Commanding Wind and Cloud Chapter 441

Lei Zhen's words did not end in roaring, and the fierce battle qi in the huge axe jet fell to the ground! Forcibly interrupted his words, not to give him the slightest chance of Igniting Battle Soul!

Almost at the same time, the six Lei Family Fighters chose six different directions to break through! In the face of City Lord and Mogo Woxon's two Battle Soul powerhouses, it is impossible for six people to win! Even against the City Lord alone, there is not much chance of winning.

Withdraw! Get out first! As long as you retreat back to the Lei Family, then with the accumulation of the Lei Family for countless years, with the joint defense of the various magic arrays of the Lei Family, Magician and Fighter, do you want to break into the Lei Family? Even if the three Big Influences join forces, they have to pay a heavy price!

"Want to go?"

Reed York a long whistle, the longsword in his hand and the body have reached the point of being almost one, turning into a huge sword light, directly slashing to escape the most fast people.

Without any hesitation! Out of the sword very ruthless fast! Reed York clearly knew that since he chose to help Qian Jin at this time, he must not be lazy and rely on brat for his future Enter Saint path.

The escaped Lei Family Fighter suddenly backhanded! Almost at the same moment, a retreating Fighter drew a semi-circular arc in the air, and slashed the war blade to Qian Jin's waist.

Quick! Sudden!

This blow came too suddenly! Reed York didn't expect that when the Lei Family was about to be wiped out, there were still people who wanted to assassinate Qian Jin if they didn't try their best to break through. Is this the tyrannical mentality of the Lei Family?

Destroying Demon First Battle! Heavenly Thunderflash!

blade light swept across the sky, like a huge goose feather, floating horizontally to Qian Jin's waist.

Qian Jin stood loosely on the spot, the Battle Heart between his eyebrows turned slightly, driving the first Battle Heart to rotate together, the two powers had a faint special attraction to each other, the Battle Heart originally The rotational speed of each is only 100,000, and the rotational speed of the Battle Heart is getting faster and faster... 100,000... 200,000... 300,000...

The surging battle Qi was like a steel needle, squirting out all the blood stains stuck in the pores, Qian Jin's body became much cleaner in an instant, two legs that were not really injured suddenly took a step against the blade light, and the fracture of the right hand was not counted. Serious palm more than a huge Horse-chopping Blade.

I never provoke you, but you try to kill me again and again! retreat? Can't anymore! There is only war! An indescribable anger filled Qian Jin's chest, and the Blood War Seven Styles merged into one, turning into a huge blade glow, and the fiercely hit the Heavenly Thunderflash horizontally.

clang! The two knives intersected, the battle qi metal collided and splashed wildly, Lei Family's war blade shoooo smashed into two halves, the Horse-chopping Blade cut to the opponent's body without hindrance, and the man's legs were inserted into the body. Entering the ground, the body quickly leaned back and flew back, and the waist and limbs swayed again and again to make a false move of dodging, as if it could dodge in any direction.

In the huge Horse-chopping Blade Light Shadow, countless light butterflies erupted up and down in an instant. There are blade lights flying everywhere between Heaven and Earth in my eyes, how is this possible...

Metal Dividing Continuous Chops! chī chī chī chī ……

The Horse-chopping Blade flipped up and down dozens of times, Qian Jin stopped the control of the Horse-chopping Blade, there was a burst of pain in the skeleton of his right arm, and the Lei Family behind him Fighter huā lā lā , turned into dozens of pieces of flesh and blood, piled on the ground.

A Fighter who wanted to replenish, saw the fierceness of Qian Jin's war blade, and the pace under his feet was involuntarily slow. He wanted to exert force again, but found that there was someone behind him on the shoulder. The big hand was firmly pressed, and there was no need to look back, and I could feel the smell of the underworld formidable person that the rain of blood always came out of.

"Attack a seriously injured Fighter, your Lei Family is really promising."

Jun Wudao pinched the back of Fighter's neck with five fingers and suddenly applied power, which seemed to hit him The neck of the broken tree was as fragile as a chicken, and the body softened.

Severely injured Fighter? Other escaped Lei Family Fighter in heart cursed again and again, have you ever seen a seriously injured Executing Demon Fighter who easily chopped a Destroying Demon First Battle Fighter with a Golden Battle Heart into meat sauce? Is this also called reincarnation?

Qian Jin used a knife as a crutch to keep his body from falling, recalling the state of the Battle Heart in his body just now.

If the first Battle Heart is the Battle Heart trained by the live Battle Vein Battle Opening, then the Second Battle Heart Heart of Earthfire should be the range Battle Heart trained by the Dead Battle Opening Battle Vein, strictly speaking of which The first Battle Heart represents life, and the Second Battle Heart represents death, so how should the third Battle Heart be explained?

Blake great uncle? Enlak great uncle?

Qian Jin found that he had to go back to Endless World again to ask the two teachers for advice. Although Mogo Woxon great uncle would not betray himself and leak his news, he should not be able to explain the situation. After all, Heart of Earthfire is so weird!

Whether it is Zhenk Sovereign Dynasty or Lucifer King Dynasty, and Barbarian Race side, Dead Battle Vein Battle Opening, it is the iron law that can never practice battle qi or power, but now Heart of Earthfire is real .

