Although Liu Jue was very angry, Lu Su and Zhuge Jin still cheered up.

As long as Jiangdong is given two or three years to recharge his batteries and strengthen his troops, it will be a matter of course for him to avenge his past humiliation.

The two of them did not stay any longer and directly ordered their entourage to pack their things and immediately set off to return to Wu County by boat without even saying hello to Zhuge Liang.

Because the tone in the two people's hearts was really uncomfortable.

After seven days of traveling down the river from Xiling, they finally returned to Wuxian County.

After Lu Su entered the city, the first thing he did was not go home, but immediately went to Wuhou Mansion to report the situation to Sun Quan.

Under the leadership of the servants in the mansion, Lu Su came to the study, but when he saw Sun Quan, he was really shocked.

Sun Quan's face looked not good, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn't had a good sleep for a long time.

Lu Su hurriedly stepped forward and asked,"My lord, what's going on?"

When Sun Quan saw Lu Su coming back, he immediately asked,"I'm fine! Has Zijing finished the peace talks with Liu Jue?""

"Finally fulfilled the mission. Lu Su immediately recounted the content of the negotiation with Liu Jue, and finally said:"Liu Jue refuses to hand over Mrs. Qiao no matter what." Sun

Quan's face was gloomy, he clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and said:"The loss is not too big, but if the one hundred shipwrights are given to Liu Jue, wouldn't it increase his strength?" Lu

Su smiled bitterly and said:"Lord, I have promised Liu Jue to give him a hundred skilled shipwrights. If he regrets it,……"

If Sun Quan regrets, I'm afraid Liu Jue's army will immediately send troops to Jiangdong. It's not that Jiangdong doesn't have the strength to resist, but it's that it can't resist now.

Even if he really wins, the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages. Of course Sun Quan understands this truth.

"That kind of ship must be copied by craftsmen as soon as possible, otherwise I really can’t sleep. As for Da Qiao……"

Sun Quan clenched his fist and said:"Just follow what Liu Jue said, just treat Da Qiao as dead, Zijing, you will be responsible for this matter.""

"The subordinates understand."Lu Su smiled bitterly.

Sun Quan said in a deep voice:"Our losses now must be recovered in the coming year! The terrain of Jiangdong is superior, the fields are fertile, and the weather is smooth. As long as one year of training, he can compete with Liu Jue again."

Sun Quan's eyes looked like he wanted to eat people. He was defeated twice by Liu Jue, and this time he had to accompany a younger sister. This was really frustrating.

Lu Su nodded and said in agreement:"My lord said It makes sense. A temporary failure is nothing. My life will definitely get back on track in the coming year."

If Liu Jue hears the conversation between the two, he will definitely laugh until his stomach hurts. Cao Cao is coming next year. If you still have the guts to deal with me then, I'm afraid it's too late to beg me.


As time went by, prefects from various places took office one after another. The prefects of Changsha, Wuling, Guiyang, Lingling, Cangwu, and Nanhai were all direct descendants of Liu Jue.

It can be said that Liu Jue already controls most of Jingzhou.

In addition, Liu Jue also established Yuzhang County and appointed Meng Jian as the prefect. At the same time, he asked Huang Zhong to station 10,000 troops in Nanchang so that Jiangdong would not dare to act rashly.

Because Jiang Wan and others served as prefects, Liu Jue had to select separate candidates for positions such as chief secretary.

Ma Liang was appointed as the chief registrar, and Shi Tao was appointed as the magistrate of Xiling County.

Zhuge Liang also called his brother Zhuge Jun, and Ma Liang's four brothers also came, including Ma Su.

Ma Su was only seventeen years old at this time, and Liu Jue felt that if he could be trained properly, he might not be like in history.

The progress on Lu Xun's side was also very gratifying. According to the method proposed by Liu Jue, Lu Xun set up numerous obstacles at the entrance of Wuxi Plain and sent soldiers to guard it strictly.

Due to food shortages, the Wuxi people in the mountains soon became unbearable and had to go out in search of food.

