Just a wisp of qi, a trace of killing intent made him tremble and lose his fighting spirit, like the coldness of being mortgaged by icicles on his spine in the cold winter, on the snowy land... How is this possible!

Even if he could deliver that world-destroying blow, his weak body as a 'human' shouldn't change.

Traits as representatives of race...

The structure of that living body...

Just a light bite on his neck should kill him easily.Under the close oppression of Arthur's aura that is more terrifying than the wild beasts.

The weak guy, if he is not so terrified that he can't move, then there is only one possibility left.

If you don't survive...you will be crazy!

"I... Damn... I'm... you bastard!" The orc suppressed the fear in his heart and only put his fist on the delicate neck.

Just a light tear should be able to complete the counter-kill.

One of the three major illusions in life, I can fight back!Fight……!boom!The orc suddenly raised his fist and swung it towards the man in front of him.

call!The whistling sound of the fist wind and the roar of the air sounded, and a hint of surprise flashed in Arthur's eyes.

A second, two seconds... Still no sound of objects being hit.

Failed? ... No, Arthur glanced slightly at the sturdy arm that was shaking and quivering beside his ear.

Furry hair on it... disgusting.Compared to those cute female beast girls, these male orcs are so ugly that people can't be interested at all.

Even if you are not interested in men, if your future subordinates look good, they will look a lot more comfortable, don't they?

Arthur was sure that he did not use any ability to block the opponent, so why did he stop.

As far as he could see, a pair of eyes full of fear and hesitation appeared in Arthur's eyes.That's a lot of stuff! (I see)

"Why stop... If you want to really hurt me, you should attack. Or you will only growl like a weakling in vain..." Arthur gently put his finger down and pressed it completely on the orc's forehead .

Now with a flick of a finger, the head can burst open.

"But... Damn..." Desperate and uncomfortable as if he wanted to cry, the orc found himself trembling all over.

At the moment when the attack was about to fall, he felt an unprecedented mental shock—the kind of shivering cold feeling that he threw himself into it.

The brain kept warning itself, as if the next moment the fist fell, it would be suffocated, and the sense of danger of death kept coming from the nerve center.

The orc finally got a little wiser at the last minute and recalled his fatal mistake!

The other party used the power of the flesh to slam them down and started the 'Blood Bad' orc team.

This kind of power hidden in that thin body is more terrifying and destructive than their orc race.Is it really just a 'floating and weak' body that is simply destructive and vulnerable?

The man in front of him is different from other human beings. He is not the kind of 'live animal' that will collapse, bleed, and twitch to death as long as he touches it easily...

He finally recalled the horror of his life as if being dominated by others when he was discovered by those high-ranking predators, and the humiliation that he desperately relied on the sacrifice of his compatriots to survive.

Fear brought tears to his eyes...

Now the hunter and the prey seem to have reversed their positions, and common sense is still affecting his ability to judge.

It's hard to understand why he couldn't raise the will to fight just in the face of this guy.

He seems to have seen it—there really is an existence that can kill the 'people's heart' with momentum.

"Listen... In this world where the weak eat the strong, the strong have no reason to apologize, and the weak have no right to complain."

Arthur lowered his head slowly and spoke slowly in his ear.

"The strong must rule the weak, and only the weak by nature would consider it cruel."

After listening to Arthur's words, the expression on the orc's face became dull, and tears were still flowing on his face because of such a 'cruel' truth.

Higher creatures capture lower creatures, mantises hunt cicadas, lions fight rabbits...

Countless images with or without impression suddenly emerged from the depths of my mind.He should have known this a long time ago.

This is……

What, to be treated like a beast! !He was too timid to refute it at all! !Ahhh! !

Seeing the collapsing eyes of the other party, Arthur's face showed a cruel smile, breaking the enemy's heart and killing the enemy's life.

Let the other party collapse both physically and mentally, not bad!He had so much fun!

Indeed, there is a 'weak theory' that the weak can defeat the strong, and he used this to inspire many of his subordinates.

But the 'blank' in the theory of the weak, and the 'weak' who dared to wield a sharp blade at the strong are not strong in a sense.

Those who are strong enough in mind can go to the end.

Now... this guy is dead.Arthur gently popped his fingers!

Peng! ! ! !The blood burst, and a large piece of beautiful and seductive blood beads flew into the sky.At this moment, as if the planet collapsed and the watermelon burst!


On the other side, in a quiet village.

Pest took the pancake handed by the girl and took a bite.

"Is it tasty?"

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