"Okay, Liya. I see, Liya." Arthur replied 'sincerely'.

A # character appeared on Artoria's forehead.How can this bastard be like that war god.The military god's appearance is only a young man, and she doesn't feel that she is so affectionately addressed. Arturia is a little uncomfortable in the mature youth form of Arthur.

Moreover, this man has a history similar to his own. Although he doesn't know what path his world, Britain, has finally taken, Arturia can't help but feel a sense of intimacy with him, which is to find the gaze of a comrade-in-arms.

"That's right... I also invited Lancer and Archer. It's a pity that the two guys, Caster and Berserker, don't know where they are going. This king has gone all over the city and can't find their breath." Saying this, Iskandar Somewhat confused, he put his hand on his chin and rubbed it.I don't know that caster (bdah) 'Atum' and berserker 'war god' are both Arthur's avatars, of course Iskander can't find them.

"Besides, I have also invited another rider, hahaha! Bringing together heroes from many eras, this kind of opportunity is not a common occurrence."

Because of the King of Conqueror's laughter, Artoria's attention was temporarily diverted, and she no longer struggled with Arthur's name.

"Don't worry, I will solve the problems of caster and berserker, and they will also attend this banquet." Arthur said solemnly.Ai Li, Illya and the others held back their laughter, Fujino's eyes rolled back and forth on Arthur and Iskandar, and there was also a faint funny mood in their eyes.

Rider brought the wine bottle to the atrium, and several Servants sat down facing each other and confronted each other leisurely.Webb sat on the side alone, while Ellie and the other girls sat a few positions behind Arthur's side.

Immediately afterwards, Rider smashed the lid of the barrel with his fist, and the mellow red wine scent filled the air in the atrium.

"Although the shape is strange, this is a unique wine vessel in this country." Iskandar said, smugly hitting the wine with a bamboo-handled spoon.Then, first drank the wine in the spoon, and then opened the mouth.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to disturb your Yaxing, King of Conqueror..." Arthur pointed out the bamboo handle in Iskandar's hand.

"Huh?!" Iskandar looked at Arthur suspiciously.

"That thing is actually just a utensil for scooping wine from a wine container..." Arthur said calmly, hearing Arthur's words, Arturia's little face showed an unconscious expression. .

"Is that so?!" Iskandar spared the back of his head in embarrassment.Arturia felt a little fortunate in her heart, but fortunately she didn't take the initiative to speak, or else it would have revealed that she didn't know this common sense...

"Yo...it seems to be a new guest." Arthur opened his eyes suddenly and said when he sensed a servant's magical reaction approaching the castle.

"Oh?! Is that guy Archer here?! Or the pharaoh rider!" Iskander's face casually crossed his knees on the ground with a look of interest.

"No... not at all!" Feeling the familiar magic fluctuations, Arthur's blue eyes couldn't help but stay on Artoria's side face.

"What... what's wrong?! Why are you looking at me like this?!" Arturia asked inexplicably, all she saw in Arthur's eyes were clear eyes, and naturally she would not think that Arthur was a There are thoughts on that.Could this new severvant have anything to do with her? !

"Sa... Who knows?!" Arthur said meaningfully.He is not a war god now, and the guy who came from outside the castle is no accident that Giles is mentally ill. Only the war god knows about the meeting between Arturia and the marshal.

For the time being, Arthur didn't want these people to know that the war gods were their own incarnations, so this Holy Grail War would be too boring.

"Look - he appeared." Arthur said suddenly, and a golden wine glass appeared in his hand at some point, which was filled with the wine brought from the Lolita Treasure.Arthur took a sip, and his face was indifferent.

Compared with the drinks that the King of Conqueror bought in modern times, even Kenneth would not bother to drink that kind of wine.Modern fine wines are all valuable and valuable treasures. The so-called best wine that King Conqueror obtained from the market is at most the wine that some ordinary people drink.

Even nobles drink better than this.With the wine from the age of the gods, Arthur naturally drank Lolita's wine.

"Huh?!" Iskandar and Artoria looked towards the door of the atrium.

Wearing a dark robe, an unlucky evil spirit swayed from the clothes.There are also red-stained patterns on the clothes, which are like blood-stained patterns, looming in the jungle.The figure of the marshal appeared in front of everyone.

"Caster?!" Artoria couldn't help shouting.How did this unhinged fellow come here.

Arturia subconsciously looked in the direction of Iskandar.

"Don't look at me! I have never invited this severvant, and this is the first time this king has seen him today. According to what you said, is he a caster from another group?!" He looked like he didn't know at all, and then he said with interest.

"Since I came here without accepting the invitation, it's an uninvited villain..." Arthur's holy blue eyes looked at the marshal's body, and then looked at the group of children who followed behind the marshal.A murderous intent suddenly appeared on his face. .

Chapter [-] Jiu Shan's first appearance!

Chapter [-] Jiu Shan's first appearance!The Seventy-Seventh Chapter of the Crown and King System of the Comprehensive Comics is the first appearance of Jiu Shan! . Caster is not alone this time.There were about a dozen people behind him.These people are underage children.

The eldest child among them is only a primary school student.All the children seemed to be sleepwalking, wobbly walking, with Caster leading the way.There is no doubt that the children are under the control of Caster's magic.

"I've come to visit you as promised last night. My beautiful holy virgin!" Caster stared in the direction of Arturia, raised his arms extremely attentively and bowed to Irisviel.There was a fiery look in his bubble eyes, what a child's play for a heroic spirit who is a magician.

"It's a hostage... I guess. It must be." Irisviel said in a low voice melancholy.That magician severvant doesn't look like a good person.

Arturia nodded.It can be regarded as affirming Irisviel's idea, with the popular science of the war god, Arturia knows how evil this man is~ exists.

Although there are also some elements of fate, but this can not cover up the crimes committed by Giles.

Just as Arthur was about to make his move, a rebellious voice suddenly came from the sky. "Just going out for a walk, actually let me see such a stupid and dirty thing. In this king's city, there is no need for such a magician like a meat ball."

Everyone looked up and saw a blond man severvant wearing a black coat standing on a building in the atrium.

Seeing this familiar figure, Iskandar, Arturia, and Weber all showed expressions of surprise.

"Archer...Are you here too?!" Arturia opened her mouth and looked at the severvant. She always felt that this Gilgamesh was a little different from the one she knew, and she couldn't tell why.

There is more heroic temperament on her body and less arrogance, but the king's demeanor is still undiminished. This is the reason why Artoria confirms that she is not like the French marshal who has mistaken the wrong person.

"Pfft..." With a weird look on his face, Arthur looked at Twinkle who was standing high, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This dress should be what Sakura said about the masculine look of Lolita.Arthur saw through the true identity of this Gilgamesh at a glance.

She should have used a Noble Phantasm to hide her true gender, but why did Arthur look at her like an old flash? !

So the old flash in the silver is actually a loli? !

"I don't know what you're talking about..." The red eyes looked at Arturia, and the old flash frowned.How does this Heroic Spirit know that her job is Archer?

Because Jiu Shan did not deny his employment, everyone was a little confused.

"It's really troublesome... Hey! You are indeed Gilgamesh, right!" Iskandar asked directly.

"Are you fooling this king? Listen, when the earth was still one, this king was the only king in this world. Apart from me, there is no way the world can find a second Gilgamesh. A sharp, sharp color flashed in those red-red eyes. (Jin Jing, who was on his way, had an unpleasant feeling inexplicably)

In addition to King Conqueror, Arthur, and Duo Mao, everyone who was swept by these eyes couldn't help but bow their heads. Even Giles' heart had an indescribable panic.

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