During class, Jade was invited by Gwen to sit next to Gwen.

Before the class, the teacher asked Jade to introduce himself briefly.

The classes at Midtown High School weren't stressful, especially for Jade, who had always studied well, and he would often chat with Gwen during class to discuss the content of the class.

And just like that, the peaceful life lasted for a few days.

For several days, Jade had been getting acquainted with his superpowers.

Through experimentation, Jed discovers that he is not really a Spider-Man.

Although he can also use spider silk to swing around, but he does not have Spider-Man's signature spider sensing, and Jade found that his spider silk is not only on the palm of his hand, he can shoot spider silk from all over his body with his will, and his spider silk also has some strange properties, such as strong corrosiveness, or strong hallucinogenicity

, although there is no spider induction, but he has obtained extraordinary people, even beyond Spider-Man's sensory ability.

And, because of these super senses, this allows him to predict what will happen in the next five seconds in advance.

As for the rest, it's basically the same as Spider-Man.

However, Jed feels that Peter Parker in this universe does not seem to be the real Spider-Man, because he is too weak, even Thompson can bully him, and rely on Gwen and Jade to take the lead for him.

This makes Jed a little unsure, after all, a Spider-Man universe with unknown development is full of too many unknowns.

On this day, Jade finished his day's study, said goodbye to Gwen and Peter, and went home.

As soon as he entered the house, Jade found that Uncle John and Aunt Sarah looked at him with mixed eyes.

"Uncle John, Aunt Sarah, what's wrong? Judging by the way you look, is there anything you want to say to me? Jade put his bag down and stepped forward to inquire.

John and Sarah looked at each other, then pulled out a file bag from behind them.

"Jade, although we don't want to tell you about this, we still think you have the right to know, and there is information about the real murderer of your parents, which was recently investigated."

Jade was stunned for a moment, then reached out and took the file bag, and couldn't wait to open it.

It turns out that the driver who killed his parents who has been tried is just a scapegoat, and the real murderer is a gang leader named Kim He, because when his parents were investigating a case, they found his son, Richard, and in order to protect his son, Jin and directly arranged for someone to kill his parents.

"So, Uncle John, what are you trying to tell me?" Jade asked, putting down his file bag.

John sighed and said, "Jade, I want to say that although everyone knows that it was Kim who killed your parents, the evidence is insufficient, and Kim is too deeply involved with some big people, and we have great resistance to his investigation."

"So, are you trying to abandon the investigation?" Jade asked.

John immediately shook his head and said, "Of course not, how is it possible, it's just that we need time, Jade, believe us, justice may be late, but it will come."

Jade nodded calmly, "I know, uncle, don't worry, I believe you."

"That's good, okay, let's go eat quickly, the meal has already been prepared." Aunt Sarah beckoned the two to dinner.

After eating, Jade went back to the bedroom.

Jade didn't turn on the light, just looked at the photo of Kim in the file bag through the light outside the window.

"Justice that is late, not justice." Jade murmured.

Putting away the file bag, Jade stood by the bed, looked out the window, and raised his hand, knowing that his ability would be his most powerful weapon to avenge his parents.

He does need revenge, but Jade also knows that he can't get involved with Uncle John and Aunt Sarah, so being a masked man is essential.

Jade, who has seen the Spider-Man movie, has a good idea of making a uniform, and he happens to have a large legacy left by his parents, which is enough for him to make a powerful uniform.

Although he did not intend to become a vigilante like Spider-Man, Jade still chose to borrow from the extraordinary Spider-Man's suit, but blackened it as a whole, and changed the spider on the original chest to blood red, and improved it to make the pattern more hideous.

In addition to modifying the suit, in the past few days, Jade has also hacked into the internal network of the police station through his computer and obtained a lot of information about Jin.

After a simple analysis, Jade quickly chose his first target.

The night fell as promised

, and instead of sleeping in bed as usual, Jade changed into his uniform, climbed out of the window, and climbed directly down the wall to the roof.

"Kim He, I'm coming."

Jade looked at New York at night and said softly, and then Jed jumped out of the roof of the villa with a run, and then began to swing through the spider silk.

Soon, Jade came to the roof of a factory.

Although he didn't see it, Jed's excellent sense of hearing, touch, and taste outlined the situation in Jed's head almost instantly.

So, Jade quickly found his goal.

A gang boss named William, Kim's subordinates, is responsible for replacing Kim and dealing with some things involving flour.

Although it was his first sortie, Jade felt that he was too calm now, and he quickly climbed outside the outer wall of the factory to the outside of William's room.

To make sure nothing was lost, Jade stood upside down on the wall, slowly stuck his head out, and looked into William's office.

At this time, William was counting a dozen and a dozen dollars on his desk.

After determining William's position, Jade took a deep breath, stood on the wall and flicked his hand, and then jumped out directly, and at the same time shot spider silk with both hands, directly glued to the wall, and instantly tensed, and then, with the help of inertia, Jed directly kicked the window, and then directly rushed in.

As soon as he entered the house, before William could react, Jade fired spider silk several times, imprisoning William to death.

Through his excellent hearing, Jed knew that all his movements were not detected by outsiders.

William looked at the black-clothed weirdo in front of him, and the whole person was not good, but because Jade's spider silk blocked his mouth, he could only whine.

"I can see, Mr. William, your room is soundproofed well, and your little brother outside Ken has not noticed that you have now become my prisoner."

Jade pulled over a chair and sat down in front of William and said.

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