Create a world of riding.

Looking at the picture in the light curtain,

War Rabbit couldn't help but look shocked!!

What is this!!

Today feels like Good Friday for the knights!

It's either this beating or that beating!

"As long as I don't get beaten myself..."

Thinking of it, the war rabbit silently sneered.

But staring at the next video in the light curtain,

I have to say,

War Rabbit was successfully attracted.

Such a strong gateyashi,

You're going to be chased and run????

Long, I looked at the light curtain and said with a look of disbelief:

"So the enemy should be very strong!!"

Phantom De said slowly at this moment:

"Today's video seems a bit outrageous..."

"But let's read on first!!"

After hearing this, everyone also agreed,

Maybe these videos have a different meaning when they are connected.

Blade World.

Kadoya looked at himself in the picture,

Just thinking about the good reincarnation of heaven,

Who does the sky bypass!

It seems that I will inevitably be beaten in this video!!


Looking at the light curtain,

He could only silently pray that he wouldn't be beaten too badly.

Looking at the picture,

Yusuke Onodera couldn't help but be happy,

"Hey, Shi, you don't look good!!"

Needless to say!!

You can tell just by looking at it with your eyes, right??

Kadoya looked at Yusuke who was joking with him,

I couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"What kind of nonsense literature is this...

Ichima looked at Yusuke Onodera and gave his response.

Zein World.

Tan Lidou looked at the giant curtain in the sky,

also sighed:

"Hmm, today's video is interesting!!"

"The plot is confusing and confusing!!"

"But that's more fun!!"

"Kadoyashi, I'm starting to look forward to your performance!!"

can make the arrogant Tan Lidou give attention,

This is also a reflection of the door Yashi,

He is indeed a powerful guy!!

Another place, inside the Santo University Hospital,

Guili Ya looked at the curtain of light,

I can't help but complain,

"I watched all the way to see how it was all beaten videos..."

"But 390 looks like a terrible enemy from here!!"

"So, will he be able to get out safely?"

Bao Sheng Yongmeng responded at this time:

"Judging from the previous videos, Modoyashi's strength is very strong,"

"In this case, it is not impossible to face so many enemies. "

"Let's keep reading!!"

The picture goes back to the video,

The enemy that the men faced this time,

It's no one else,

And it's Dragoon and Blade!

And the door arrows who have been beaten before the transformation,

Turn defense into offense at this moment!!

I saw that he was actually pressing the dragon rider and Blade to fight alone!!

Looks like

Dragoon and Blade are already at the end of their crossbows,

Completely unable to withstand a real attack!!

Leavis World.

At this moment, everyone is looking at the door in front of the screen,

I'm almost speechless!!

Just for a moment,

The offensive and defensive forces are also different!!

Seeing this, the sophomore also had to admit,

It was the first time he felt,

What is true strength!!

You don't need too many gorgeous pictures,

You don't need to be so flashy,

Just unpretentious attacks,

The two knights opposite,

I can't resist it!!

With such strength,

Compared to just Gates just now,

It's heaven and earth!!

Zio World.

There was also silence for a while,

Looking at the light curtain in the sky,

The contrast between before and after,

It's really... It's a surprise.

The corners of Hawoz's mouth twitched,

Said to Gates:

"Looks like it's only Gaz you're being beaten!!"

Gates retorted unconvinced:

"Obviously there is a doorman!!

Although Gates's voice is clearly weak,

But everyone still smiled tacitly.

"That being said, Gazis, you're going to have to do it!"

Facing Woz's ridicule,

Gates couldn't help but cry silently.....

Don't be complacent, if you don't say it's good, you'll look deflated in the future...

Thinking of this,

Gaz was in a better mood again.

Zero-One World.

or people whose concerns are different from those of others,

The singularity was discovered at the moment.

Because he found that

The opponent of the menyashi is also Kamen Rider!!

And the knight on the other side,

Not a knight of some evil force!


They're still everyone's seniors!!

"It's really strange, as a member of Kamen Rider,"

"Why are we fighting each other?"

Or people look at the light curtain at the moment and say.

"Let's keep reading, the plot is not clear at all,"

"It's really confusing to everyone!!"

While everyone was still talking about the video,

But there has been a lot of change!!

I saw that the men were trapped by the dragoon,



The sound effect here just fell,

The Blade over there turned into a greatsword!!

And at this time, one truth,

Wielding the Blade into a greatsword,

Swing towards the dragoon!!

This blow,

He actually defeated the dragoon directly!!

With an earth-shattering bang,

Dragoons have completely disappeared here!!

Zio World.

Looking at such a powerful attack,

Gates was also silent,


It's so weird,

Why did the blade become a sword in his hand???

Why do the knights attack each other!!

There are so many mysteries!!

Thinking of this,

Gates also looked at the light curtain and said:

"I always feel that this is another story of another parallel world,"

"Otherwise, it's weird. “

Create a world of riding.

The war rabbit looked at the door arrow in the light curtain,

At this moment, he shouted that it was impossible!!

How can it be so strong!!

It's really hard for War Rabbit to believe!!

The contrast between before and after is too huge, isn't it??

After the transformation,

How powerful is it?

