Taishi Ci picked up the white cloth and after reading what was written on it, he immediately understood why Zhou Yu suddenly vomited blood.

It turns out that this piece of white cloth said that after Qin and Xiao Qiao were captured, they were not forcibly possessed by Liu Jue.

But when Lu Su came, he only took back his mother and son, but ignored his wife and concubines. Then Mrs. Qin hanged herself and Xiao Qiao also fell seriously ill.

Zhuge Liang wrote hundreds of eloquent words, with gorgeous rhetoric and exquisite sentence construction, which even put Sima Xiangru to shame.

It's just that the words in this article are full of cynicism towards Zhou Yu, and at the same time condemning him for being ruthless and unjust, and not even caring about the life and death of his wife and daughter.

Zhuge Liang was very good at cursing. When Zhou Yu saw this, his heart could no longer bear it.

This is not the end yet. Zhuge Liang also wrote about Xiao Qiao’s current situation, saying that Xiao Qiao’s life is very happy after marrying Liu Jue. In a few months, he will give birth to a son for Liu Jue, so Zhou Yu should not worry too much..

I have to say that Zhuge Liang is really bad sometimes. This is just exposing Zhou Yu's scars and adding a pinch of salt to it.

Zhou Yu was so angry that he didn't sleep well all night because of Pan Zhang's death in battle and the destruction of three thousand vanguard troops. Today I saw the corpses of Jiangdong soldiers all over the ground, and I was greatly stimulated.

Now that Zhuge Liang had manipulated his mentality, even if Zhou Yu was strong, he couldn't bear it anymore and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The moment he vomited blood, Zhou Yu understood that Zhuge Liang had done it on purpose, just to make him angry, so he shouted those words before fainting.

Zhu Zhi, Tai Shici and other generals saw Zhou Yu vomiting blood and comatose, and quickly invited the doctors accompanying the army to help diagnose and treat him.

"The governor is filled with anger and needs to be calmed down to cure it. And according to what I know, this is the second time that the governor has vomited blood. If this continues,……"When the doctor said this, he shook his head.

Everyone understood what the doctor meant and felt worried in their hearts. Someone immediately said:"Now that the war is imminent, but the governor has become like this, how should we fight this battle?"

Zhu Zhi immediately shouted:"Don't talk nonsense. It will harm the morale of the army. If you dare to speak nonsense again, you will be punished by military law!"

All the generals were shocked and did not dare to speak anymore, but the worry in their hearts did not reduce one bit.

It was Taishi Ci who spoke up:"Although the governor is seriously ill now, the battle plan has already been set. We only need to act according to the plan, and Chaisang City can be defeated in one battle.""

"That's right. The governor will wake up later. Don't worry too much. Zhuge Liang is definitely afraid of us, so he uses such despicable methods."

Zhu Zhi also said loudly. At this time, Zhou Yu was already unconscious. He and Taishi Ci had the highest positions. At this time, he naturally had to step forward to stabilize the morale of the army.

"Order all the soldiers to make repairs on the spot first, and the spies will continue to go to inquire about the situation in Liling City."Zhu Zhi issued the order and asked the generals to go and stabilize the morale of the army, and then he paid attention to Zhou Yu's situation.

At this time, Tai Shici said:"The governor is seriously ill, and someone should be reported to Marquis Wu as soon as possible."

"Of course I know."Zhu Zhi smiled bitterly. Everyone was full of confidence in this battle, but the current situation really makes people unoptimistic.

Both of them were silent for a while. Who knows not long after, Zhou Yu suddenly woke up and faced Zhu Zhi said with difficulty:"Jun Li, please don't worry about me for now, just follow the plan and let Dong Xi capture Peng Ze as soon as possible. Chai Sang must be recaptured in this battle!""

"Don't worry, Commander, we will do as you say. Zhu Zhi said quickly

"That's good!"