A short period of time, a short period of time...

Lei Guangming couldn't believe that it was extremely powerful before today, and the Lei Family, which made any influence in Yonglu City fear, normally Even the City Lord saw the Lei Family who had to be treated politely, but because of Qian Jin's extremely domineering words, the Lei Family suffered such a serious loss in an instant.

Lei Family The Old Family Lord, Lei Zhen, has just reappeared soon! Under the combined attack of Mogo Woxon, Reed York and Jun Wudao, the battle was defeated!

Lei Zhen lay on the ground with both hands and feet broken, staring at Qian Jin fiercely, as the Family Lord of the Lei Family, in Yonglu City stomp, Yonglu City will shake the character, unexpectedly can Because of the youngster's words in front of him, Three Great Powerhouses took action at the same time to deal with an already injured self.

"Lei Zhen." Qian Jin slowly stepped forward: "I will still ask the Lei Family for your compensation. I'm afraid you won't have the chance to buy a cemetery for yourself."


Lei Zhen looked at Qian Jin's raised feet, and the sky above his head suddenly turned dark, as if a dark cloud was rapidly falling from the sky.

kā chā  …

Lei Guangming saw Lei Zhen's neck, which was stomped off by Qian Jin's foot, and the whole head was rolling forward under the eruption of blood, ruuumbling rolling forward, There was a sudden heat flow just below the waist, flowing down the trousers huā lā lā to the ankles, and a strong odor also rose along with the heat flow.

terrifying! Lei Guangming has seen killing people, even killing people with his own hands, but he has never seen someone like Qian Jin who stomped off a person's neck with one foot, blood splashed all over his pants, and his expression did not change, as if he had stepped on an ant to death. .

Several Blacksmiths, who had never seen a murder before, felt uncomfortable squirming in their stomachs, turned their heads to cover their stomachs with their hands, and vomited.

Chun Zhengsheng secretly stared at Qian Jin with cold hands and feet, he no longer dared to meet Qian Jin's eyes, the Family Lord of the Lei Family! That's it!

The cold kick makes it easy to think of the guillotine on the guillotine! Chun Zhengsheng is afraid, afraid to meet Qian Jin's eyes, those are not eyes full of murderous aura, nor are they full of anger, indifference! That seems to be really used to Life and Death, and has begun to ignore Life and Death!

It's not just disregarding the Life and Death of others, but also the taste of disregarding one's own Life and Death!

"Lei Family..." Chen Motu slowly closed his eyes and squeezed two characters from his teeth: "It's over..."

Lei Family, over? Lei Guangming glared at Chen Motu angrily, Lei Family still has strong battle strength, Lei Family still has a lot of accumulation, unless Honglu War Fort, Tyranny Party and City Lord three Big Influences have done a lot of loss. Vigorous determination.

"Lei Family..." Yunxing Huisheng sighed whispered, "It's really over."

Lei Guangming stared at Yunxing Huisheng dazedly, his Respected Master's eyes were very Sharp, although he is only a Blacksmith, his predictions of war are often more accurate than many military staff officers. If he also said that the Lei Family is over, then...

" ..." Lei Guangming shook his head again and again: "No way... Our Lei Family still has a lot of power..."

"It's useless." Yunxing Huisheng calmly looked at his many years of discipline: "In a short period of time in the Lei Family, two consecutive unnatural deaths of Family Lords were related to Qian Jin. Do you dare to say that you are full of courage in the face of Qian Jin?"

Courage? Lei Guangming lowered his head silently, what courage does he have for Qian Jin? Now that I don't even dare to look at Qian Jin, how can I still have courage?

"You are the Blacksmith Union Vice-president, and you dare not face Qian Jin, let alone those from the Lei Family?"

Yunxing Huisheng raised his hand and patted Lei Guangming's shoulder, silent Qian Jin's personal battle strength may not be the strongest at present, but he has gathered the power of beside all around through various abilities and methods without even realizing it. Come together, for his use.

This ability... Yunxing Huisheng Condensing Divine Meditation, in addition to seeing it in some Bloodline Fighters, only the Fulong Zhenk Great Emperor recorded in history has had a similar situation.

Lei Guangming's body shivered, and he didn't have the courage to face Qian Jin. After learning about the death of Family Lord, the people from the Lei Family heard that the three Big Influences had joined forces. Where is the will to fight? ? Even with strong strength, the speed of defeat and collapse will be extremely fast.

"Respected Master...I..."

Yunxing Huisheng turned around and quietly looked at Lei Guangming, who was speechless and pleading, and taught him all these years. disciple, how could I have no feelings? However, as a Respected Master, he also understands his nature very well. Even if he rescued him from Qian Jin today, it is hard to guarantee that he will not secretly find Qian Jin in the future.

Qian Jin looked at Lei Guangming, who was also a member of the Lei Family. According to the Fighter Rules, he should kill him and remove all his potential threats, but he is Yunxing Huisheng's recipe after all, and he Disciple for many, many years.

The friendship between the Respected Master and the discipline can sometimes even surpass a lot of family affection! If Yunxing Huisheng returns to the arms of the Stars one day, Lei Guangming will definitely keep his spirits up. (To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit, there are more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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