Colossus Hunter

Chapter 246

The magical typhoon swept away.
At Otrot a prominent one emerged from it.
Uriel Diablo.
As soon as he appeared, he opened his mouth. Power spread throughout the abyss.
-I am Uriel Diablo.

-All beings, kneel down and worship before me.
-Yours All hope is in me!
”42. Twilight of the Gods (2)” The End
ⓒ Warm

”42. Twilight of the Gods (3)”
Dum was free. He just chuckled. A creepy smoke to me and everyone. After completing the last picture with the puzzle Patriot brought me, I was forced to frustrate.
The beginning was from me.

‘Things never existed before.’

A common butterfly effect has reached the abyss. The small wind that I caused was causing a huge war now.
Nachal. Because of the traces I entered there, the dark people began to invade. The dark men led Hwacheon to the abyss, where he would have met Doom. He shed crackstones on Nachal Mountain for the sacred. Later, he was summoned to Nagakgak by Hwacheon, where he again failed to achieve his goal by the variable ‘I’.
Forcible Summoning ······.
It would have been a chance to eat.

‘A natural disaster caused by a small thing.’

The future has changed. This war broke out when Doom was eaten by the Lion King. Perhaps Doom threw a crack in the nagak, because he was aware of the danger of the king of lions. It started because of the one I entered Nachalsan. All I could do was delay in time. I only saw one side of the big picture he painted. He would, too, because I was caring for Doom, not the Lion King.

‘If I lose? What if you don’t get anything? ‘

Imagine the process and the results. Now that I know Doom’s identity, I am more eager to win. Satisfied with the new plate, Arthur. I knew that wasn’t enough.
If I didn’t achieve anything and lost … everything would be over.
After Needhog returned to eat the sun king’s immortality, Doom was the first Would purge ‘. I am an obstacle to gaining the influence of the sun king. I can’t call Lyra at will without me. Perhaps I will “trade” Lyra with my life.

‘I die the first time ······’

What’s next?
You will win the battle against the Daemon Lords and qualify for the Great Star. And qualifying meant that all the awakenings of the earth would die.
The final battlefield, the earth.
They would have no hindrance to human death, but I would stop the last battleground from becoming the earth. It was an idea.
But if it flows like this, it will eventually lead to Doom’s victory. Awakening Wolcheon, he gained the highest rank among the Daemon Road, but Doom had more than that.

‘Can’t do anything?’

It’s been a long time since I thought about it.
I thought about telling the Sun King the truth and plan of Doom.
I concluded that I couldn’t tell. The source of the information, and above all, he doesn’t trust me. No, the king of sun did not trust anyone.
In addition, the king of sun would have known that I had made a “future choice.” If you were alert, you wouldn’t want to be close.

‘Will the sun king really know nothing?’

Uriel Diablo answers ‘no’.
The sun king. The cruel and stubborn man can’t just be killed.
Well, what is his belief?
I thought about it. If you know it, it will be possible to see a little wider.
Was the sun king who believed nothing in the beginning, did you believe that Doom = Lion King? Maybe he did something by chuckling and joining.

‘I need to check.’

I threw the stone. I was curious about what the calm shores were pointing to.
Lira Diablo. She made her face directly to the Sun King, because she judged the reaction of both the Opposition and the Sun King.

“On load. The Sun King is hoping for a direct encounter with Lord. Somewhat puzzled is his attitude. He felt a “obsession” with Rod. ”

“I’m obsessed. What we proposed was an alliance. ”

“Yes. When he spoke out of being a true alliance, not just a cooperator, he nodded without a bit of trouble. ‘I checked my eligibility.’

The Sun King was fortunate when he saw Ohseong. And I did a few things that the Sun King might not like so much.
But I checked my qualifications, accepting the alliance?
The word obsessed with Lyra is annoying.

‘I even knocked out my falcon. Maybe he’s suspicious of falcons. ‘

The sun king knows the existence of opposition. Throwing a falcon would have been in a similar context. Nobody believes. But trusting me and forming an alliance is absurd. That’s ridiculous.

‘He has something for me.’

What is it?
Holy? But no one knows it. It is strange that only the sun king knows that Doom and the other four thousand kings do not know.
He was hoping for something that only Uriel Diablo, not Chill, Lara, had. And if only Uriel had …

‘The power of seeing and choosing the future.’

The sun king knew two things.
I looked at the line of destiny. White. It was the first color I saw, and there was a mystery that passed through my head when I was in doubt.

‘If you can make another future choice,’

All the attitudes of the Sun King are understood. To do that, I need to face me “directly,” and have been tempted by the word alliance.
Well, can I not eat him?

‘If you can, you can bypass the hopeless future a bit.’

It’s impossible to change it at all. If the choice of the future was so perfect, Uriel would not have taken the unclear possibility of chills.
I immediately painted my own picture. Patrio and the good of destiny, plan to usurp the future!

“You’re doing something fun. My dear. ”

But I overlooked the king of the sun. Covered by Doom, the Sun King was mistaken as a helpless king. He is also the king of Sichuan, and he is also the king who has gone through all kinds of adversity.
If it is successful, it could not have been better than this. She ripped off the line and popped out.

“Who are you? How did you get into my realm of time?

The king of the sun crushed this taste.
He and my power collided, and the space around it became an inviolable realm. Only the battlefield where my destiny meets his time.

“Jim is Jormungand. A snake that once swallowed the world. ”

“Jormun Gand? Is it real? ”

The cracks recreated all myths.
But it didn’t flow as told. The fakes pretending to be the real name hit the plate, and the beings that weren’t even “raised” ran across the world. Perhaps it was a fake, but because of me it became “real”.

“The world means the past, the present, and the future. Now, Jim has become a real no one can say anything. In this space of nothing, the burden is absolute. ”

She scattered an infinitely enchanting smile.
Then slowly swept my cheeks.

“That is what it is to be half of the burden. The past, present and future must be fully attributed to Jim. Are you afraid? ”

Feeling full of confidence.
You’ll find some strength in your body.
It’s been your own Jormungand, but don’t give anything. I realized that the class had a mixture of mischief and talk.

“Do I have to answer?”

“No, I don’t have to answer. In the direction of divinity I have realized that you and my will agree. How can I be so lovely? ”

I look at me with eyes to die cute. But her eyes weren’t like half of her, just like looking at a pet.
Slowly she looked at the sun king.

“We are already bound to the same fate. Jim’s companion will swallow the world with it. You see … that you are trying to block the way of your burden. “

The king of the sun suddenly grinds his teeth.
You may know that the sun king also reversed the situation. But even the “quench” that he can feel was different. If the myth is true, Jormun Gand in front of you Is, like the snake in the beginning, a being of the beginning.

“My companion. Need Hog. That cursed snake is different from Jim’s bin. Jim can’t do it right now, but if your divinity is strong, maybe. ”

Don’t you read your thoughts?
Jormungand answered my question.

“Our bond is stronger than ever. So Jim was able to come this way when you pulled the line of destiny. You can’t use much power shortly after breaking out. ”

She smiled and transformed her.
As she grew bigger, bigger, bigger, and broke the space of nothingness, she climbed into the sky of the abyss, biting one side of Niedhog.
Ah ~ Ah!
Nidhog’s stomach is broken. Needhog screamed, and at the moment a huge curse lodged in Jormungande’s mouth.
Jormungand poured it on top of the Sun King.
-It can be used in place of other forces.

“That’s awesome!”

-Pull the line, half of the load.

“Stop! NEO Oh Ohm! ”

The Sun King, who overturned the original curse, screamed. I nodded. And ······.
Pulled the ‘line’ of the sun king.

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