Commanding Wind and Cloud Chapter 282

Brute force! The best time to use battle qi is explosive force and impact. Of course, when entwine is together, unless the role of battle qi is to exert force in short distances such as knees and elbows, brute force has a chance to play a role at this moment.

The short Iron Palm smashed down and suddenly became shrouded in his companion! Immediately, he changed his attack route in a hurry, and at the same time, he tried to catch his companion's body with his right hand.

Great opportunity! Qian Jin's legs swayed, his body was almost touching the ground and he moved forward at high speed. His hands and fingers clapped continuously like eagle claws. A little bit, and the male symbols of the two Fighters may not really be preserved.

hū hū hū hū  …

Qian Jin gasped heavily, looked up at the two huge Iron Palms not far from his head, and the dojo fell into an abyss. Quiet.

Enlak squinted his eyes like sharp swords and stared at the central three of the battlefield gently. If it was a one-on-one battle, Qian Jin might have lost, but because the opponent was two For this reason, the use of various battle methods can be regarded as moving back to the situation.

Win? Enlak shook his head lightly, Qian Jin didn't win this match, it could only be considered a draw at best, and it was only by relying on the fighting experience of the Strange that he moved back to a lot of situations at the last moment.

"This match is considered a tie." Enlak waved his hand: "You two can retreat."

The two Fighters, one tall and one short, slowly retracted their attacking stance, Looking at Qian Jin who used such an off-the-table attack with disdain on his face, he raised his head slightly and walked to both sides of the dojo.

Do you look down on my battle method? Qian Jin scratched his head and smiled nonchalantly. Human-Demon Battlefield only talks about Life and Death. Demon Race won't praise you because your battle method looks good. What's the use of praise? To die is to die!

"This game is barely a draw." Enlak stood up slowly: "As a result, you won't be able to get rewards for Battle Skills, all you can get is me answering a question for you."

Qian Jin watched Enlak slowly sit cross-legged on the ruined dojo floor, frowned recalling the battle not long ago, even though the Executing Demon Fighter's control over the battle qi was greatly improved. Fatty's Battle Skill changes too fast.

Fighter will choose the same type of Battle Skill to convert each other to achieve the shortest time to complete even if he uses different Battle Skills at the moment of battle.

Splitting Earth Chop and Metal Dividing Continuous Chops are both fierce slashing Battle Skills. Although one is Bloodline Battle Skill and the other is Saint Grade Battle Skill, there are still some similarities between them. It is relatively easy to change the order of battle qi in the face of the taste.

The most rigid Battle Skill transforms into the most gentle Battle Skill in an instant? Qian Jin shook his head vigorously. These are completely two extremes. The order of battle qi is very different. Even for the highly malleable battle qi like Winds and Clouds Battle Qi, the order of battle qi is very different. In the battle qi dominated by Innate, it can't convert so quickly.

Not to mention Executing Demon First Battle, Qian Jin believes that even if he has the strength of Executing Demon Ninth Battle, he will not be able to switch so easily.

How? Qian Jin's right hand index finger tapped his chin lightly, as if at that moment, as if the opponent had not been distracted to control the transformation of battle qi, the speed was as fast as thinking, he just wanted to transform, and then the battle The skill conversion is completed immediately.

Want to convert and just finished converting? Qian Jin knocked on the head hard, and great uncle said that the heart can think, is it referring to the battle method just now? I try too?

"Metal Dividing Continuous Chops!" Qian Jin raised his hand suddenly, Battle Heart Awareness urged the battle qi in his body to rotate at high speed and tightly arranged, but the speed was not faster than before, still as fast as before, How fast is it now.

Isn't it right? Qian Jin scratched his head and found a faint appreciation in Enlak's eyes.

Battle Heart Think! Qian Jin lowered his mind again, looked at his nose and his heart, focused all his energy, and felt the Battle Heart in his body that he didn't understand.

Battle Heart is like a glass ball that has been fiddled with by fingers and keeps spinning, but it doesn't mean to stop in the slightest. It keeps turning, turning, turning and turning, dredging the battle qi in the body. , to keep them running smoothly in Battle Vein.

The breath of life is constantly exuding in Battle Heart, but it doesn't feel like it thinks at all.

Qian Jin's eyebrows are more and more twisted together, feeling the Battle Heart that is constantly turning in his body, and observing carefully, it is like a person in the dark night , unable to see any road ahead, but persistently touching the surrounding environment with his hands to guess his forward direction.

One minute...3 minutes...ten minutes...half an hour...