At first, these Wuxi people wanted to use force, but their combat effectiveness was a bit poor and they were no match for the regular army. They were beaten back by Wei Yan's soldiers.

Then some Wuxi people were desperate and began to surrender one after another. For these Wuxi people who surrendered, Lu Xun also gave them certain preferential treatment as Liu Jue said, but they had to move to other places.

Seeing that those compatriots who surrendered received food from the Han people, more and more Wuxi people also surrendered.

In just one month, more than 100,000 Wuxi people surrendered, which was completely beyond Lu Xun's expectations.

In addition to the lack of food, it was also because of the battle in Linxiang City that the young and middle-aged Wuxi people suffered heavy casualties. Shamoke and other five leaders were killed one after another, which really shocked the Wuxi people.

The Wuxi people were relatively docile and not as unruly as Shanyue. Those Wuxi people who came out to surrender were immediately moved to three other counties.

Regardless of whether these Wuxi people were willing or not, Lu Xun directly used coercive measures.

Since the Wuxi people lost nearly 70% of their young men in this battle, a large number of widows were born, and these Wuxi women directly remarried Han men.

The most direct beneficiaries are the soldiers of the four counties in Jingnan. Any Wuxi woman who is of the right age and has no husband will be given priority to marry the soldiers of the four counties, and then the ordinary people will take their turn.

These soldiers from the four counties in Jingnan basically participated in the Jingnan Rebellion, but since they surrendered, Liu Jue has not made things difficult for them.

After all, the real culprit is the governor of the four counties.

Therefore, after many soldiers got wives, they were grateful to Liu Jue, because for them, carrying on the family line was a big deal, and having a wife meant that they would have children.

In addition to being able to carry on the family line, Wuxi women are also capable of menial work. Because they live in the mountains and forests, their bodies are also very strong, which is about the same as a strong working man.

Therefore, this policy has been supported by many Han men.

Of course Liu���If you do this, it is not that there will be no resistance from the Wuxi people. Even if they are not as difficult to tame as Shanyue, they will be more or less intolerable when they see the women of the tribe being rationed to the Han people.

Therefore, during this month, many young adults in Shanyue began to rebel, causing a certain amount of social unrest.

Fortunately, with Liu Jue's reminder, Jiang Wan and Yi Ji had been keeping an eye on this for a long time. Moreover, there were more than 10,000 troops stationed in the four counties, and they quickly suppressed these unrest.

Jiang Wan, Yi Ji, and Xiang Lang had followed Liu Jue for more than a year. They knew that Liu Jue wanted to completely assimilate the Wuxi people, so they were really ruthless and decisive in dealing with these Wuxi people.

Because of Liu Jue's proposal, Gong Zhi became the prefect of Wuling. Knowing that Liu Jue was about to take charge of Jingzhou, he was even more devoted to Liu Jue. He not only suppressed Shan Yue's vigorous actions, but also fully supported Lu Xun and Wei Yan.

Moreover, for those captured Wuxi people, Liu Jue directly followed Jiangdong's approach and incorporated them into the army so that they would die on the battlefield in the future.

Jiangdong suffered from the Sangoe riots in consecutive years, which can be said to have suffered huge losses, but the population was slowly growing because more Sangoe people were captured.

The farther back Jiangdong's army went, the more people there were in the mountains.

Zhuge Ke later conquered Shanyue and obtained 40,000 elite soldiers. Their fate was to die on the battlefield, and their women would be given to the Han people to carry on their family line.

With this method, not only can the rebellious Wuxi be cut off, but the number of soldiers in the army can also be increased. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

It doesn't matter whether it is cruel or not, wars between two races have always been life and death, just like the later Yuan and Qing dynasties, where countless Han people died.

In just one month, the number of Wuxi soldiers recruited by the four counties exceeded 10,000. It was simply a military force, but it had no impact on the Han people.

As time goes by, more Wuxi people will be captured, and no later than this year, all these Wuxi people will be eliminated.

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