[-Iceberg has helped repair Melly, he has done everything he can, the Melly cannot be repaired at all, just being able to sail on the sea is already a miracle. ]

"After so many years as a shipwright, I have never seen such an amazing pirate ship." The iceberg sighed heartily, "Its existence is really amazing."

Luffy sat on the head of the Melly's sheep, thinking back to what had just happened when the Melly had crossed the ocean and saved them from the crisis.

It is clear that he has long been ready to abandon the Melly, but at this moment it is full of reluctance and unwillingness.

Gradually, Luffy clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and finally made up his mind.

"I see."

This helpless choice makes people feel very heavy and depressing. -】


"Melly, I'm going to say goodbye to you again."

In the pirate world, Usopp put away the light curtain suspended in front of him, he didn't want to see the scene of the Melly burning again, just let the video end here.

In fact, not only him, but also the rest of the Straw Hats group also closed the light curtain one after another, and the next burning of Melly was something they didn't want to see.

The send-off of the Melly was only once, and that sad farewell, no one wants to recall.

Brooke and Jinping, the two members who joined later, did not close the light curtain, they had not experienced the burning of Melly, and wanted to witness Melly's last moment through the record of the light curtain in front of them.

"What a great ship." Jinping said with admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"I couldn't walk with you in the past, so I could only send you in this way." Brooke muttered to himself, "Thank you for sending Luffy and them to a safe sea so that I can successfully meet them." "

Brooke once drifted alone for fifty years, unable to eat anything serious every day, and struggling to live.

As a Yellow Spring Fruit Ability, Brooke can't die even if he wants to, and he still has an unfulfilled agreement, so he can't die.

In the long years, being alone, that is the indescribable loneliness of ordinary people.

In order to relieve that loneliness, Brooke had to amuse himself, force a smile, and pretend to be happy.

Although he is dead, he has no face, and he can't see the expression at all.

Later, he was captured by the moonlight Moria and could not contact the sun, so he could only hide in the fog of the Devil's Triangle and survive.

Brooke is eager to meet people, who bring joy and make him happy.

Finally, two years ago, he met Luffy and his group.

Luffy and they defeat Moonlight Moria, reclaim his shadow, and invite him to be a companion, and also inform him about Rab.

Since then, he has the motivation to live, he has a goal in life, and he has to fulfill his original agreement.

It was also from that time that he was no longer alone, and once again had a companion to travel with and was able to enjoy rich deliciousness.

If the Melly hadn't been able to get Luffy and them to safety, if he hadn't been able to see Luffy and his group, he would still be alone and adrift by now.

Brooke is grateful to the Melly, who allowed him to meet Luffy and them.

"If during this time, you two see the news of Bermel, please let me know." Nami said to Jinping and Brooke.


[-At this time, in the picture, Luffy is standing on a small boat, docked next to the Melly, holding a burning torch in his hand.

The rest of the companions stood in the distance, on a slightly larger ship, silently watching the Melly and seeing it off.

"Melly, the bottom of the sea is dark and lonely, we will watch you." Luffy lifted the torch, set the Melly on fire, and said to himself, "It's probably a good thing that Usopp isn't there, he must not be able to withstand such a scene."

"How." Solon hugged his arm, looked at the Melly, and asked Usopp beside him.

"There is no such thing." Usopp was still wearing the sniper king mask at the moment, and his voice seemed to be a little choked and said: "When it comes to saying goodbye, the farewell between men cannot shed a single tear, and he must be prepared in his heart." "

The flames spread across the hull of the Melly, becoming more and more intense, engulfing the Melly.

Luffy's small boat slowly drifted away from the Melly, his voice a little hoarse and a little choked.

"Carried us for so long, Melly, thank you."

As if in response to his thanks, suddenly snowflakes fell in the sky.

In everyone's hearts, the picture of having traveled with the Melly flashed.

Qioba and Nami couldn't help but shed tears and cried bitterly.

The snow was falling heavier, and the voice of the Melly suddenly sounded, "I'm sorry."

Hearing this voice, Usopp's tears welled up from the mask.

"I wanted to take everyone farther." Melly's voice was gentle and said, "I'm sorry, I really want to adventure with you forever." "

Choiba cried loudly, shouting Melly's name, and Nami crouched down, covering her face... Melly's partner, everyone is sad.

"It's us who should say I'm sorry." Luffy hissed, "My steering skills are so poor that I let you hit an iceberg and break your sails."

"Solon and Sanji are also idiots and have ruined many parts of the ship."

"Although Usopp will fix it, he is clumsy."

"I'm sorry..." Luffy

seemed to be unable to speak, snot and tears came together, already becoming tears, and Usopp bit his lip even more, tears bursting through a river.

"But I'm very happy."

The fire gradually engulfed the Melly, and the sound of the Melly sounded very satisfied.

"Thank you for cherishing me so much."

At this moment, except for Solon and Sanji, who couldn't see his eyes on the side, the other people in the Straw Hat gang almost all burst into tears.

"I'm really happy because I'm with you."

The figure of the Melly gradually melted into the flames and disappeared. -】



Now a fallen princess, Wei Wei covered her mouth with her hand, and the tears that had just been wiped away flowed out again, like a rain curtain.

Although she has not been with the Melly for a long time, she has already regarded Melly as a partner.

Having seen the story of the Melly, even strange viewers will be moved, and when they see the Melly burned, they will feel very depressed and cry for it.

Not to mention her partner.

"My Melly."

In Keya's home, the butler Melly cried heartbreakingly, the Advance Meli was designed by him and named after him, and the ship condensed his heart.

If the Straw Hats regarded the Melly as a companion, then he regarded the Melly as his own child.

Now seeing his child end up like this, Melly's heart is very uncomfortable.

Keya's face next to him was also full of tears, just seeing the picture of Usopp and Luffy breaking up, there were tears in his eyes, and now seeing the picture of the disappearance of the Melly, the tears in his eyes finally couldn't help but rush out.

The Melly is a partner of the Straw Hats, but why not hers?

The ship had been in her home and accompanied her until it was given to the Straw Hats.

In the afterlife, the elf of the Meli ship, clasping his hands together, murmured: "The time with you is really happy, God, if you can, please turn back the time, even if it is only for a moment, please give me time again to spend time with everyone." "

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