in this war.


And it was meant to win.


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