When the second knight king who has this qualification to give her father's love appears, how should Xiao Mo choose? !

The more you stand on the top of the towering cloud, the more painful it is to fall.For Mordred, Arthur's appearance undoubtedly brought hope to the desperate soul.

Hearing the untraceable expectation in Xiao Mo's tone, Arthur gave the answer the knight wanted while everyone was watching.

"Although the world is different, you are indeed my child, and it is my dereliction of duty to not discipline you properly, but - I have never denied your identity, take off that helmet! Do you still want to wear a helmet with me? Conversation?!"

The helmet that concealed her infidelity was only taken off once in her life when she fought against the King of Knights in the Battle of Kamran. She was known as the king's stain, and she could actually appear in the eyes of the world as the orthodox heir of King Arthur? !

What a great king, what a merciful king!He looked at Artoria with some hesitation, and found that Dianmao didn't care at all, a trace of loneliness flashed across Xiao Mo's face, and finally took off his helmet through gritted teeth.

The clanging sound was indistinct, and the hideous helmet was split like a mecha and finally fell into other positions of the armor.A face with a nine-point resemblance to Artoria was revealed in front of everyone.

"Women?!!!" Everyone couldn't help but let out another groan in their hearts! .

Chapter [-] Xiaomo and Duo Mao!

Chapter [-] Xiaomo and Duo Mao!Chapter [-] Xiaomo and Duo Mao! . “…”

What the hell!Another mother-in-law!Everyone looked at Arthur with suspicion.This Mordred is yours!Twelve of the thirteen knights were men, and the last rebellious knight suddenly became a woman. No matter how you look at it, it is the style of the Knights of Arthur's Round Table!Arthur said that I do think, but unfortunately the Knights of the Round Table in his world are all women, even Merlin is a woman, but Mordred is a man.

Fortunately, it was the little Mo Arthur who was summoned to be so gentle. You see, if the one who was summoned was the rebel, Arthur would have cut him off in minutes.Whoops, just kidding.It is impossible to cut it, but the attitude is not necessarily so good.The daughter is a caring little padded jacket, and the boys should go to the base!

"Knight—" Taking a deep breath, Mordred came to Arthur's body with a hint of anticipation in his eyes, and finally half-kneeled on the ground.

"—Mordred, see my king!" The girl blushed slightly, said loudly, and then looked at Arthur with some dodging and some eagerness.

"Mr. Mordred!..." The male Bedivere looked at Mordred in shock. This was not just an ordinary knight bowing down. Mordred just called Arthur "my king". , Did Mordred recognize that and want to be that knight? !Arturia opened her mouth and looked at Xiao Mo in disbelief.Is this still her rebellious child? !

As if thinking of something, there was a hint of blessing on Bedivere's face. The king could not accept Sir Mordred. Since the Knights of the Round Table and the king did not want to see her, this result could not be better.

The group of rebellious knights who supported her led by Mordred also joined the army behind Arthur, and for a while, Arturia looked at the scene in front of her sluggishly.

how come!That pervert actually...

There was no sign of the conflict that was going to happen. Mordred seemed to be reborn. After taking off the chaste helmet, the strict-looking knight stood loyally by Arthur's side, waiting for King's order.

Seeing the girl who was meticulous and guarding the king earnestly, the knights who were watching Mordred secretly nodded.A curious look appeared in Guinevere's eyes. The legend about King Arthur was a story she wrote and spread based on the last king in order to resurrect the last king.As a result, Arthur, who was finally summoned by this story, was not the real last king, but a maddened god named Arthur Pendragon who was born in mythology, and even the girl collapsed because of it.

In fact, in the world of the godslayer, Mordred should not exist.

Seeing that Arthur didn't reject him, Mordred couldn't help showing a happy smile on his little face. Seeing Xiao Mo showing such a lovely expression, Arturia was stunned.

Is this really the rebellious knight who betrayed himself in history? !Duo Mao couldn't help but once again had an unbelievable thought.

"That...that~~!" Xiao Mo suddenly looked at Arthur awkwardly, his eyes dodging a little.

"What's wrong? Mordred!" Arthur asked suspiciously.

"Can I call you King Father?!" Xiao Mo said embarrassedly, and then showed a hint of desire.Like a child's craving for candy.

"Of course you can..." Arthur was a little helpless. When you were called Duo Mao, weren't you a father and a king? !Why am I still hesitating.

Arthur will be very happy to have such a lovely daughter who admires him wholeheartedly.Because Morgan hates Xiao Mo, Liya is too cruel to Xiao Mo.

It seems that the steps to get Liya back to the girl's heart must be accelerated, otherwise she will never be able to understand the friendship between mother and son.

Yes, mother and son.Who is your father, you ask? !Of course Arthur!Arthur is the father, Dianmao is the mother, no problem!Morgan? !Who is that, can you eat it? !

"Father...Father!" Seeing Xiao Mo with a hint of embarrassment and anticipation on his face, Arthur put his hand on Xiao Mo's head in a funny way, and performed a head-touching kill.

"How are you, do you feel more at ease?!"

Seeing Arthur's gentle appearance, Mordred stared blankly at Arthur's face.There was a loud bang in the brain, and it suddenly went blank.

At this moment, the father's love that owed her for many years seemed to come back in an instant, and Xiao Mo's heart actually felt filled with warmth.

"Ah?! Ha ah?!" Suddenly a big red face, Xiao Mo turned his head arrogantly with a flustered face.

"Don't touch my head! The president is not tall!" There was an unnatural tone of disgust on his mouth, but a happy look flashed from Mordred's face from time to time, and there was no dodging movement, Ya Se can still see that Xiao Mo actually likes this kind of intimacy.

"Although I have recognized you, your mother still seems to have a big prejudice against you, and you still need to work harder! Little Mo!" Holy cyan eyes looked at Mordred gently, Arthur said suddenly.


The heavy armor made a metal crashing sound in the air.

Obviously, this kind of name has hit the girl's sensitivity all at once, and felt too much Arthur's tenderness all at once. Even if he knew that Arthur was not the father of his own world, Xiao Mo almost fainted with excitement.

Should it be said to be overly happy? !Still too easy to satisfy.Mordred, who was usually assertive and self-centered, couldn't help feeling ashamed of his humiliating performance at the moment.

If Arthur hadn't given an order, Mordred would have planned to rush into the Macedonian army at this time, killing seven in and seven out to slow down his emotions.

Ahhh!so annoying!But Mordred, she couldn't hate this feeling at all!What is going on with this father!Be gentle!

".々Wait...Mother?!" Xiao Mo suddenly shouted in a decibel voice.Mordred was at a loss, what was the father saying? !Morgan? !

"Well, you are my child, and also Liya's child. As a male, I am your father, and as a female Liya is naturally your mother." Arthur said calmly.

"Alas!!!" X2 shouted in disbelief this time not only Xiao Mo, but also Artoria.

"I... me, me and Arthur's child?!!" Duo Mao seemed to have thought of some restricted-level image, and his whole person stiffened, blushing and stammering waving the holy sword indiscriminately.

The Twelve Knights of the Round Table saw a sword light flying over their foreheads, and they broke out in cold sweat... King, be careful with your sword!

Because of Arthur's way of speaking (Nord's), not only did Xiao Mo's eyes start to dodge when he looked at Duan Mao, but even Duo Mao looked at Xiao Mo with a weird expression.

Shouldn't it be a mother-daughter? !Even the shy reaction is the same.

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