Arthur just calmly looked down at the colorful torrent full of terrifying murderous intent below, and calmly spat out a few words.

"Simulation Epic. Sun-Heaven Armor ON, Alchemy Made. Strongest Shield ON, Blazing Heaven Covering Sevenfold Ring ON, Remnant Fire Sword. West. Remnant Sun Prison Clothes ON!!!"

Following Arthur's words, a fiery white light suddenly radiated from the island, and the island in the void was directly surrounded by a huge star-like sphere.

The power of the Sovereign of the Sun is burning on the surface of its body, and countless colorful enchantments and diamond-shaped wafers are unfolded in the inner layer at the same time.

This stems from the fact that the defense system of other worlds in memory was brought to the world of the godslayer by Arthur again.Not only the blazing seven-layered ring, but also the defensive power that should have been a humanoid was also exerted on the surface of the island by Arthur in another mode.

Surface temperature: about 5500 degrees Celsius, the actual temperature is several times higher under the mysterious addition.This is the 16th power of that great star, and the sea level is slowly falling because of this scorching breath.

If it wasn't for this force being completely restrained by Arthur and bursting out with all his strength, the earth at this time would have been turned into dust.

Never underestimate the power of the sun, even if it's a fake small sun, it still has the power to burn everything.

And to keep the eternal kingdom in the 'sun', I am afraid that only Arthur can do it.

In the name of sun UO, light and sun, bring white stars to this world! !boom! ! !Countless powers collided with this large glowing sphere.

The terrifying power that was enough to destroy this planet suddenly erupted, and the complexion of the Knights of the Round Table changed greatly. 'Camelo! ! '


The power of power that was completely locked in the sun erupted with fierce power, and the holy blue eyes watched all this indifferently, and Arthur was not worried that the gods could break through the island.

Not to mention that if the power of this power bursts out, I am afraid that the earth of the godslayer world will be razed to the ground.

"Mad...!!" Luo Hao said with an ugly face.Even as proud as she is, she has no grasp of the strength to resist so many powers.

However, before the gods showed a hint of joy, the power of the colorful power became smaller and smaller. Under the incredible gaze of the gods, the power of power suddenly calmed down.

"Success!!" Luo Hao's beautiful eyes lit up with a bright light, and his face showed unstoppable astonishment.

It's really...really done...Is it true that she is the husband that Luo Cuilian likes! ?

"The Eternal Code is launched, the simulation of the star's far-flung rotation is successful, the target is successfully locked, and the Tianzhu Zhenxing starts!!! The annihilation plan begins!!"

Thunder, heavy rain, and small attacks, after completely eating the mixed blow of the gods, a cold machine-like sound came from the holy city on the island.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear a hint of Arthur's voice.

A huge beam of light rushed from the holy city and flew towards the universe.Seen from outside the earth, countless galaxies began to revolve around the beam of light.

Just as the satellite that recorded this miracle had just sent a little picture to the earth, it was smashed apart by an asteroid that deviated from its orbit, completely scrapping the past.

The power of astronomical manipulation was manifested in this world for the first time. In a feeling of great terror, the gods subconsciously looked up at the universe and the sky.

"That...that is!!"

boom! ! ! !The sound of the atmosphere burning...

The flames that blazed far away from the earth's atmosphere... The truth of astronomy, the mighty force that controls the world's operation has reappeared.

Boom boom boom boom! !Rubbing in the atmosphere, countless meteorites from the universe finally came to the sky above the gods.

"Crush them!!!!" Nuada let out a roar, and took the lead in drawing out the great sword.

The gods have started a vigorous anti-defense war...

Tianzhu Zhenxing - one of the highest pupil techniques originally developed as the reincarnation eye of the Naruto world.Attack the enemy by pulling the stars from the sky through gravity.

Although named the same, Arthur is in complete control of this powerful force.It is by no means a mighty power that can be matched by the pupil technique of the reincarnation eye in Hokage!

An endless rain of meteorites hit the gods, and each meteorite was attached with the attributes of the gods that could kill any god.

With the power of that island, Arthur's manipulation of astronomy becomes even more terrifying.Heavenly Obstruction Zhenxing has also become a real change. To God Noble Phantasm,

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

The bombing lasted for five minutes, at which time Arthur no longer saw any gods.

"Island of Destiny—" Looking at Britain reclusive in the void beneath his feet, a smile finally appeared in Arthur's eyes.

This is... the biggest gain in this battle! !

Rama's true hiding place belongs only to the Noble Phantasm of the Last King.

Originally in the original book, it was unremarkable, just a small island that appeared from the void to awaken Rama to awaken his power.

Arthur soon discovered the hidden island of never-fall when he became the last king.

That rare void attribute made Arthur pay attention to it immediately.

Even if it is the true creator god who has the power of creation, it is not so easy to build a small island where the entire shadow escapes in the void.

Arthur, who has not yet reached the level of true creation, can finally use this island to start some ideas of his own.

Construct a prosperous kingdom hidden in the stars, this time... Arthur will exalt Britain as a true eternal kingdom.

And he, Arthur Pendragon, will be the true and eternal king...

The war was finally over, and the 617 perfect crusade was carried out for both Rama and the gods.

Even with nearly half of the Knights of the Round Table gathered, Arthur felt a lot of joy in his heart.

Substituting the power of existence with a huge mantra slightly restored the stability of this sea area.

Then Arthur called the Knights of the Round Table back one by one, and took Jill and the Knights of the Round Table Arthur back to his headquarters in the Godslayer World.

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