But this is fine, if it is like the one in the Cthulhu mythology that destroys the three views, the tentacle image whose san value will be seriously reduced after seeing it.He is really unimaginable...

There was no need for the Serpent Serpent to deceive them, but Ramses II and the others still did not loosen their brows, and there was a hint of vigilance on their faces.

Regardless of that, just blaming Nyarlathotep's bad rumors in the Cthulhu mythology, these heroic spirits will not take it lightly.

"Oh, yes. It seems that this faceless god still has the identity of a black pharaoh." For some reason, or because of the influence of the personality of the body, it should have been inclined to the corner of the mouth of the calm and wise sacrificial snake. A wicked smile evoked.

"Black Pharaoh!!" Ozymandias suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the petite girl under the moonlight with disbelief.

Is she...

No, no.There is absolutely no way that legend is true. "Our pharaoh is Horus, the god of the sky. The only god we worship is the sun god 'Ra'! This king will never admit it..."

There was a gloomy look on his face.Ramses II looked at Nyarlathotep with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

How could the black pharaoh really exist...

Worth, labor and capital will never admit it!Don't listen, don't listen, bastard chanting! .

Chapter [-] The Ten Commandments of Moses!King of the Black Pharaohs!

Chapter [-] The Ten Commandments of Moses!King of the Black Pharaohs!The [-]th chapter of the comprehensive system of crown kings and the ten commandments of Moses!King of the Black Pharaohs! In unknown ancient times, when the first Egyptian ancestors came to the Nile Valley, they were surprised to find a huge rock statue.

The body of the statue is like a huge lion with a pair of black wings behind it, but its head is a faceless human head!The faceless one, the faceless god!

It was the legend itself that was astonishing Ramses II.A story about the true origin of the pharaoh.

The people who found the statue held the fertile black soil under their feet and shouted excitedly: "This is the land promised by God, and we should multiply and prosper here, and our descendants - many."

They frantically worshiped the faceless sphinx as father and god!In this way, they developed and prospered here, giving birth to brilliant civilization legends.

However... God's wings fell one day, and the dark wings terrified the people, who thought it was a sign of God's wrath!They fell to their knees and prayed reverently to God to appease their anger.

Day after day, until one day, a group of daring humans stepped forward to observe the fallen wings up close, and they found that there were many mysterious symbols and pictures engraved on the wings.

For some selfish reason, these people didn't make it public, and they used hard stones to divide the black wings into countless slates. (It feels like a millennium slate)

These people took the slate for themselves, and the people cheered and jumped when they found out that the wings were gone, and they had reason to believe that God had quelled his wrath.The gods still favored them!

Humans who have acquired ancient wisdom (slate) began to study the countless magical and mysterious knowledge recorded on it, and they became more and more wise and intelligent. They called themselves black pharaohs, and they were not satisfied with being equal to those ordinary people.

The "seeds of disputes" were quietly planted, and the class struggle began!At last war broke out on earth.

Some of them began to claim to be kings, taking the red crown image (cobra), the image of the eagle god Horus, and other images as a symbol of kingship, and took it as one of the burial objects after death. Show off your extraordinary identity.

As people continued to interpret the forbidden knowledge on the slate, this group of people became less and less fearful of God, and they began to be arrogant.

Unlike the myth of Atum, in such a legend, the pharaoh had no particularly direct connection to the gods from the beginning.

The pharaohs who forgot the great faceless god radiance began to claim to be incarnations of gods, they ruled the people in place of gods, and scattered Egyptian slates began to be collected by the pharaohs.

Until one day, Pharaoh Khafre saw a huge faceless sphinx in front of his tomb when he was visiting his future tomb.The pharaoh, who possessed countless forbidden knowledge, had no reverence for the gods.

Khafre arrogantly believed that it was a hindrance to the majesty of the pyramid and the majesty of the pharaoh, so he ordered the stone statue to be disposed of.

A priest dissuaded in horror: "Great Pharaoh Khafre, this is a magnificent miracle that did not disappear even before the legendary flood of calamity that destroyed the world, has the Pharaoh forgotten what we have said? Is the glory of the exalted God?!"

Khafre was even more angry after listening to it. He was familiar with the forbidden slate, and he already knew countless great and ancient existences, but at the same time he also knew that most of those existences had fallen into endless sleep. God who rules over mankind.

Pharaoh Khafre scolded loudly: "Our god is the sun god, the only supreme god - Ra, how can you be bathed in the holy sunlight with such a filthy body as you believe in an unknown evil god! "

Khafre ordered the priest to be put to death, and the priest cried out in agony before he died: "O arrogant Pharaoh, who pretends to be a god, what awaits you will be God's wrath and endless pain, wait, wait, That terrifying despair will come at last!"

Khafre looked at the trembling people around him and wanted them to destroy the idol of the faceless god.

However, the people who felt endless panic didn't know what to do. At this time, a craftsman came up with a compromise.

He suggested to the pharaoh that he could carve the face of this stone into the head of the pharaoh to symbolize the supreme authority of the pharaoh.

Khafra happily accepted the suggestion and ordered the craftsmen to start work immediately.When the sphinx with the face of Pharaoh Khafre stood beside the pyramid, the Egyptian people felt an invisible terror infecting their hearts.

And Pharaoh Hafra was excited to see that his authority as a pharaoh has been established above God!

At this moment, Weber remembered the legendary Amenhotep IV who wanted to restore the great status of the faceless god and expelled the sun god from the throne.

Although the king failed in the end, his son Aton Moses, later "Moses," drove Pharaoh and the Israelites out of Egypt's realm.

The Prince "Moses" who attracted "ten generations of natural disasters" once said such words: "It's not that you haven't met God, but that God is right in front of you, but you haven't seen it, what's the point? Stupid!"

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"It's not that God gave up on you, it's you who gave up the opportunity to worship God! All of this is your own fault, and all disasters are just an angry god punishing you through our hands."

The father of fear, the secret of the universe.It is the incarnation of Chaos Void.Its gaze is the door to all wonders, and it needs to smash the seal of light with blood and come in the disordered darkness.

This is the true face of God who is active in the starry sky as vast as the universe.The narrow and mean will be destroyed by infinite mysteries.

The ancient glory will eventually be forgotten, and people will eventually become ordinary. The only thing left for people to know is the existence of those powerful "black pharaohs".

Their skin was black, and they unified a fragmented Egypt.Pei, who once defeated all the kings in Egypt, did something extraordinary when he became the new ruler of Egypt.


He led his army, loaded up the spoils, and sailed south to Nubia, never setting foot in Egypt again in his life.

"Egypt that has lost its faith is no longer the Egypt of the past. You who have forgotten the ancient glory are not worth my hands. And remember, you must call me the black pharaoh."

This is what the black pharaoh said before he left.

If the stories of the black pharaohs are true.So what are these pharaohs? !

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