Judging from this battle,

Menyashi didn't even spend much effort (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

I also stared at the screen,

An unbelievable look:

"It's inevitable.... It's too strong!!"

"Look at the Gate Arrow, who defeated the Dragoon without much effort,"

"I wonder if I'm dreaming!!"

Misora Ishido also echoed at this time:

"yes, it looks like I'm in a dream...."

The battle continues,

borrowed Blade to knock down the dragon rider's Gate Arrow,

Next up is the battle against Blade!!

Blade looked at the door,

Such strength made him deeply jealous,

Thinking of this,

He used the ultimate attack directly!!



At this time, Yizhen didn't give him a chance at all!!

While he was still preparing to be released,

Kazuma leaps straight up,[]

Kicking at Blade!!

As the smoke and dust in the sky dispersed,

On the battlefield at this time,

(CDCJ) is already the only one who is Kadoya!!

And at this time, the door arrow,

But with two cards in his hand!!

Take a closer look at the past,

The knight on those two cards,

Isn't it exactly Blade and the Dragoon?

Leavis World.

Seeing the Ichiki here,

I can't help but gasp at this moment!!

"In this case, the defeated knight will become a card???"

"It's outrageous... “

"Could it be... Is this to collect all the knights!!"

Looking at Dragon City and Blade turned into cards,

Kazuki said incredulously.

Hearing Ichikaki's words,

The sophomore also nodded at this moment.

"It's really strange to say that,"

"It looks like they're fighting something..."

"It's just... What is it? Can they be made to fight even with their lives?"

Zio World.

At this moment, Gates said,

The title before this screen is actually true.

Could it be that

Is this the strength of the Emperor Rider?

"It's really strong... But I'm not going to give in!!"

"Someday, I'll beat you!!"

I have to say,

Gates is still too persistent,

For the memory of being beaten up by that guy from the door,

It's too strong??

Zhuang Wu couldn't help but shake his head at this moment,

Gates is hopeless...

As the picture continues to play,

The next enemies are also starting to appear!!

The knight is none other than him,

It's the empty self that everyone is familiar with!!

And the empty self at this time,

Looking at the men on the other side,

also said slowly:

"I'm the only one left... Scholar. “

"I'll take you down!!"

The two started an unprecedentedly fierce battle!!

Facing the emptiness of the ultimate body,

Even if it's a man Yashi,

I also suffered a lot of losses!!

But even so,

The passionate Moya is still better!!

I saw him catch me,

Dropped him down!!

And with the fall of the empty self,

He was also close behind.

Looking at the empty self who fell to the ground,

Menyashi didn't care about him,

Straight into the distance.

And the empty self that sees this,

In order to continue the fight,

And it became FFR state!!

"I... I don't want to see anyone cry anymore!!"

"If I could protect everyone's smiles..."

"Then it doesn't matter if I become the ultimate darkness!!"

In order to protect everyone,

The empty self burned itself!!

He took the form of a mecha,

Carrying the Men Yashi into the air!!

"I'm not going to let you die alone!"

Create a world of riding.

At this time, the melon-eating masses,

They all said that they really couldn't understand it!!

Where is this!!

How is the plot of falling in love and killing each other...

At this time, the war rabbit looked at the light curtain,

There are also big question marks in the small head.

"After all, it's still the blame for this video!!"

"Put a section here and a section there...

If you understand it, you can have ghosts!!"

Wan Zhanglong, I also echoed at this time:

"War Rabbit is right,"

"What a mess!!"

"However, it does seem dangerous to team up with a sword..."

"Either beaten by someone else, or beaten by a sword..."

Ice Room Phantom also said at this moment:

"Being beaten by a sword is the most outrageous!!"

"So who would dare to be a teammate with him??"

"A teammate kills a star!!"

Others agreed,

When you meet such a teammate,

It also looks too unfortunate...

Emperor Riding World.

Looking at yourself in the picture,

Kadoya couldn't help but sigh a little.

Wouldn't it be outrageous?

Will you become like this in the future???

It's incredible!!

This is not who he imagined he would be!

"Although I may not be kind to strangers,"

"But you can't look at it like to abuse your teammates, right?"

And Yusuke Onodera looked at the picture with a shocked face!!

"How... How can I be a rival with a soldier?"

"What's not going to leave you alone and die alone.."

"This line is too middle-class, isn't it..."

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Yusuke Onodera was already almost shouting.

It's incredible,

What exactly happened before,

will give the two of them a reason to have to make a move.

Guang Xiahai looked at them with a smile at this time:

"Don't worry, don't you know if you keep watching?"

Back to the picture,

I saw that the empty self pushed the men to move on,

And in the process,

The Men of the Gate are constantly attacking the empty self.

After constant attacks,

The empty FFR type is finally unsupportable,

Falling downwards!!

I saw them fall rapidly together,

caused a huge explosion!!

With the smoke and dust in the sky,

The two people at the center of the explosion,

I don't know what happened at this point!!

See a scene in the light curtain.

All the audience couldn't believe it.

After all, who would have thought.

Kadoya and Yusuke, who have always been very good, would choose to be hostile to each other.

And just when everyone thought that the two of them were dead, they saw a figure slowly walking out of the billowing smoke.

And when they saw the true identity of that voice, all the audience couldn't help but be shocked when their pupils shrank!。

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