Hanako sneered and said:

"Shouldn't she pretend to be inaudible on purpose, and then seek sympathy from others!"

Seeing the glass going backwards, Reina was also very unhappy.

"You stop for me!"


The glass quietly protected the painting book in front of his chest,

When she was going backwards, she accidentally stepped on a stone,

The glass body fell backwards,

Accidentally fell.

And Rena and the others not only didn't come up to help, but instead laughed there.

"I said this person, shouldn't it be a touch of porcelain!"

"I was originally deaf and dumb, but now I'm going to be lame again!"


When they heard this, everyone immediately laughed.

"Hey, look, this deaf man is still wearing something, is that a hearing aid?"

"Really? I haven't seen a hearing aid yet, go and take a look!"

Facing the fallen glass, not only did they not get up, but they surrounded her.

Two boys and one girl wanted to hold her down and let Rena steal Nizi's hearing aid.

There was also a trace of fear and nervousness in Nitro's eyes.


At this moment, a cold voice penetrated the woods.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sudden sound, the four were startled.


I saw Liu Feng coming.

The four quickly took a step back.

"This classmate fell, and we're going to help her up."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Liu Feng walked in front of the four with a blank expression.

And these four people continued to say:

"Yeah, this classmate is so pitiful that she accidentally fell. We also reminded her, who knows..."



Liu Feng was too lazy to listen to their explanation, and slapped the two older boys to the ground.

The next second, he looked at the two girls and said coldly:

"Now, all four of you, go to the Academic Affairs Office for me!"

"I'll come over later and deal with you."


Liu Feng didn't pay attention to these four people, but walked up to the glass and gently picked her up from the ground.

After taking off Nizi's small shoes, Liu Feng took off her socks and found that her crystal slender ankles were swollen.

After frowning, Liu Feng took the glass and prepared to go to the infirmary.

Before leaving, he once again glanced at the four people who were at a loss.

"I have already remembered your appearance. If I am going to run away, I will find you."

"I'm the head teacher of Class A in Grade 5, and the teacher of this girl who was bullied by you!"


Chapter 023 The Peace of Mind of Nishinomiya Glass (Seeking Monthly Pass)

Nitro couldn't hear any sound,

But she's not a fool,

Now that this kind of thing happened, she also knew that it was the new teacher who protected her.

She has been ridiculed by others before, but it has not evolved to the point of being bullied.

She didn't choose to let her mother know about these things because she didn't want her to worry.


Being hugged by Liu Feng in the form of a princess hug,

Nitro's face was a little red and hot.

At this moment, she was a little nervous, but it was more of a feeling that she had never felt.

He seemed to be at ease and not afraid of anything.

Is this what mom said about being protected?


Liu Feng didn't know what Nitro was thinking.

After coming to the health room, the medical teacher stood up and asked:

"what happened?"

"The kid sprained his foot and his ankle is swollen."

"It's swollen? Let me see!"

The medical teacher looked at Nizi's ankle and immediately said:

"It shouldn't hurt her bones, but she twisted her hamstrings. I'm going to prepare a towel to put on her."


When the medical teacher went to prepare the ice towel, Liu Feng saw Nizi looking at him secretly.

Liu Feng smiled, stretched out his hand, and motioned to borrow the notebook and pen in her hand.

The glass looked at Liu Feng, and obediently handed the pen and paper that he was holding tightly in his arms to Liu Feng.


After taking the pen and paper, Liu Feng wrote a line on it.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you! No one can bully my students!"

After writing the words, he handed the paper to Nitro.

After seeing the words above, Nitro suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Nitro also picked up the pen and wrote on it.

"Does everyone hate me?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I can't hear everyone's voice and I can't talk to everyone."

"Then, do you think I hate you?"

"I...I don't know!"


Seeing Nizi's nervousness, Liu Feng smiled, took the pen and paper and continued to write:

"I like nitrous!"

"I like the kind that I like very much, so I think there should be many people in this world who like you besides me!"

"I can't speak, it doesn't matter! The important thing is that Glass is a very cute and gentle girl."

"Come on, stretch out your feet and let me see, how's it going!"


Seeing the words Liu Feng wrote on the paper, Nizi bit Bo Feng lightly.

There was an inexplicable emotion flowing in her heart, but she still obediently stretched out the clean up foot.

Glass's feet are very cute, small and exquisite, fair and red, and under the white skin, the light blue blood vessels are slender and visible.

The nails are also neatly trimmed.

The only shortcoming is the ankle, swollen a big bag.


"Did the teacher scold those people just now?"

Glass handed the paper to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng looked at it and replied:

"It's not a reprimand, I just want them to know what they did wrong!"

"If you have any problems in the future, you can tell me, and I will protect you!"


Just when Liu Feng handed the paper to Glass,

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