Colossus Hunter

Chapter 242

鈥淐an you be sure that he will follow our words?鈥?

鈥淚t was said that I received the gift well.鈥?

鈥淧atrio, but Uriel Diablo continues to win.鈥?

The Needy Hogs moved again and war resumed.
And Uriel Diablo continues to win.
It was incredibly strong that it was a weak drug. That power was large enough to fit into at least 20% of the upper daemon loads.
Once they have understood their words, they must declare their defeat at the proper level and be subordinated to the Sun King. Uriel’s role was to reassure the king of the sun.
But he kept winning.

鈥淒id you misunderstand our words?鈥?

鈥淭hat’s not enough between Lyra and Uriel.鈥?

鈥淚f that’s all smoke?鈥?

鈥淣o. Lyra Diablo knows that if you have an idea, it’s good to follow us. There’s no reason to act. 鈥?/p>

“Well, then, do we have to assume that the relationship between Uriel and Lyra is wrong as we planned?”

鈥淟et’s move on to the next step. We are not too relaxed. It seems that the king of the sun chewed on him. 鈥?/p>

鈥淧atrio. Originally your role was to self-destruct with Uriel Diablo. Fight the sun king and die. 鈥?/p>

Patrio is a self-defense weapon. You can’t kill the Sun King, but it can do great damage.
However, they did not realize that the shaking occurred deep in Patriot’s eyes.
鈥?1. King’s Qualification鈥?End

鈥?2. Twilight of the Gods (1)鈥?
There are six types of gates.
Golden, orange, purple, blue, white, and black!
Golden has hidden hidden treasures like ancient temples, orange has been associated with Odin’s Treasure, and purple has hidden monsters of different 鈥渇ires鈥?
Blue is the place where different races live, and white is an unusual place or monster.
But the most dangerous thing is the ‘black’ door.
It is unknown to mankind in the past, present and future.
You must never enter. It is also different from the purple door. True darkness. Unbeatable monsters. Humanity speculated that there would be creatures similar to Daemon Road.
and present.

The ‘black doors’ caused abnormal changes all at once.

鈥淲hy do you see鈥?inside 鈥?鈥?

鈥淲hat the hell is this? Where are the black doors projected? 鈥?/p>

鈥淎byss? Are you saying we are looking into the abyss now? 鈥?/p>

Abnormal changes.
The black doors were gradually called to their size and ate the entire sky. There was no sun and only darkness. The phenomenon that happened three days already.
But today, another change has taken place.
In the sky projected by black doors, the other side of the world began to be visible.
It was the abyss.
The abyss was hanging upside down and projected onto the earth.
All mankind was watching it. A scene where many monsters fight and fight so hard even for centuries.

鈥淵ou are amazing. If such monsters invade the earth … 鈥?/p>

Leaders around the world were tense. Three days have passed since the sun was not seen. The darkness that devoured the earth itself has caused people to dread it.
Especially if those monsters are fast enough and powerful enough to invade the earth even with the eyes of awakenings?
It is destruction. Can’t win

鈥淲ouldn’t we rather shoot ‘nuclear’ over there?鈥?

鈥淚t’s just ‘to show’. Will pass through that darkness. 鈥?/p>

Several discussions have been made.
But the answer was not.
The Great Joint Even humans did not understand why this happened all of a sudden.
There was another change.
After the sun had not risen, the ‘purple doors’ began to open quickly.
At a great speed, the mainspring was opened and invaded mankind.
The most tricky monster was one of them.
Al Araksar!
An article of water that transforms its appearance at will. It’s too early for the human race today. He came out to the world.
Al Araksar continued to be invaded.
that day. After handing over the powers of the administrator in Ancient One’s report, Al Araxar was taken by a great star.
And continued to be invaded. No matter how knight of Ancient One, the will of the stars was too powerful.
Infinite darkness as narrow as ebon.
When he finally came back to the world, Al Araksar’s spirit had almost collapsed.

鈥淚t’s just like seeing Russia.鈥?

Al Araxasar appeared in Montana, USA. A city was destroyed in an instant. Al Araxar’s “shape” did not collapse even when the latest weapons were thrown at random. He quickly restored and changed his form at will and mocked humanity.
It was as if he were watching Arken crush the Russian army.

鈥淚’m not frozen even if I’m frozen. It breaks down even the small nucleus. There are reports that it only responds to 鈥渉orsepower.鈥?

鈥?0,000 soldiers died, more than 3,000 awakens.鈥?

鈥淢ontana is becoming a wormwood field. Al Araksar is heading north here, toward Washington. 鈥?/p>

鈥溌仿仿仿仿仿?many experts recommend asking for assistance to Korea.鈥?

The president of the United States was reportedly intoxicated.

鈥淎s it is impossible for the US to deal with the US alone?鈥?

The United States is home to the world’s largest army. It’s not called “Cheap Kingdom”. The United States was the one that inadvertently paid for its defense.
But an army of surpassed scale was being treated as useless. Awakening units are almost extinct. If modern weapons do not work, there is no answer.

鈥淭he relationship between Korea and the United States is in good condition.鈥?

鈥淭here are the Apocalypse Guild, the Wind Song Guild, and the Elf Alliance.鈥?

Korea was fast in all respects. The first to create a guild, transformed around the world. The Apocalypse Guild and the Song of the Wind guild are within five fingers of the world.
Much of the alliance between the elves and South Korea was seen as a “holy inviolence.” It doesn’t have a nucleus, but it has more power than that.
With the advent of monsters, the power of the awakening was becoming a national yardstick.
The darkness lasted for three days. The world of abyss was thrilling. All mankind is colored with fear. Failure to remove Al Araxasar quickly will shake the center of America.
In addition, if Al Araxar is heading north to Washington, D.C., it must be stopped before crossing. What if you can’t stop? It’s terrible just by imagination.
The president of the United States, who had been troubled for a long time, shook his head.

鈥淏ut will Korea give important workforce?鈥?

The world is an emergency. Monsters raged, the sun did not rise for three days. The abyss projected to the sky had no answer.
No country has given up its manpower in this situation.

鈥淚 have to make a deal. You have to listen to what Korea wants. 鈥?/p>

鈥淚t is what Korea wants. What is it? 鈥?/p>

鈥淎s Al Araxar advances to Washington, the prestige will fall to the ground.鈥?

There is no way to stop even if you come in.
Better than worst. Besides, Korea is friendly with the US. Maybe not the best, but the best number.

鈥淟et’s call for help to Korea.鈥?


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