In the town under the snowy mountains, the architecture of the streets on both sides is similar to the Sakurazaka town where he and Toka visited, but it is far purer than there, the women here wear kimono as casual clothes, you can rarely see regular clothes similar to the ghost slayer butterfly house, and the most lively shops on the street are shops selling carbon, and there are many people queuing at the door.

Jiang Qi walking on the street is the most eye-catching, it seems that the magic robe made of high-quality fabric is quite novel to them, but it can only be regarded as a special proclivity of rich people, and many shops greet Jiang Qi when he passes by, just to let this lord of not bad money come in.

Jiang Qi walked aimlessly on the street, secretly regretting in his heart, he should have let his senior brother show the way, and it was okay to follow him for a while.

Now that he is penniless, he can’t take out a single steel jump, he must not suffer hunger along the way, and he can’t let Jiang Qi go to do odd jobs for others to make money.

Although the current Jiang Qi’s demand for food has been reduced to a minimum through the activation of dragon blood, it does not mean that Jiang Qi has to give up the good habit of three meals a day, and the priority is to find an unjust boss to rob the rich and help the poor.

Winter nights fall much earlier than in summer, and it takes less than an hour to descend the mountain, and it gets dark early.

Lanterns were also hung in front of the shops on the side of the road, and the dressers began to bang gongs on the streets.

Jiang Qi couldn’t help but shake his head when he looked at the weather that had completely gloomy, and quickened his pace, he was not afraid that there would be ghosts at night, he was just afraid that if he arrived a little late, the good position of the temple would be occupied.

Jiang Qi’s wandering road is not in vain, there is a deserted temple not far ahead, and travelers who pass by here and do not have enough wallets will choose to go to the temple for one night.

However, according to local elders, when living in the temple, you must not light a fire, let alone emit light and sound, you must close the doors and windows, and you must not go out, otherwise you will be eaten by ghosts.

However, Jiang Qi is not afraid of these things, what the hell is not a ghost, not to mention that he is a staunch materialist fighter, but also a communist successor, and even if he comes without misery, he must first eat his own super magic.

Although the ghost has the ability to heal itself, it cannot be killed without the Nikki knife, but Jiang Qi can completely beat him to not a single molecule, what he takes to heal himself with me, let alone what blood ghost art, Jiang Qi can’t see one, he can simply push the twelve ghost moons with the gundam.

As Jiang Qi’s footsteps accelerated, a tall temple also appeared in Jiang Qi’s field of vision.

The bright red bricks have become a little dull due to the erosion of the years, and the tile bricks in many places have also fallen, but the huge scale all shows the former glory of this place.

There was a faint light in the room in the main courtyard of the temple, but there was no sound of speaking inside, only the light flickering from time to time.

Looking at the fire in the house, Jiang Qi was a little surprised, it seemed that someone still took a step ahead of him, but this person was quite courageous, and actually dared to start a fire, and it was a newborn calf that was not afraid of tigers.

However, he was lucky today, but if a ghost who did not have long eyes came over, he had to let the little ghost know how many eyes Ma Wang Ye had today.

As Jiang Qi pushed open the door of the temple, the figure in the room also made Jiang Qi laugh.

Oh, isn’t this a master brother?

There is a bonfire burning in the center of the room, Tomioka Yoshiyuki is sitting cross-legged on a straw mat on the side, and in his hand is the book “High Emotional Intelligence Chat Technique” that Jiang Qi left him not long ago, Tomioka Yoshiyuki is extremely fascinated to read, and occasionally noddes when turning pages.

As Jiang Qi pushed open the door and let out a burst of laughter, Tomioka Yoshiyuki came back from the ocean of knowledge, just pretended to be nothing and stuffed the book back into his clothes, and looked at Jiang Qi who pushed the door in, did not get up, but asked lightly.

“Why are you here? Now…… The weather is so nice tonight.

Jiang Qi subconsciously looked back at the bad weather that was still drifting with goose feathers and heavy snow and nodded: “It is indeed a good weather.”

“It seems that we still have a fate, one birth, two acquaintances, are we also good brothers.”

Jiang Qi had a kind smile on his face, and he looked familiar with Yiyong and hooked up, if he let the uninformed people see it, they would really think that they were good brothers.

“What are you going to do?” Tomioka Yoshiyuki’s eyes fell on Jiang Qi’s hand on his shoulder, and his mind couldn’t help but recall the scene when Jiang Qi pinched his finger.

What a monster with terrifying strength, if such a person joins the Ghost Killing Team… Then the road to eradicating the Twelve Ghost Moon will also become easier.

Or rather… It can be eliminated without misery.

“I don’t have the habit of bringing cash when I go out, so I’m a little tight now, I don’t want to borrow a little from you, after all, we have this relationship, good brother.”

Jiang Qi patted Tomioka Yoshiyuki’s back, and the expression on his face was sincere and friendly.

He didn’t mean to cheat Tomioka Yoshiyuki, he really didn’t have the habit of bringing cash, and now he has begun to miss the guy a little, think about the helicopter opening the way, directly buying the island of the arrogant hand, it is simply the gap between heaven and hell.

“Oh…” Tomioka Yoshiyuki nodded, and then stretched out his hand to rummage in his clothes, and after rummaging, he could only raise his head and look at Jiang Qi and slowly shake his head: “No.”

“No, no, you ghost killer team doesn’t pay salaries?” Do you go out without a coil on a column? Jiang Qi was a little unbelievable, how to say that Tomioka Yoshiyuki is also a pillar, and besides, Shiki Yaoya’s family has a big business, and it is impossible to default on wages.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki just shook his head faintly, took the book out of his arms and continued to look at it: “It’s given, but it’s over.” ”

Knock knock!”

Before Jiang Qi could complain about Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, the door of the temple made a rapid knock, and the knock was very hard, and the door of the temple trembled a little.

Jiang Qi forced down the helplessness in his heart, took a deep breath, and when he pushed open the door, he saw a little girl standing outside the house.

The little girl was about 7 or 8 years old, and the clothes on her body were a little wide, looking like the clothes worn by teenagers, and she shivered a little in the cold wind.

“Brother… I’m a little hungry, can you let me eat you? The little girl’s voice was a little timid, her black pupils turned blood-red, and the corners of her mouth pulled out a cruel smile that did not fit this age.

Jiang Qi pushed the door of the room completely open, feeling the cold wind blowing outside the room and sighing.

“Little sister, my brother’s moral bottom line is very flexible, I can still let you go now.”

The little girl just let out a sharp laugh, and her eyes looked at Tomioka Yoshiyuki sitting on the straw mat and licked the corners of her lips.

“It seems that it is better to buy one and get one free.”


Plus more offered, I have already felt everyone’s enthusiasm, thank you to the family who support me, don’t say anything, and then go to the next chapter.

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