Chapter 292: The ghost in the wheelchair, panicking!

“No matter, just pretend not to see it anyway!”

Yitani Miko couldn’t hold it in anymore, so she gritted her teeth and walked out of the ward.

Outside the ward, the corridor without lights was dark. In the depths of the darkness, there seemed to be something hiding somewhere, waiting for Yotsuya Miko to walk in., and then swallowed Yotsugamiko directly


Looking at the deep corridor, Yotsuya Miko stood at the door of the ward and swallowed, with a look of fear on her face.

“It’s so dark, why don’t we just forget it and deal with it in the ward?….”

Yotsuya Miko retreated in her heart. Thinking this, Yotsuya Miko turned around and as soon as she entered the ward, she saw the old man lying on the bed in the ward.

The grandfather’s name is Sasaki. I heard from the doctor that Mr. Sasaki was hospitalized because of a worsening heart disease. It has been a day or two since he came to the hospital. Yotsuya Miko has not seen any of the grandfather’s family members to visit him, let alone accompany him., maybe because the grandfather’s children are busy with their own affairs.

Seeing the old grandfather, Yotsuya Miko did not hesitate and turned around and walked out of the ward.

“Toilet. I remember the toilet is on the left….”

After walking out of the ward, Yotsuya Miko walked quickly towards the toilet. As she walked, she came to a corner. After thinking for a while, Yotsuya Miko changed her mind to go to the left.

But just as she walked past the intersection and saw the toilet not far from the end of the corridor, something suddenly poked out from the opposite corner.

Seeing this, Yotsuya Mitsuko was stunned. That thing looked like a wheelchair. He probably came out to use the toilet at night, too.

Seeing this in his mind, Jianzi lowered his guard and continued to move forward. But just a few steps after Jianzi walked out, he suddenly reacted. mad! Which patient who needs a wheelchair runs out of the ward to use the toilet in the middle of the night?!

Suddenly, Yotsuya Miko’s mind flashed back to what the hospital nurse told her when she was changing her dressing today. It is said that every night in this hospital, the sound of wheelchairs can be heard in the corridor, which is as weird as it sounds.

But Yotsugamiko had never encountered a ghost pushing a wheelchair. She was also staying in the hospital last night, but she did not hear the sound of a wheelchair in the corridor.

What’s more, Bai Ye had told her before that ghosts relied on instinct to act. At night, this ghost didn’t go looking for people who could see it to eat. Instead, it was pushed in the corridor. Wheelchair, this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

But if that ghost didn’t exist, what was he encountering now?

She pursed her lips, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on Yotsuya’s forehead.

“Ah, I remember the toilet is on the right. I went to the wrong place. Yotsuya

Miko said, turned around and wanted to go back to the ward.


At this moment, the sound of a wheelchair being pushed suddenly came from behind Yotsugamiko. Yotsuya Miko was so frightened that she quickly hid behind the transfer.

After swallowing, Yotsuya Miko plucked up the courage and turned his head to see what the wheelchair was.

But as soon as she stuck her head out, she saw a huge figure pushing a small wheelchair that was extremely inconsistent with her body.

The huge figure was like a jellyfish, with several tentacles hanging down from its body, and supporting such a huge body were a pair of

thin pole legs like SpongeBob’s short legs.

There was no eye on this ghost’s head, just a big mouth with huge teeth that looked like a smile. Seeing this scene, Yotsuya Miko’s face showed fear. It’s true that ghosts in wheelchairs really do exist!

Yotsuya Miko felt extremely lucky at this moment, thanks to the fact that she didn’t shout out and ask where the ghost in the wheelchair was. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be exposed that she could see it?

I don’t know if it was a blessing in misfortune. As soon as I walked out of the ward, I met an extremely scary ghost around the corner. It was the dog’s bad luck, but luckily the ghost didn’t notice her and picked her up from the ghost. A small life is not bad.

Just when Yotsuya Miko was thinking this, the sound of the wheelchair came again:”诱课豱辘”…”

The sound sounded farther and farther away, and it looked like the wheelchair ghost had left.

Hearing the wheelchair ghost go away, Yotsuya Miko breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly, there was a feeling of swelling in her lower abdomen.

Yotsuya Miko, who was already in a hurry to urinate, was suddenly frightened by the wheelchair ghost, and her desire to be released was almost unbearable. But there is that wheelchair ghost in the direction of the toilet! Yotsuya Miko was very timid now. She didn’t dare to go to the toilet now, but now she could hardly hold it in anymore. After hesitating for a moment, Yotsuya Miko poked her head out, wanting to see if the ghost had really gone away. As soon as he stuck his head out, Mianzi saw a dark figure blocking his face.

Seeing this, Yotsuya Miko was stunned.

Done! Done! Done! I’m going to die this time!

Yotsuya Miko was very clear that what was standing in front of her now was the ghost who just pushed the wheelchair. After all, she could now see the wheelchair pushed in front of her.

But just now she clearly heard the ghost pushing the wheelchair away! Why did you suddenly appear here? And no sound was made at all.

No, now is not the time to think about this. What she wants to think about now is how to escape from this ghost!

“Ah, the toilet should be over here. Hurry up, I can’t hold it in anymore!”

Yotsuya Miko pretended not to know the way. As she spoke, she walked out of the corner, bypassing the ghost as if by accident, and then walked towards the toilet.

The ghost had a big mouth and was dripping with laughter. Looking at Yotsuya Miko who was passing by him casually, he tilted his head and didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Gudong, he probably didn’t catch up.”

Yitani Miko swallowed again, thinking secretly in her heart.

She didn’t hear any sound behind her, but she remembered that the ghost just now appeared near her without making any sound, so now Yotsuya Miko is not Maybe you believe your ears.

Feeling in the dark, Yotsuya Miko headed towards the toilet.

At this moment, the sound of a wheelchair suddenly appeared behind Mitani, and then, the wheelchair ghost pushed the wheelchair and suddenly jumped from Mitani’s body. He ran past and then disappeared around the corner.

Seeing the strange behavior of the wheelchair ghost, Mitani was a little confused, so he ran away?

Although he didn’t understand why the wheelchair ghost did this, but when he saw the wheelchair ghost leave, Yotsuya Mitani She was happy in her heart. The ghost almost scared her to the point of peeing.

Now that it ran away, it meant that Jianzi was safe.

But the first priority was to go to the toilet. Going to the toilet now was full of twists and turns., I was so suffocated that I almost exploded.

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