Qian Jin is like a stone sculpture, just observing the body with concentrated attention completely The Battle Heart, gradually discovered a situation that had never been discovered before! Battle Heart, not as pure and pure as when it was first born!

That's right! If it is not carefully and carefully observed for a long time, it is impossible to even find other things on this Battle Heart! Impurities? no. Qian Jin shook his head slightly to deny the initial guess.

Battle Heart itself is a special existence that has been purified, and one of its functions is to purify and purify the battle qi in the body, making the battle qi more and more pure and pure, when both quality and quantity reach a limit When, you can breed a tyrannical Battle Soul!

Impossible impurities on Battle Heart! Qian Jin's tightly knitted eyebrows slowly and slowly stretched to both sides. The new thing on this Battle Heart is not an impurity, but a very, very, very shallow trace.

It's like a sturdy stone slab, on which light lines were drawn with a dull knife, but some are not really carved on the Battle Heart, but a little bit more. The pure battle qi fluttered in it.

This is, Metal Dividing Continuous Chops! This is the battle qi order of Splitting Earth Chop! Qian Jin suddenly opened his eyes, jumping in surprise and puzzlement in his eyes, how could this order be in Battle Heart?

"Found it?" Enlak raised his eyebrows, his eyes were more surprised than Qian Jin: "Really?"

Qian Jin looked up suspiciously Enlak: "Is it true or false?"

Enlak smiled, putting his arms around his chest and smiling faintly: "You said it was true or false?"

Qian Jin He tilted his head and felt the Battle Heart in his body again. The faintly discernible but real battle skills of the Battle Skill appeared in the Battle Heart from time to time, which could not be faked in the slightest.

"Why is this happening?" Qian Jin looked at Enlak blankly: "In Battle Heart, will there be an order of battle qi for Battle Skills? Is this the so-called mindful thinking?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Enlak tsk tsk counted: "It's incredible! It's just a one-sentence reminder, and you can find the original source. That's right! That's the real use of Battle Heart Awareness!"

Qian Jin looked at Enlak silently and quietly, waiting for the reward he deserved. It was easy to find this, but it was not easy to fully understand it. If you don't find the answer here and explore it yourself...

I'm afraid it will take a while! Qian Jin gently nods, and it will take a while to figure it out just by groping on your own! Since someone can answer it, why waste time trying to be brave?

“You should have felt the speed of change in the Battle Skills of the two boys when they were fighting, right?” Enlak sat opposite Qian Jin and waved it casually, all around the broken wood chips quickly gathered together , fell back to where they should be, and the broken battlefield became brand new again.

Qian Jin looked at this amazing Battle Heart Awareness. In addition to nodded admiration, he couldn't find an adjective to describe the subtlety and power of Enlak Battle Heart Awareness.

“They switch between completely opposite Battle Skills, right?” Enlak dōng dōng as he tapped his fingers on the wooden floor: “Faster than if you could switch with the same type of Battle Skill. .”

Qian Jin nodded again and again, Metal Dividing Continuous Chops is still different from Splitting Earth Chop, Metal Dividing Continuous Chops is more about sports warfare, and once in contact with the opponent, it is difficult to separate the limbs A more aggressive attack.

Splitting Earth Chop is completely different! When attacking an opponent, you must accurately calculate the time point of collision with the opponent, and at that moment, you can exert the formidable power to a greater extent!

If the Metal Dividing Continuous Chops collide and directly use the Splitting Earth Chop without being separated when the body is in contact, it can form two cutting offensive tactics, exerting the greatest effect, and even tearing the The defense of the lingering Battle Skill will win in one fell swoop.

After all, the two Battle Skills are still different. It is impossible to achieve complete transformation in an instant. When the limbs collide together, the only way to end without pulling the arm and exerting force is defeat.

"Actually, it's a very simple way for them to do this kind of conversion." Enlak smiled and watched Qian Jin lift his hand up, and the wood chips on the ground flew to his palm: " Just use the Battle Heart! Arrange the battle qi of the Battle Skill in advance, make up the purest battle qi, and place it in the Battle Heart."

The pieces of the board flew little by little, forming a mutual entwine. A small wooden ball, its structure is completely hollow, Qian Jin can clearly see that there are a lot of wood chips in this ball, forming a strange order.

pēng pēng! The wooden ball throbbed violently like a heart, and a group of sawdust arrays expanded rapidly, driving the wood chips surrounding the wooden ball to combine in an instant, forming the same order as the sawdust inside the wooden ball.

pēng pēng! The wooden ball was beating like a heart again. This time, another group of sawdust arranged in an order expanded, and the original sawdust outside the arrangement had undergone a huge change again, and became a new arrangement. (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit, there are more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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