Zhou Yu groaned and continued:"Also, we must not let Zhuge Liang go. This person is full of tricks and must be removed as soon as possible."

"Yes, we will definitely not let Zhuge Liang escape."Zhu Zhi quickly comforted him. No matter what Zhou Yu said, he should agree first.

Zhou Yu nodded, then tilted his head and fainted again.


On the banks of the Weishui River, it is only a day's journey from Linxiang City.

When Jin Xuan, Zhao Fan and Liu Du received the news from Lu Xun, they immediately set off from Hanshou. After traveling for several days, the 30,000-strong army was finally approaching Linxiang.

The three of them had already learned that Lu Xun was going to join forces with Han Xuanli to prevent Liu Jue from leaving Linxiang City, so the three of them couldn't help but start celebrating.

After crossing the Wei River today, the three of them rewarded the soldiers and started celebrating in advance.

In the Chinese army camp, Jin Xuan, Liu Du, and Zhao Fan gathered together, eating delicious food, drinking refreshing wine, and being accompanied by a beautiful singer. It was so happy!

Everyone's face was filled with smiles, as if they had won.

Because in the eyes of Jin Xuan and the others, Liu Jue was already a turtle in the urn, just waiting for them to reach out and catch him.

The three of them were even daydreaming about what kind of reward they would receive from Wu Hou Sun Quan after the war.

It is impossible to get promoted. After all, the three of them are already governors of a county, so they must be rich in gold, silver and beauties.

Jin Xuan didn't know yet that his lair had been taken over by his subordinates. He was still pouring himself a drink and said proudly:"We are waiting for an army of 80,000 to besiege Linxiang, and with Han Xuan as an internal support, we are sure to win this battle."."

Zhao Fan nodded and said with a smile:"That's right. When the time comes when Marquis Wu will reward you, we will enjoy endless glory and wealth in our lifetime."

Liu Du laughed and said:"Reward Let's talk about it separately. After we capture Linxiang and capture Liu Jue alive, we can help Wu Hou capture Jiangxia. We will definitely be put into great use by Wu Hou."

Jin Xuan said with a smile:"The three of us are guarding Jingnan. A barren land, now it finally has its day. If the Marquis of Wu can draw a river to rule the north in the future, it will be just around the corner for us to become princes."

"What Brother Jin said is true, we should give a toast to Brother Jin!"Liu Du laughed and raised his wine glass towards Jin Xuan.

After the three of them pushed the glasses and exchanged them, Zhao Fan continued:"And if we can capture and kill Liu Jue in this battle, we will get more than just fame and fortune. You must know that Liu Jue’s newlywed wife is a beautiful woman who has conquered the country."

"Hahaha, Brother Zhao is so elegant?"Jin Xuan laughed loudly and said:"I heard that you have a widowed sister-in-law who is also very charming. Your brother has been dead for many years, why don't you……"

Having said this, Jin Xuan showed a smile that everyone understood.

Zhao Fan coughed slightly and said:"As the saying goes, a sister-in-law is like a mother. How could I do such a shameless thing? Besides, my widowed sister-in-law has always had a high self-esteem. If she wants to marry another person, she must not only be civilized and military, but also To be famous all over the world, you need to be handsome and dignified, and the most important thing is to have the same surname as your brother. Do you think these requirements are too high?"

Liu Du couldn't help but laugh and said:"I think Brother Zhao, you meet the requirements very well. Well! Especially the last one, you must marry someone named Zhao. This is clearly hinting to you, Brother Zhao, you are too confused!"

"What Brother Liu said is absolutely true! Brother Zhao, after you go back this time, maybe you will be able to hold this beauty back."Jin Xuan also started to cheer.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can this happen?"

Zhao Fan said in a serious manner, but in fact he couldn't help but think in his heart, could it be that my sister-in-law was really hinting to me as Liu Du said?

Zhao Fan couldn't help but feel hot when he thought of this, and he wished he could Come back to Chenxian quickly.

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