Yinglili sent a bunch of pictures directly through LINE.

Qin Chuan opened it and saw that the pictures were all her own drawings that Ying Lili had taken. They should be the drawings that she was trying to finish on the rooftop at noon.

Although it is only a draft, the degree of completion is actually quite high, at least much more detailed than the finished product of an author named JJXX.

After taking photos of these drawings and sending them over, Yinglili added a question at the end:

“Is it enough to just take pictures? Or do you want me to bring you the manuscript as well?”

“Of course, you have to read the original manuscript.”

Qin Chuan replied without hesitation – what’s the point of just looking through the photos? He just wants to point at Ying Lili’s drawings in front of her.

Looking at the shy and angry look of the blonde with twin ponytails is the main course. , the notebook drawings and so on were just adjustments.

Soon, Qin Chuan saw that the message he sent was followed by the word”read”. It seemed that Ying Lili had been waiting for his reply.

But after reading, Yinglili didn’t reply, and she didn’t know if she was sulking alone.

Out of the bad taste of wanting to give advice in person, Qin Chuan also began to look at Yinglili’s drawings after taking pictures, preparing to find some questions first, and then Point it out to my face.

The book that Yinglili drew this time is of the type of boy and royal sister. In terms of painting skills, there is really no choice. The shy expression of the woman makes people move.

If you are an ordinary reader, you will definitely feel that this The quality of the book will inevitably become popular again – even Qin Chuan a few days ago might have thought so.

But now, Qin Chuan’s perspective is completely different.

Because Qin Chuan a few days ago was still a person who had never experienced A young high school boy who did that kind of thing, but now Qin Chuan has already done some things with real guns.

So Qin Chuan just looked at it for a few times and quickly frowned.

The girl was shy The expressions are indeed very good, but when the plot of the book progresses to the actual combat, the girls’ expressions seem a bit…weird.

How can I put it, there is a big difference between the expressions of the women Qin Chuan has seen before when doing things, and for a virgin It’s enough, but it’s still not quite right for him.

Think about it, Yinglili is also an innocent girl after all. Although she has rich theoretical knowledge, she has absolutely zero practical experience.

Usually in school, people around Yinglili Basically, they are all girls. Not to mention the experience of close contact with boys, holding hands is probably a difficult task that she has not yet mastered.

Originally, Qin Chuan wanted to wait at school tomorrow after Yinglili brought the manuscript. , he told Yinglili about this issue again.

However, considering that Yinglili seemed to be on the verge of deadline now, it was better to tell her earlier so that she could have more time in case she wanted to revise it.

So Qin Chuan expressed his opinion I sent it to Yinglili and got a reply from Yinglili very quickly:

“Why do you know the look on women’s faces when they do that kind of thing!〃‖ ?”

Although it was just words, Qin Chuan could almost imagine Ying Lili’s blushing face.

Although Eiriri behaves like a noble but kind-hearted young lady at school, she actually breaks her guard easily.

And the easiest thing for her to break her defense is the content related to the book, so Qin Chuan’s every word can make Yinglili become a little anxious.

“Of course because I’ve seen it, are you interested?”

Qin Chuan replied with a smile. For the purpose of teasing Ying Lili, he also asked

“We might see you again tonight. Do you want to come and observe?”

He is going to treat Irisviel tonight, so this is correct. As for inviting Yinglili to observe, he mainly just wants to see Yinglili’s reaction.

However, the message he sent shows”Read”After that, Qin Chuan saw a reply from Ying Lili that made him somewhat unexpected:




“Yinglili, it’s so late, where are you going?”

Sayuri Sawamura saw Eiriri packing her things and seemed to be going out, and she was suddenly curious.

As a home girl, Eiriri rarely goes out at night.

What’s more, Eiriri still has a sketch – although the draft has been The drawing is finished, but there is still the process of outlining and shading to be done.

“……Went to do some shopping and made an appointment with a friend.”

Yinglili’s expression was a little unnatural, but she still managed to show that there was nothing wrong with her.

Anyway, she had just finished dinner, and it was still some distance from the access control time for ordinary neon families. It was not strange to go out by herself. Bar


Sayuri Sawamura keenly felt that there was something wrong with Eiriri’s expression, but she couldn’t say what was wrong.

She knew that although Eiriri seemed to have rich theoretical knowledge because of the drawing book, she actually had no contact with boys at all.

So she There was no doubt that Yinglili had a bad relationship with a boy, and she just thought that she had a little secret with her friend.

However, after Yinglili left the house, her face immediately changed, and she patted herself in annoyance. cheeks, as if trying to wake herself up:

“.ˇ Yinglili, Yinglili, how could you so blindly agree to that guy’s proposal?”

Yes, when Ying Lili saw Qin Chuan’s proposal, her first thought was indeed to refuse, but for some reason, when she came to her senses, she had already asked Qin Chuan’s home address.

Then she thought She has already asked, so why not go and observe… She does often see people on the Internet saying that the female characters in their comics have unnatural expressions when doing that kind of thing.

But because she reads the book Most of them are otakus with little experience, so this kind of comments are only a minority. Yinglili has never paid much attention to it.

But Qin Chuan’s words today made her really understand that the expression of the female character she drew, maybe It was indeed not real enough – after all, she didn’t know what a girl would do when she felt extremely comfortable.

For this reason, Yinglili accepted Qin Chuan’s proposal almost instinctively, and then she didn’t realize what she had done until now What a bold thing.

She and Qin Chuan just met today. How could she have the nerve to do such a thing? Isn’t this a sheep in a tiger’s mouth?

But they have already walked out of the house, and now they are returning home in despair. Ying Lili feels a little embarrassed..

Yinglili has some good face, even in front of her mother.

So after struggling for a while, Yinglili simply walked towards the address Qinchuan sent, preparing to see what Qinchuan said”observation” What exactly was she observing?

If something bad really happened, she could just run away.

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