Kanzaki Kaori's heart sank, but he still explained calmly.

"Are you playing dumb with me?"

The water in the back showed no mercy at all.

However, the indifferent tone showed that he had no intention of listening to Kanzaki Kaori's explanation from the very beginning, and just decided what he believed.

"This is a fact." Kanzaki Kaori saw this and did not intend to explain any more.

Although she did have some information that the rest of the magic side did not know.

For example, the intelligence of the Ability God.

However, the Puritanism of the Eagle Kingdom, where Kanzaki Kaori was located, and the Orthodox Church of the Luo Kingdom, where the water in the rear was located, were opposite camps.

The two churches belong to the crucifix sect, but they both believe that one of them is the orthodox, and the other is regarded as a heresy.

Kanzaki Kaori naturally won't say much.


Hearing this, Zhishui in the rear didn't say any more, and turned his eyes to the altar, looking at the staff who were busy preparing for the sacrifice, and walked away slowly.

Since Kanzaki Kaori didn't say anything, he wasn't interested in asking, anyway, the purpose of his coming here was just to verify whether the gods of this sacrifice would come.

Everyone came early, and the sacrifice will take some time to debug and transport the sacrifice, and it will not officially start until the evening.

Time passed minute by minute.

at last.

By evening.Mountain.

Chapter 131

at dusk.

Accelerator took the last work into the car prepared by the senior management of Academy City and headed to the sacrifice site.

Accelerator didn't plan to take the last game with him.

Because of this, I always feel that I am a little bit too fond of this little devil.

And if those magicians see the most powerful person in the future mixed with a kid, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

But the last work did not listen, and insisted on arguing to go with him.

Even if Accelerator didn't agree, the last work that united all Misaka sisters would still know where the sacrifice was and would sneak over there.

Instead, Accelerator reluctantly agreed to go with her, but the premise was to be obedient and not run around.

Accelerator knew very well how strong the forces on the magic side were.

Accelerator will have a headache if the final work is targeted by them.

The car arrived at the location after driving for a while.

Accelerator got out of the car with the last work, and a wisp of consciousness entered the chat group.

Accelerator: "I'm going to start offering sacrifices."

While saying that, Accelerator started the live broadcast.

Game master UMR: "Looking forward! It's finally here!"

Emperor Qin Shi Huang: "Can we finally see how the demon gods in this world exist?"

DEM executive director: "Those demon gods don't come out casually. When the gods came before, they didn't show up either."

Son of Heaven: "What about Sister Misaka, why didn't you see them?"

Queen Binglan: "Hehe, you also said that you are not a perverted lolicon, and you have a good relationship with the last work so soon? Disgusting!"

Accelerator: "Huh? What are you talking about, bastard, who is a perverted lolicon! It's her who haunts me!"

Game master UMR: "Uncle Yifang: I don't like loli, it's just that I like loli. Isn't it, Mr. Yifang? Funny.jpg, @一通行"

Son of Heaven: "Uncle Fang: I also want to be with you forever.jpg"

The strongest magician: "Ah, my friend... I didn't say that copper smelting is not fun, and the water meter will be checked."

Accelerator: "Ahhhhh!! Don't talk about it! I'm not! I don't!"

It was a good live broadcast.

Abruptly, this group of friends turned it into a place to make fun of Accelerator.

Accelerator was outraged.

But helpless.

Can't beat it.

There is no reason to object yet.

I was very angry.

I had no choice but to ignore their jokes and concentrate on preparing for the sacrifice.

Enter the venue with Accelerator.

The magicians who had been waiting for a long time cast their gazes one after another.

Those who have seen Accelerator and those who haven't, all know that Accelerator is the protagonist of this sacrifice.

speak up.

In fact, their hearts are not full of taste.

Watching those busy staff bring the prepared offerings to the altar one after another.

Three animals and six animals.

Gold and silver.

Precious treasure.

High-tech equipment.

and many more.

This posture is as grand as it is grand.

It embarrassed them.

Who is the magic side camp?

How come you, a force on the scientific side, are so dedicated and professional in worshipping the gods?

Doesn't this show that they are magical people, but they don't care about gods?

So many sacrifices, it really took a whole day to finally put them all together.

If it wasn't for Academy City's intervention, Accelerator alone would not have been able to collect so many sacrifices.


When the [*] identical Misaka sisters entered the venue one by one and walked up to the altar, the magicians could not help frowning.

"What do you mean, clones?"

"What is Academy City going to do, are they also sacrifices?"

"Sacrifice a living person to a god?"

"Is Academy City crazy!"

"This is to sacrifice to the evil god?"

Seeing this scene, the magicians were completely incomprehensible.

It is normal to use three or six animals to sacrifice to the gods, but I have never seen any church offering sacrifices to the gods with human beings.

Not to say there isn't.

There must have been such behaviors among the three religions hundreds of years ago, but this bad habit has long been abandoned with the progress of the times.

Now, if any church dares to use a living person to sacrifice to the gods, it will undoubtedly be nailed to the name of [cult], which will attract the crusade of other magical forces...  

But then again.

Are human clones really human, or do they have human rights?

An artificial body, an artificial heart, can be created in fourteen days with a lifespan of only one or two years.

There is not even an individual will.

Is such an existence really not a prop?


Although these magicians frowned, there was no more action.

Moreover, they came on behalf of their own forces, and their every move may cause diplomatic problems, and they will not act rashly until the situation is clear.

Among them, Kanzaki Kaori, who knew some secrets, had a different idea.

"Are they offering sacrifices to the Ability God? Will they ascend to the kingdom of God?"

Kanzaki Kaori watched carefully.

One by one, the Misaka sisters walked up to the altar with expressionless faces, and then stood up obediently.

Among these Misaka sisters, there is one Misaka sister whose expression is different from the others.

Her specimen number was 9982, and she didn't have her own name. The researchers just called her Misaka 9982.

Misaka No. 9982 lowered his head slightly, looking at the Guata keychain in his hand, his expression was a little reluctant.

This is the treasure she borrowed from her elder sister.

Too bad it's only for a while.

   She was never seen again after she was sacrificed to the gods.

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